
Carlos Santana's Milagro Foundation sends funds to provide birthing kits for Ukrainian Women

Since the beginning of the war in the Ukraine, pregnant women have been forced to deliver their babies prematurely, being shuttled in and out of cold bomb shelters, having babies in basements without running water, electricity or even a midwife to help. The Milagro Foundation funded Well Born, an organization that is responding to the need for safer birthing experiences by providing birthing kits for women who cannot access safe facilities and respectful care at the time of childbirth.
The photos in this newsletter show the Midwife team in Warsaw, Poland, who are volunteering to pack the birthing kits that will be sent to Odessa, Ukraine shortly. The team at Well Born is working closely with the Ukrainian medical professionals to identify the greatest needs and target their efforts. 

In Unity and Peace,
The Milagro Foundation

photo credit:
Shelley Brown
Ruthie Moutafian