Dog's Day Event Cancelled
Thank you to those who have donated items, volunteered their time, and offered help in numerous ways for our Dog's Day event. However, due to the expected rain the Dog's Day event scheduled for tomorrow, September 8, has been cancelled. We will still be raffling the baskets and selling the t-shirts as a fundraiser and will put out more information as it is organized.
Please stay tuned for more!
Thank you all for the support for Buffy and our Autism Behavior Unit!
Milford High School Students Mentoring Young Minds
Hope Squad Coming to Milford High School
Milford Schools, in partnership with Greater Cincinnati's Grant Us Hope, is proud to bring Hope Squad to students at Milford High School this school year. Milford is one of more than 20 schools in the Greater Cincinnati region to implement this national school-based peer-to-peer suicide prevention program. The program is designed to empower students to be the eyes and ears of a school as they watch out for students in distress.
Hope Squad members are students nominated by their peers who are then trained to identify at-risk students, provide friendship, and seek help from an adult when needed. On September 5, Milford High School students were asked to identify peers whom they consider trustworthy. The Hope Squad co-advisors will review this data and identify 8-10 students per grade level as potential Hope Squad members.
The Hope Squad at Milford High School will be supported by trained staff members. They are: NGC Associate Principal, Adam Reed; Comprehensive Mental Health Specialist, Will Cates; NGC counselor, Mary Beth Corbin; and MHS teacher, Kevin Metzger. Hope Squad provides these program advisors with a detailed curriculum that guides education and training of their student representatives. The program also builds in a data and evaluation plan that allows schools to monitor outcomes and adjust accordingly.
Background Checks Via Raptor
For the safety of Milford students, all volunteers/chaperones working directly with children and not under the direct supervision of a Milford staff person, are required to have a background check. One option is a BCI background check, which costs $40 and is conducted at the volunteer's expense. A BCI check is valid for five years. The district has found a second, more affordable option. Those interested in volunteering can now complete the required background check through our Raptor system for $25. This background check is also valid for five years.
Completing Your Raptor Background Check
The Raptor system will list a variety of volunteer opportunities that require a background check: chaperone/field trip, classroom helper, club advisor, office helper, library helper, and/or mentor. Please indicate which of these volunteer activities you will be involved in on this online form.
Simply complete and submit a volunteer application and upon approval, you will receive instructions on the next steps. The $25 application fee to complete the background check is payable online.
Volunteers will receive an email from Raptor Tech once the application has been approved. Applications may take up to 72 hours to be processed.
It is important that the information you enter on the application matches your government-issued identification card including your full legal name.
All information collected on the application will remain confidential and not be shared outside the volunteer program.
Please contact your building principal if you have any questions.
New Outdoor Learning Space for Boyd E. Smith Students
September is Attendance Awareness Month
Four Minutes of Music and Reflection
Last year, Milford Schools piloted the Mindful Music Moments program at Seipelt Elementary. MMM was used just one morning a week. The rest of the week teachers shared MMM, which is four minutes of music and a quiet reflection when children returned to the classroom from recess.
Milford Principal Mrs. Sarah Greb explained, "We were trying to find some way to re-center and re-focus the children and bring them
back to a learning state of mind. This worked out perfectly. We noticed a complete difference in behavior, especially among those who tend to struggle after recess."
The program will now be used in all six of our elementary schools and Milford Preschool this school year.
MJHS Family Engagem
ent Program...
Social Media: Your Child's Digital Tattoo
Social Media: Your Child's Digital Tattoo
September 20, 2018
6:30-8 p.m.
MJHS Media Center
September Community Swim Sessions
The Milford High School pool is open for school district residents to swim for free during community swim sessions.
A waiver of liability must be signed by all swimmers prior to swimming and by a parent or legal guardian for participants under the age of 18. Any participant under the age of 16 must have a parent or legal guardian present to swim.
Remember, you must bring a valid driver's license
or Ohio ID for entry through the high school security system.
Questions? Call Lois Leavens at 513-576-2208.
Click here for the September schedule.
Feed our Flock to Benefit from Volley with a Cause
Milford girls volleyball is hosting its annual Volley for a Cause game, and this year all proceeds will go to Milford's Feed our Flock program.
The volleyball game day is Saturday, September 15, at Milford High School. The Eagles will take on the Little Miami Panthers beginning with the freshman at 10 a.m., JV at 11 a.m., and varsity at noon. Following the high school games, the Junior High teams will also compete. There will be raffle baskets, split the pot, and a bake sale.
Lax Clinic for K-8th Girls
A lacrosse clinic for K-8th grade girls is being hosted by Milford High School girls' lacrosse team September 22-23.
All skill levels and new players are welcome! The clinic will be run by the Milford Varsity/JV coaches and current players.
Flyer Distribution Request
The Board has a policy that allows for the distribution of flyers or materials in the schools. The flyer(s) must be pre-approved by the Superintendent.
Calendar Check
To view a complete calendar with district and individual school events,
click here.
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