February 29, 2024

Tick-Borne Diseases Lead Vector-Borne Cases in Military

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2010-22; Lyme & tick-borne diseases 83% of all cases.

Health.mil (Stidham, R.A., et al.) 01.01.2024, published, “Brief Report: The Four Most Frequently Diagnosed Vector-borne Diseases Among Service Member and Non-Service Member Beneficiaries in the Geographic Combatant Commands, 2010–2022.” Confirmed, probable, and suspect cases of Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF), malaria, and dengue fever were identified in 5,199 service members and non-service member beneficiaries from January 2010 through December 31, 2022. More cases were reported in non-service member beneficiaries (2,918), than in service members (2,343). Read more.

Turnover of CDC Vaccine Advisory Committee Members

(HHS) is filling 8 vacancies on this 15 member panel.

According to Precision Vaccinations News, there will be several new members at the next Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meeting on February 28-29, 2024. (HHS) is filling eight vacancies on this 15 member panel, through an application and nomination process, including a new chairperson. Of the 15 member committee, 14 members are subject matter experts, one is a consumer representative. Read more.

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Lyme Triggering Lupus

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Can be seen in patients with antibiotic resistant Lyme.

Dr. Daniel Cameron has reviewed the article “Lyme Borreliosis as a Trigger for Autoimmune Disease,” in his Lyme Disease Science Blog, “Lyme Disease Triggers Autoimmune Disease – Lupus.” The case report describes a 35-year-old woman who developed pain in the joints of her hand, low-grade fevers, weakness, fatigue, and skin rashes on her hands and trunk following an insect bite. She was diagnosed with Lyme disease (positive by western blot) and treated with a 28-day course of doxycycline. Read more.

Increased Immunosuppression in US Adults

Suspected that COVID 19 may have played a role.

JAMA Network (Martinson, M.L. and Lapham, J.) 02.15.2024, published “Prevalence of Immunosuppression Among US Adults.” In this study, researchers found that immunosuppression in adults has increased in the past 8 years (2013-2021) through self-assessment reporting. The previous national estimate from 2013 was 2.7%, while the 2021 national estimate increased to 6.6%. Authors suggest that COVID 19 may have played a role in this increase. Read more.

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Immune Compromised Mice Susceptible to Bartonellosis

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Immunocompromised Mice more susceptible.

PLOS One (Bullard, R.L., et al.) 02.12.2024, published “A comparison of Bartonella henselae infection in immunocompetent and immunocompromised mice.” In this study, researchers evaluated the impact of Bartonella henselae, the most common species of human infections, in different mouse models.

Findings were that the immune compromised (SCID/Beige) mice were more susceptible to sustained infection than non-immune compromised (Swiss Webster) mice. Authors are hopeful that the immune compromised mice will provide a model for future studies of Bartonella infection, potential therapeutics, and vector dynamics.

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CDC Releases 2022 Lyme Disease Case Numbers

Surveillance for Lyme Disease

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (Kugeler, K.J., et al.) 02.15.2024, published “Surveillance for Lyme Disease After Implementation of a Revised Case Definition — United States, 2022.” This report describes the impact of the revised surveillance case definition in 2022. A total of 62,551 Lyme cases were reported to the CDC in 2022. This number, compared to an annual average of 37,118 cases reported from 2017-2019, was a 69% increase in case numbers. There was a 73% increase in high-incidence jurisdictions and a 10% increase in low-incidence jurisdictions. Read more.

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Risk of Cardiac Lyme when testing for Borrelia burgdorferi

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Cardiac Conduction Disorders linked to Antibodies

Clinical Microbiology and Infection (Tetens, M. M., et al.) 02.02.2024 published, “Risk of cardiac conduction disorders, and pacemaker implantations among individuals tested for serum Borrelia burgdorferi antibodies, a nationwide, matched, population-based cohort study.” The study aimed to investigate the short and long-term risks of atrioventricular block (a cardiac conduction disorder) and other cardiac conduction disorders associated with testing for Borrelia burgdorferi antibodies or Borrelia burgdorferi seropositivity. Read more.

How Safe Are Topical NSAIDs Like Voltaren Gel?

Weigh the risks and benefits of using topical NSAIDs

The People’s Pharmacy on 02.04.2024, published the article “How Safe Are Topical NSAIDs Like Voltaren Gel?” When the FDA approved topical NSAIDs like Voltaren Gel, it was initially seen as a safer alternative for localized pain relief in conditions like arthritis and is supposed to be a safer alternative to oral NSAIDs like ibuprofen and naproxen, which can come with some serious side effects including stomach irritation and bleeding ulcers. Read more.

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HHS: National Public Health Strategy

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Strategy to Prevent & Control Vector-Borne Diseases

In a Health and Human Services press release on 02.06.2024, the HHS Releases the National Public Health Strategy to Prevent and Control Vector-Borne Diseases in People. The Strategy incorporates recommendations from the now sunset Working Group. The strategy aims to address the growing public health challenges related to diseases spread by vectors such as mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and lice. This strategy was developed over a four-year period involving collaboration among 17 federal departments and agencies, as directed by the 2019 Kay Hagan Tick Act. Read more.

Babesia microti: Vertical Transmission Pregnancy Concerns

Babesia microti infection tested in rats.

Veterinary Sciences (Jasik, K.P., et al.) 01.03.2024, published “Histopathological Aspects of the Influence of Babesia microti on the Placentas of Infected Female Rats.” In this study, researchers assessed the impact of Babesia microti infection on the microscopic structure of placentas in rats. B. microti parasites were detected in both maternal and fetal vessels, and several microscopic changes in cells were observed as a result of parasitic penetration. Read more.

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Equine Lyme

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Testing, treatment, & vaccination for horses.

EquiManagement, Carly Sisson Jan. 31, 2024, published the Disease Du Jour podcast, “Ep. 126: Lyme Disease with Dr. Toby Pinn-Woodcock.” In this podcast, Dr. Pinn-Woodcock, DVM, DACVIM, provides a broad overview of Lyme disease in equines. She explains that although Lyme disease case reports in horses began to emerge in the late 1990s, the knowledge about impacts on horses has grown over the past 20 years. She states that in areas endemic for blacklegged ticks, at least 60% of horses show antibodies for exposure to Borrelia. Read more.

Healing from Lyme Disease Summit: A Week-Long Virtual Journey Toward Wellness and Empowerment

Virtual - June 4th - 10th, 2024

DrTalks is proud to announce the upcoming Healing from Lyme Disease Summit in a significant stride toward combating tick-borne illnesses. This free virtual event, happening from June 4 to 10, 2024, invites individuals affected by these debilitating diseases to embark on a journey of hope and healing. It aims to educate attendees on the various treatment options available beyond the conventional approach.

For more information about the summit and to register, please visit: https://drtalks.com/lyme-summit-2024/


 Advocate Tincup, aka, Lucy Barnes, passed away.



 Go to: https://lymediseaseassociation.org/comments-to-tincups-family/?


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Deadline to send a message is March 15th.

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