Mill Falls News
December 7, 2018
Important Dates
Food Drive for the MFCS Food Pantry

Movie Night!

Chorus Club

Crochet Club

Early Release
Dismissal at 11:15am

Coat Drive Closes

Crochet Club

Read In: Acadia, Zion, Yosemite

Chorus Club

Crochet Club

Early Release
Start of December Break!
School Closes at 11:15am
No AfterCare

School Reopens!

Please CLICK HERE to view Mill Falls public Google Calendar



We gratefully acknowledge the ongoing contributions from the following corporate partners: 







  Lights, Camera...

Looking forward to tonight - our annual  Movie Night! This has become a beloved December tradition for us! It's a great community event that supports our school. Our staff volunteers their time to hang with the children, and the per child fee goes to support our school. 

Tonight we will be showing the Incredibles 2 and serving popcorn donated by longtime supporter Mark Adam at Cinemagic. Students (and their siblings who are 5 years old or older), are invited to come in their PJs (if they wish) and bring pillows and blankets to lounge on while they sit back and enjoy the show! 

Doors open at 6:15pm and the move starts promptly at 6:30pm; pickup is at 8:30pm. It's $5 per kiddo, $12 for families with 3 children. Hope to see your kids there!

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Thank you to MFCS Olsen/Hawkins Family for the donation of a gently used Laptop Computer for the new photocopier in the  Front Office!

Thanks also to the many families who have visiting our  Amazon Wish List and gifted items to Mill Falls! Your generosity is so appreciated. Staff members have been beaming with surprise and gratitude on a near-daily basis, as items small and large seem to magically appear from the list. 

Thanks, too, for the many(!) coat donations we have received thus far for our 2018 Coat Drive which will benefit Families in Transition. The Drive comes to a close on the 13th...if you haven't dropped off a gently used coat, (all sizes, shapes and colors) please consider doing so. You guys are the best!

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Earlier this week MFCS hosted four round table discussions led by a representative of Manchester ProudMembers of Manchester Proud have been hosting listening sessions all over the city with students, families, teachers, as well as district and support staff to hear about what's important to them, the challenges and opportunities they see, and their vision for the city and its schools.  

What is Manchester Proud? Manchester Proud began as an 
ad-hoc gathering of local business and education leaders wanting to better understand Manchester's public schools, and how they might partner with others to create opportunities for the District's improvement. Today, Manchester Proud is well on its way to becoming a community movement, united by pride in Manchester and the group's shared commitment to the success of every student, and therefore our entire community.

We wanted to make sure that the voices of those in our public Montessori school were included in the current data collecting process. In order to do so, we  hosted a series of listening sessions with parents, staff and students, led by Liz Canada who works with Reaching Higher New Hampshire, Manchester Proud's partner in community engagement. Those who participated told us that they really enjoyed the discussions. We are so glad that they were able to represent our Mill Falls Community in this important and innovative initiative.

To learn more about Manchester Proud, and to take their Community Survey, please click here! If you've already taken the survey, please share the link with others who care about NH's largest city! Thank you!

A very engaged reading group working with Ms. Mindy!
 December 11: Photo Retake Day


Tuesday, Dec. 11th
Portrait Retake Day

Sibling Photos: start at 8:15am
Individual Retakes: start at 8:45am

Interested in having your child sit for a retake of this year's school photo? 
Please have him/her return the entire portrait package  to his/her teacher on Tuesday, December 11th, and the photographer will retake the photo. 

Important note:  Please remember to keep your class photo!  We will not be reshooting the full classroom shots.

When will the retakes be distributed to our families? 
Retake packages will be distributed to Mill Falls  approximately 3 to 5 weeks after Retake Day.

Questions about your order or refunds, please contact:
CoffeePond Photography (800) 632-2323, Ext. 0
Or by Email:  Lifeguards@coffeepond.com

  December 12: Early Release

December 12th 
Dismissal will be at 11:15am.  
Please note, we do not have space 
for Drop-in ChildCare this month. 

December Early Release Staff Luncheon

MFCS Parent and Hospitality Committee Coordinator, Hind Bashiergot creative this month when designing the menu. Her goal is to incorporate our students' upcoming all-school European Continent Study and traditions of families from that continent. 

Please take a look at the menu, and consider what you might share.

Please  CLICK HERE  to view the menu and sign up!

If there is a traditional European dish that your family makes, or you just love to cook and would like to share,  email the Front Office 
to let us know what you'll be contributing. Thank you!!

  December 21: Early Release to Start the December Break

December 21st at 11:15am...
the start of December Break!
All-School Dismissal will be at 11:15am.  

Please note, there will be NO Kinder or AfterCare that day. 
The school will close immediately following this early dismissal.

MFCS will close for the December Break from December 21st at 11:15am and reopen on January 3rd!

 McIntyre Ski & Snowboard Club

Want to Sign Up for the
McIntyre Ski & Snowboard Program?

Register online with McIntyre before December 17th  to avoid late fees.  Thank you, James Malone, for volunteering to be our  S ki Club Coordinator two years in a row!

Click here to view the Kindergarten Session Flyer.
Click here to view the 1st-6th Year Flyer.

**Please note: We will need chaperones for all Ski & Snowboard Club dates. Please  contact the front desk if you are interested. **

 Brain Buster

Brain Buster for the week of
December 3rd

Question:  Ms. Meryl rides her bike for 55 minutes each day. If she starts riding at 6:15am, what time does she finish riding each day?

Winner:  Cooper / Glacier Room / 3rd Year

 Amazon Wishlist


WishListMill Falls Staff have compiled an  Amazon "Wish List" of items they could use around school! 
The "MFCS Wish List" can be found by clicking here !

When making your Amazon purchases, 
make sure it's through Amazon Smile so you can  donate to Mill Falls Foundation while you shop.

 Community Corner

NH Winter Farmers Markets

It's cold out there, but guess what, there are still some Winter Farmers Market in our state!  Find fresh produce, meats and many other local products throughout the coldest months at one of the many winter farmers markets happening around the state. Click here to review the list we received this week from NH Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food. 
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Enjoy an incredible performance by young dancers as they bring The Nutcracker  to life at the Dana Center at St. Anselm College. See some old Mill Falls friends, as well as Ms. Kathleen's daughter in this beloved annual production performed by members of Ballet Misha. Performances: Saturday, December 15th at 7pm and Sunday December 16th at 11am & 3pm. For more information, please visit www.balletmisha.com .
Montessori Moments...

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Below: After weeks and weeks spent organizing our Library, MFCS Librarian Jody Wilhelm began working with students. We are thrilled to kick off this new program and welcome Jody to the team!

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Below: Our Kinder Students hard at work decorating the walls of a Kinder-sized Gingerbread House.
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Below: Upper Elementary Students entirely focused on their creations in Art Class today - Pinch Pots!

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Hope to see your kiddo(s) tonight at 
Movie Night!
Doors open at 6:15pm;  Movie starts promptly at 6:30pm; 
 Pickup at 8:30pm.