Miller & Tischler, P.C. 

28470 W. 13 Mile Rd. Ste. 300
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
(248) 945-1040


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No-Fault News


September 2019  

 MI Auto Insurance Promise Rally 

By Wayne J. Miller
We are now just  one week away from the MI Auto Insurance Promise Rally, which is being held on Wednesday, September 25th in Lansing.  Miller & Tischler will be there and we urge all of our friends to join us.  A strong showing is a critical step to tell the Legislature that fixing the so-called No-Fault fix is an important issue.  The Legislature will have a lot on its plate this fall, including the budget and roads funding. We need to fill the Capitol grounds to make it clear that their job is not yet done when it comes to auto insurance. We need you to be there!  Come march with us from the Lansing Center to the Capitol steps on September 25! 
Register here:
Take a moment and visit the MI Auto Insurance Promise website at:

About Our Law Firm


Miller & Tischler, P.C.,  represents survivors of catastrophic brain and spinal injuries, their families and their professional service providers who are having difficulty pursuing their entitlement to receive No-Fault benefits for injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents.  We help our clients understand how their No-Fault insurance may coordinate with other kinds of insurances they have whether it be private health insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, Workers' Compensation, or Veterans benefits. We assist our clients in learning about and obtaining all of the benefits to which they are entitled, whether they be individuals or service providers.  We also represent our clients with their auto negligence and wrongful death claims.  In other words, we are a full service auto No-Fault law firm. 


Let Us Help You.
