2018 MFF monthly newsletter
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Dear Friends,

Our newsletter includes an article written by Adam expressing the fact it is too risky for the Jewish people to be risk averse, and the need to fight antisemitism head on, featured in the Jerusalem Post .

Watch a video of Adam speaking to 8th grade students before they embark on their journey to Israel, about how they should feel proud to be Jew ish, and how to stand up in the face of the ever-present threat: antisemitism. And if you're in Los Angeles December 9, don't miss the annual StandWithUs Festival of Lights gala.

Also read an article highlighting the similarities between radical groups on the Left and the Right and the threat they pose to the Jewish community and the state of Israel. And finally, our featured partner organization is Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli research institute that studies Palestinian society from a broad range of perspectives by monitoring and analyzing the Palestinian Authority through its media and schoolbooks. 

With sincere love and admiration for Israel and the Jewish people,
Gila and Adam Milstein
Antisemites Seek to Destroy Us
Jews no longer have to be afraid and passive. We shouldn’t stay beneath the radar to maintain our pristine and nice reputation. We have Israel and we must be proactive and fight antisemitism head on.

Jewish Pride and Courage at Heschel Day School
Adam Milstein spoke to students at Heschel Day School in Los Angeles on October 3 before the students went on a trip to the Jewish State.

This inspirational talk explains how the Jewish people’s strength lies in our pride and courage. Watch Adam’s presentation to hear: what does it mean to have Jewish pride? Why should we as Jews be proud? What makes the Jewish people so unique?

“It isn’t an accident that we have so many smart people within our community. It happened because our history, our traditions, and our values have given us strength, wisdom and pride. and led us to success—and will lead you to success.”

Click the link above for a 40-minute video you won’t forget!
StandWithUs' Festival of Lights Gala
The annual StandWithUs Festival of Lights Gala highlights StandWithUs’ efforts to support Israel worldwide, honoring members and supporters as well as commemorating the organization’s growth over the past year.

To register online, click  HERE.

If you have any questions, please email
Erinn Alcabes at  [email protected]
From Auschwitz to Pittsburgh — How Do We Respond to Rising Antisemitism?
A growing alliance between radical leftists and radical Islamists has produced figures like Jeremy Corbyn, the head of the British Labour Party, who ignores and even espouses vile antisemitism.

This alliance has driven the rise of figures on the radical Right in Germany, Poland, Italy, Estonia and elsewhere, who are committed to denying the Holocaust, and trade in antisemitic stereotypes. The same alliance is definitely one of the reasons to the rise of the radical right in America.

Featured Organization: Palestinian Media Watch
PMW   is the critical force known internationally for in-depth research exposing the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) policies and ideologies that are the fundamental obstacles to peace.

With support from The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation, PMW’s team of analysts monitors and translates PA-run media and schoolbooks to expose the activities, policies and messaging that promote hate and terror against the Jewish state and the Jewish people among Palestinian children. PMW has fundamentally changed the way the world views the PA by exposing the PA’s practice of naming schools, sporting events and public spaces after terrorists; defining murderers of children as heroes; of disseminating pro-genocide antisemitic writing; of paying high salaries to terrorist prisoners; and of promising a future world without Israel, the global safe haven for Jews.
PMW’s findings are used regularly by the Israeli government, U.S. Congress, parliaments, and NGOs, and has lead to critical legislation, robust parliamentary debates, and key policy changes. Numerous countries have cut, limited or redirected funding of the PA due to PMW’s reports, including the U.S., Britain, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, and Australia. 

Sign up for PMW updates at PMW’s website . Subscribe and “Like” us on Facebook , Twitter and YouTube .
The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation is proud to sponsor this impactful organization.
The Mission of  The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation  ("MFF") is to strengthen the State of Israel, the homeland of the Jewish People, and its special ties with the United States of America; and to ensure the special affinity to the State of Israel of the young and future Jewish generations.