News & Updates from
the Milton Historical Society
Telling Milton's Story
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Included in this issue:
- Shindig Invitation
- Scripture Cake Decoded and Rescued Recipes
- History of the Cottage at St. Aidan's Episcopal Church
- Hallowe'ens of Yesteryear
- A Lifelong Love of History: meet Board member Mary Cronk
- Local Literary Events and History Book Club Picks
- And more!
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Invitation to the AUTUMN SHINDIG
on September 17 from 4:00 to 7:00 pm
by Jeff Dufresne, President
Photo credit: Leslie Watson
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Autumn is a season for collecting the crops and celebrating the plentiful gifts our garden has brought to us.
On Sunday afternoon, September 17, the Milton Historical Society will host the annual Autumn Shindig to celebrate our historic preservation accomplishments as well as to observe an important date in our nation’s history.
This family-friendly event will be held again at Wildberry Creek Farm which is a beautiful 48-acre Black Angus cattle farm owned by Byron and Laura Foster.
This year’s Shindig will feature fun social activities and information reflective of our area’s past. There will be historical exhibits, antique cars, door prizes and plenty of activities for kids including hayrides, corn hole, and Georgia archaeology sessions titled “Hands on History”. A pop-up bookstore will feature local authors and book signings by Kate Sent, Rona Simmons and Kathy Duffy and will have books for sale by George Weinstein and Kimberly Brock. A limited supply of a book by Aubrey Morris entitled “The Haygoods of Mars Hill” will be for sale.
Musical entertainment will include Bill Long’s acoustic bluegrass band “The Heard” who will provide a blend of bluegrass, country, folk, gospel, original, and rock tunes. Clay Gridley’s “Six Bridges Brewing & Craft Spirits” will provide the local libations. Dinner and dessert prepared by 'Cue Barbecue will be included in the $30 price of admission (kids 12 and under are free). An ice cream truck from Best Ice Cream on Wheels will also sell a wide range of ice cream favorites.
The date of this year’s Shindig - September 17 - coincides with national Constitution Day. Accordingly, we are excited about honoring the occasion by having the Piedmont and Robert Forsyth Chapters of the Sons of the American Revolution color guards salute the founding of our country. Almost 236 years ago, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia and ratified our new country’s Constitution on September 17, 1787. This document is the cornerstone of our government and the foundation for our way of life today.
Hope you can join us for the 2023 Autumn Shindig. Space is limited so RSVP today!
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Scripture Cake Mystery Decoded! | |
Society Patron Amy Christiansen did a masterful job using a Bible to decode the Scripture Cake recipe. She had fun with this puzzle and won a small (but historic) prize: Historic Homes of Milton, Georgia notecards. If any of our readers tries out the translation, please send a photo of the results! Amy's winning email:
"Hi all,
This was a super fun brain teaser, thank you for including it in this month's newsletter!
Here's my translation:
1 cup butter
2 cups cane sugar with some dashes of cinnamon
3 1/2 cups flour
2 cups chopped figs and raisins
1 cup honey spiced pistachios and almonds
1 cup water
6 eggs
3 tablespoons baking powder
3 teaspoons yeast
A pinch or two of salt
Beat ingredients together. Bake at 350 degrees. May add salt and spices to taste.
I really argued with myself about whether it should be 1 cup of whole milk, buttermilk, or butter. I figured 2 cups of cinnamon sugar might be overload on cinnamon, so I changed it to dashes of cinnamon. Manna can actually still be found, but you have to go to Sicily so I decided today's equivalent would be baking powder, although not a true substitute. I've spun circles with what enough 1 Kings 12:2 would mean for the cake. I'm going to go with "use the cake to glorify God, spread the news."
Enjoyed this a lot, thanks!
Amy Christiansen"
The original recipe is reprinted here to show the challenge our readers tackled! (Recipe is from the Crabapple Collections cookbook compiled by Mrs. Pat Statham and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Kay Statham.)
Scripture Cake
1 cup Judges 5:25 last clause
2 cups Jeremiah 6:20
3 1/2 cups 1 Kings 4:22 first clause
2 cups 1 Samuel 30:12 chopped
1 cup Genesis 43:11
1 cup Genesis 24:20
6 Isaiah 10:14
1 large iron spoon Exodus 16:31 (3 Tablespoons)
3 teaspoons Matthew 16:6
- a pinch or two Leviticus 2:13
- enough 1 Kings 12:2
Follow Proverbs 23:14 to make a good cake. Bake at 350 degrees F. May add salt and spices to suit taste.
| Scroll down to see more favorite family recipes from Pat Statham. | |
Meet New Board Member: Mary Cronk
In her own words...
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I remember the first time I really became interested in history – way back in 3rd grade. I had just finished reading Stuart Little, and I was looking for a new library book because back then (and now, actually) I always had to have a book to read. I must have been on a mouse kick because I found a children’s chapter book called Ben and Me: An Astonishing Life of Benjamin Franklin By His Good Mouse Amos. The book’s cover showed Ben Franklin and a cute white mouse with a quill in his paw standing on top of Franklin’s fur cap, and my interest was piqued.
The book, written in the voice of Amos, Franklin’s faithful mouse companion, very cleverly described how although Ben Franklin was a very smart person, it was really Amos who did most of the inventing, writing, philanthropy, and diplomacy that has been attributed to Franklin.
The book did just what it was supposed to do – get me hooked on history and excited to learn more about Ben Franklin and the American Revolution. Growing up in central New Jersey, battles were fought all through where I lived, and I was eager to learn more about what had happened underneath my feet. I stood on the banks where George Washington crossed the Delaware River on Christmas night in 1776 and saw where the boats were stored for that successful surprise attack on the Hessians in Trenton, a battle that boosted the morale of the colonists. At Princeton University, with tiny tears in my eyes, I witnessed what the docent said were bullet holes in the exterior wall of the library where shots were fired during the Battle of Princeton – although I have never seen anything since then to substantiate that claim! To this day, the American Revolution is my favorite period of history, and anyone unfortunate enough to be at our house on July 4th (typically my long-suffering husband) has the dubious privilege of watching 1776, the musical, while listening to my off-key but very exuberant voice singing along with Ben Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Harry “Light Horse” Lee and the rest of the revolutionary gang.
My husband Gregg and I love to travel. I’ve come to realize that a love of history is a wonderful companion that travels with you wherever you go, allowing you to be inquisitive and curious, imaging how life must have been and marveling at what people accomplished without modern technology. No matter if those travels are in foreign countries with thousands of years of history, or in our own backyards, the pursuit of history is an extremely worthwhile, entertaining, and enlightening way to spend time.
Mary Cronk
Mary serves as Membership chair for the Society.
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From the Archives:
History of the Darracott-Wallice House
13560 Cogburn Road, Milton, Georgia
by Archive volunteer Hazel Gerber
Darracott family photos courtesy of Rebecca Byrd
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The house in the early 1900s | | |
Editor's note: Ms. Gerber, a member of St. Aidan's Episcopal Church, has shared her extensive research project on the cottage at St. Aidan's.
The Land: The land on which the house at 13560 Cogburn Road sits was once part of the Cherokee Nation, that vast tract of land which stretched within Georgia from the borders of Alabama and Tennessee to the city of Alpharetta.
In 1831 the last of the Cherokee Nation was removed from the land in what is known as the Trail of Tears, and Cherokee County was created.
In 1832, the Georgia General Assembly acknowledged that so large a tract of land for one county was unwieldy and, therefore, split the area into ten smaller counties. The county where our house is located retained the name of Cherokee County.
In 1857, the Georgia General Assembly created the new county of Milton. Chartered on March 23, 1858, Milton County eventually gained land from Cherokee, DeKalb, Gwinnett, and Forsyth Counties.
The first known transfer of title is from James G. Bowan to Jesse Webb on July 28, 1880. This consisted of 120 acres which included the subject land. The price was $700, indicating a per acre price of $5.83/acre. Jesse and Sophrona Webb owned the property until December 24, 1907, when they sold 113 acres, including the subject, for $2,100, or $18.58/acre.
During the great depression of 1929, Milton County suffered economically to the point of bankruptcy and requested that Fulton County absorb it. Thus, Milton County became part of Fulton County in 1932.
The House: According to the Fulton County Tax Assessor, the house was constructed circa 1900. The exact year is unknown. Historical information was lost when Milton County was incorporated into Fulton County.
In August 1936 M. F. Brown purchased the property from Joda H. Haney for $1,000. In January 1937, M. F. Brown borrowed $1,250 from Frank Hall using the subject as collateral. The term of the loan was ten months at 8% interest.
In 1943, D. H. Strickland purchased the property from M. F. Brown for $1,500. Two years later in 1945, D. H. Strickland sold it for $2,200 and realized a gross profit of $700, not a bad investment for the time!
Mr. Strickland sold the property to J. H. Darracott who, along with his wife, Ruby, renovated the then decrepit house, adding an additional room and bathroom. The Darracotts gave the house a second life by making it into a home which they shared with their children and grandchildren. In 1995, the Darracott family sold the house and land to St. Aidan’s Church of Alpharetta.
St. Aidan’s Ownership: St Aidan’s completely renovated the house a second time. (See the Appen article below describing the renovations and members’ efforts.) As the article describes, the renovations included a new roof, exterior siding, flooring, windows, insulation, and painting. A parishioner, Eric Evans, extensively renovated the kitchen and added a patio. Another parishioner, Curtis Mills, donated significantly towards the renovations. Mr. Mills made the contribution in memory of his good friend, John Wallice, who was killed in the 2001 bombing of the World Trade Center. Thus began the third life of this old house.
Immediately after purchase, the church used the house as offices. In subsequent years, the men's group gathered there for their weekly meetings. Especially important to the church was the use of the house by the youth group. The young people, mostly teenagers, considered the house to be their personal space. An old barn was located on the site. The church used it for a nativity scene one year prior to its demolition.
In time, the church built a sanctuary, new offices, a social hall, adult classrooms and a pre-school. The house became of less and less importance to the functioning of the church. However, many parishioners hold a special place in their hearts for the house even to this day. And, of course, it remains a memorial to John Wallice in remembrance of “September Eleven.”
The Future: So, we come to the present with an eye to the future. Plans are under way by Curtis Mills to relocate and repurpose the house. Local preservationists are hopeful that there will be a fourth life for this old house. Quite a history for what started out as such a humble structure!
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Darracott family in front of the house c 1952 | |
Scroll down to discover the monumental effort put forth by members of St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church to restore the old cottage on the Cogburn Road church property. Reported in Appen Media in 2009. | |
Hallowe'ens of Yesteryear
by Ruth Friend Messerschmidt
Writers Workshop V
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Milton resident and Society volunteer Gena Brown recently shared a family treasure, reprinted here. Her great-grandmother was a talented and prolific writer. Perhaps it will encourage our good readers to jot down their own early memories for future generations!
"I received a letter today from my cousin, with a typed up record written by my great-grandmother. It describes the Halloween celebrations she and her family used to enjoy during the early 1900s. Our records place this account as pre-1917. I’ve attached it below. It’s from Indiana, so not local to the Milton area, but I figured you would be interested in reading it just as much as I was. My great-grandmother wrote a lot, and we’ve tried to keep her records and type them up to preserve." Gena Brown
Hallowe’en is one of the favorite holidays for kids. But what a contrast between the Hallowe’en fun that kids of yesteryear enjoyed as contrasted with the “cut and dried” celebration that our children enjoy today.
I remember quite well one celebration of my youth. I was about ten years of age and was spending the weekend with my cousins in the little town of Tipton, Ohio. My cousins were all older than I was, but they took me along anyway. Aunt Jennie gave us all sheets to wear as ghostly apparitions. The boys had spent the day making tic-tacs from wooden spools, and what a terrifying noise they made when applied against the windowpanes in the dark evening hours. A goodly supply of cattails had been garnered from nearby creeks. They had been soaking in kerosene to be used as torches that night. There were no street lights, and we headed out along the gravel roads, stumbling along, tripping on the long sheets that wrapped around our ankles. I was shivery with fear and would have gladly turned back, but as no one else wanted to do that, I was forced to tag along.
Our voices were quiet as we crept up to the porches. The boys pressed their wooden spools against the panes and ripped the long cord attached to the spool. Farmers reading their papers jumped to their feet, at hearing the screech of the tic-tac. Before they could reach the door, we were tumbling pell-mell off the steps, screaming in fright. If the torch was dropped in the excitement, no one dared to go back to retrieve it. The distances between the farmhouses were great, and as we had started out at dusk, the night seemed endless. What a relief when even the older boys were willing to return home. Juicy apples and bowls of freshly popped corn seemed a wonderful repast to all of us.
Years later my parents moved to Fort Wayne. Strangely enough, the city really celebrated the Hallowe’en night. Calhoun Street was a huge parade of gaily decorated and costumed young people. Down the street would come all sorts of conveyances. Always, of course, would be a hearse with a ghostly figure rising from a casket at intervals. Parents lined the curbing, with small children tightly clutching their hands, as spooky apparitions, devils in crimson costumes, dancing girls in daring costumes rented from a costume store on South Calhoun Street weeks earlier, all were part of the blocks-long parade.
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Some heavy soaping of windows was about the extent of damages to downtown stores. By nine-thirty, the young people were scattering to dances or parties, and parents of the younger children departed for home, either by bus or cars parked blocks away.
About that time, dances were popular with live bands. At least five were operating in Fort Wayne. There was the ever-popular Trier’s Ball Room on East Washington Street, on the second floor. I can remember dancing there dressed in a rented costume of colonial times. A fancy wig caused an unhappy experience, for the wig was of angel hair. Anyone who used this hair to decorate a Christmas tree will appreciate my dilemma. Particles of this itchy substance fell down my back and shoulders causing me so much pain that I can never forget it!
In addition to Trier’s, another popular dance place was Dance Land which was just west of Calhoun Street. Outside the city limits were Riverview located at the old Robison’s park and Lincolndale located northwest of the city. Busses at the Transfer Corner picked up the young people. There was only one worry, you must get back to the city before twelve o’clock to catch the last streetcar home. Since most boys depended on the family car for conveyance, the busses were always crowded with teenagers. No drinking was the rule, for no liquors were sold at any of the dances.
Home parties were always fun. We played the same games at each one. Bobbing for apples, Post Office, Spin the Bottle to tell fortunes. Home-made doughnuts and fresh cider were easily furnished by the hostess. Sometimes real fortunes were told by a gypsy teller who had used milk to write fortunes; when the paper was held over a smoking lamp in a darkened corner, the writing would magically appear!
I guess the reason that the parties were so successful was because we were all so easily pleased. I am afraid those parties would seem pretty tame to the young people of today.
Ruth Friend Messerschmidt
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Scroll down to see why Second Empire architectural style is the model for the quintessential Haunted House and find out how to make a tic-tac!
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Wreaths Across America:
Updates on a worthy cause - 2023
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This year on December 16th, the Milton Historical Society will join again with the Patriots of Liberty Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) to participate in Wreaths Across America. Due to last year’s generous support from our members (including a substantial gift from an anonymous Milton donor), the Patriots of Liberty Chapter was able to add four new cemeteries for a total of eight in the Milton, Alpharetta, and Johns Creek area, including Providence Baptist Church in Milton.
Wreaths Across America is a national event that takes place on Saturday, December 16th, at 12:00 noon, across the United States by placing wreaths on veterans’ graves. You are all invited to attend. The wreaths are now being sold and the cost is $17 each. Your support of this worthy event is greatly needed and appreciated. A form is attached for you to complete. It is pre-filled with the DAR Group ID # and Location ID #.
If you would like to attend one of the wreath laying ceremonies on December 16th, please contact Patriots of Liberty chapter member, Jennifer Boren, who is the WAA location coordinator, at
To pay with a credit card, debit card, Google Pay, or PayPal click Here.
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Books for your Nightstand? | |
With a few weeks left for Summer reading, it is worth sharing ideas about what our neighbors are reading. We welcome your suggestions for (history or historical fiction) books you might recommend to our readers.
Book clubs and book signings abound in North Fulton.
Roswell Reads presents…
Author talks at the Roswell Cultural Arts Center:
On September 12th Tracey Enerson Wood, author of The President’s Wife will speak on the fascinating life of Edith Wilson. “…a sweeping historical novel based on the true story of courageous widow Edith Wilson that details her enchanting courtship with President Woodrow Wilson, her steadfast wisdom through World War I, and her unflinching tenacity when she served as secret leader of the United States after her husband suffered from a stroke and was unable to carry out his duties.”
Books closer to home - Milton Library’s History Book Club current reads…
From Todd Williamson, Milton Library Branch Manager:
“Talking about literature (books) is not only talking about literature (books). It’s also examining one’s ideas, identities, thoughts, and sense of self.” Christy Craig, PH.D, Fort Hayes State University.
“Join us as the Milton Library hosts a monthly history (nonfiction) book discussion, third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm. Upcoming titles include, The Pioneers by David McCullough on September 19, 2023, and All the Shah’s Men by Stephen Kinzer on October 17. Books are available for check out through any of the Fulton County Libraries and may be available on both Libby and Hoopla digital platforms.”
According to book club member Hazel Gerber, “We have about 20 members and are led by Todd Williamson. We read a variety of national and world history books. The discussion is always lively, informative, and fascinating. All are invited to join us.”
Todd shared a reading list of 2023 book club selections. They include something of interest to anyone with a love of history! (Todd also went the extra mile and provided the Call Number.)
Watergate: A New History by Garrett Graff (364.132 Graff)
Autobiography of Malcolm X: As told to Alex Haley by Malcolm X (B X)
The Death of Caesar by Barry Strauss (937.05 Strauss)
The Quest for Mary Magdalene by Michael Haag (226.092 Haag)
The Nineties by Chuck Klosterman (306.0973 Klosterman)
The True Flag: T. Roosevelt, M. Twain, & the Birth of American Empire by Stephen Kinzer (327.73 Kinzer)
Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi River Flood of 1927 by John Barry (977.03 Barry)
Marco Polo: The Journey that Changed the World by John Man (915.0422 Man)
And for September, October, and November book club meetings:
The Pioneers: The Heroic story of the settlers who brought the American ideals West by David McCullough (977 McCullough)
All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup & the Roots of Middle East Terror by Stephen Kinzer (955.053 Kinzer)
The Color of Law: A forgotten history of how our government segregated America by Richard Rothstein (305.800973 Rothstein)
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Pat Statham's Rescued Recipes
Submitted by Linda Statham
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Just in time for cool-weather cooking! Linda's mother-in-law, Pat, was an antique shop owner and co-founder of the Crabapple Antique Fair.
Note: Recipes are presented 'as published' or 'as written'; as with the Scripture Cake recipe you may have to use your imagination while trying them out!
Carrot Cake
3 cups grated carrots
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
1/2 cup oil
2 1/4 cups flour
3 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp nutmeg
2 tsp vanilla
Cream together sugar, eggs, and oil. Sift together flour, cinnamon, baking soda, salt, and nutmeg. Add vanilla. Add dry ingredients alternately with grated carrots. Bake at 325 degrees for 40 minutes in a 12x16 inch pan. If baking in three rounds, bake for 30 minutes.
3/4 stick butter
3/4 of a package of 8 oz. cream cheese
1 tsp vanilla
Confectioners sugar to form spreadable frosting
Garnish with pecans or almonds.
Yam Souffle (from the Crabapple Collection cookbook with the handwritten note, ‘The best’)
2 lbs. medium size yams
1 cup sugar
1 stick butter or margarine
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Juice of 1 1/2 oranges
Boil sweet potatoes until tender, drain and let cool for 5 or 10 minutes. Skin and mash, being careful to get out lumps.
Add sugar, cinnamon, butter, and orange juice. Place in casserole dish and bake at 350 degrees F about 25 minutes or until bubbling hot. Top with marshmallows and continue baking until brown, 3 to 5 minutes.
We hope you enjoy these treats from the past!
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“Preserving our history is so important to understanding ourselves – no person, family, or community lives in isolation, rather we build upon what we have inherited. It’s not only a passion of mine, it’s become a fulfilling career..."
Jennifer Dixon, Division Director of the Historic Preservation Division, Georgia Department of Community Affairs, on why she is a member of the Georgia Trust.
“Judge each day not by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.”
William Arthur Ward
"Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly.”
Thomas Jefferson
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Church unites for renovation:
Restoring St. Aidan's cottage
Appen Media, Jason Wright
August 26, 2009
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Neighbors on Cogburn Road have no doubt noticed the many renovations taking place at the old cottage that sits in front of St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church.
The cottage, which church organizers believe dates back to the late 1890s, is built of the rough hewn oak that populates the roughly 19-acre site the church sits on today.
Used as a Rectory office and youth meeting space since the church bought the property in 1993, the decision to renovate the cottage was tossed around for years. “We toyed around with it for a long time,” said church member Betsy Jones. “We’d ask, “Could we afford to renovate this?”
That answer came, said Rector Rob Wood, when a member of the parish quietly donated money to spruce it up in honor of a victim of the September 11 attacks. Wood said that church organizers wanted to make the most of their money and time. “We started asking, ‘What can we do with the talents in the parish?” he said. “We’ve had a really good group of people.”
So work began. First was a new roof, put on by a contractor for $12,000. In early June church member Chuck Johnson and a group of retired parishioners began working on the exterior renovations - and the job got bigger by the day.
The bones of the house were in good shape, said Johnson, but the problem became one of knowing where to stop. “At first it was a little paint here, a little putty there,” he said. “But then we started coming up with some pretty serious deterioration.” So off came all the siding, both from the original 40-foot by 40-foot domicile, plus the L-shaped expansion neighbors believe was put on after World War II.
Inside, the house was painted and got new floors. Workers also added insulation, put on new bundled cypress siding for a classic look, replaced all the doors and windows and, on August 15, got together to slap on a fresh coat of exterior paint and gussy up the grounds.
More than 50 members of St. Aidan’s showed up for the day of work, contributing more than 1,000 man hours to the project. Now the church’s youth groups will have a space all their own. “We wanted this house to be up and running for a good ministry,” Johnson said. “For the teens, we want it to be comfortable and feel like it’s theirs.”
As members buzzed around nailing, painting and spreading pine straw, the smile on Wood’s face said it all. “It’s great to come and see everyone working together as a church, everyone of all ages,” he said. “We’ve gotten it done real quick because so many people have come out here.”
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Church teens celebrate
on the old barn
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Plaque in the house honoring John Wallice | |
Get to Know an Architectural Style:
Second Empire
Inspiration for the iconic Haunted House
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Search the web for images of a “haunted house,” and almost every picture you’ll see will be a mansard-topped, cast-iron-crested, Second Empire-style house. Mosey down the Halloween aisle at any big box emporium and you can get any number of decorations adorned with a spooky mansard roof. And if you think of any scary story you read as a kid, chances are that smack on the cover was a cobweb-covered Second Empire-style house circled by bats. Second Empire is the king of scary. But why is that?
The Second Empire style was popular from the 1850s till about 1890, so by the 1920s and 1930s, the style was very much out of fashion. The association of the style with decrepitude was firmly secured in 1938 when The New Yorker magazine premiered a new cartoon series featuring the titular Addams Family, macabre characters who lived in a spooky, cobweb-covered, mansard-roofed, Second Empire-style mansion.
The Addams Family house was the first in a long line of scary and spooky Second Empire homes, including the home of the Munsters, the Psycho house, the home of Dani and Max in Hocus Pocus, Count Olaf from A Series of Unfortunate Events, and the location of many a crime in Scooby Doo!
The next time you are driving through an older, urban neighborhood, keep your eye out for an example of Second Empire style.
Courtesy of Preservation Buffalo-Niagara
Photo credit: Preservation in Mississippi, photographer unknown
So What is a Tic-tac Anyway?
Wooden Spools Wind up Being Lots of Fun
Columbia (Missouri) Tribune, February 2009
Letter to the Editor: "We used to make these great toys out of spools. “Trick or treat” meant “trick” to me. We didn’t wait around for the treat. We did harmless, mischievous things, such as scaring people we knew with a tick-tac noise maker.
"To make a tick-tac, you’d start by cutting notches all of the way around the edges of both ends of the spool and insert a skinny pencil or other stick into the spool hole. I’d leave it loose so the spool could rotate, then attach a twine string, about 4 feet long, to the body of the spool. Finally I’d wind it around the spool. To make this noisemaker perform, you’d hold onto the long stick as you place the spool so both notched ends touched the window. Holding the other end of the string, we’d give a sudden yank on the string. Those notches on the spool made a scary, blood-curdling noise.
"As with sling shots, spinning tops, swords and other toys, making the toy was a big part of the fun."
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Milton Historical Society events scheduled for Fall 2023:
- September 17, 2023, 4:00-7:00 pm - Autumn Shindig at Wildberry Creek Farm
October 10, 2023, 6:30 pm - The Search for John Milton - Milton Library
- November 14, 2023, 6:30 pm - Early Cotton Production in the Milton County Area - Milton Library
Watch this space for more information on program topics!
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Milton Historical Society Patrons
Many thanks for your support!
Lifetime Patrons
Amy and Mark Amick
Josephine and Jeff Dufresne
Laura and Byron Foster
Fran Gordenker
Felton Anderson Herbert
Johnny Herbert
Bill Lusk
Linda and Robert Meyers
Adam Orkin
Charlie Roberts
Sarah Roberts
Donna Savas
Marsha and Kevin Spear
Karen Thurman
Kate and Ron Wallace
Kim and Dana Watkins
Corporate Sponsors
Lithic Genealogy Group
The William B. Orkin Foundation
Savas Digital Creations
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Sustaining Patrons
Kathy Beck
Philip Beck
Micaela and Paul Burke
Mary and Gregg Cronk
Kevin Filer
Rebecca Morris and Robin Fricton
Sheryl and Carl Jackson
Laurie and Brad May
Susan Moe
Jennifer and Robert Sorcabal
Marcie and Daniel Suckow
Jennifer Yelton
Family Patrons
Sheree and Marc Arrington
Robert Ballard
Jan Bastien
Catherine and Lee Bates
Kristi and Paul Beckler
Joan and Don Borzilleri
Jackie and Kevin Brannon
Luz and Daniel Cardamone
Michael Coady
Michael Critchet
Charlie Dorris
Jenny Doyle
Linda and James Farris
Brenda and Brett Giles
Garman Gordon
Lauren and Tony Hill
Megan and Peyton Jamison
Dean Lamm
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Family Patrons (cont'd)
Lynna and Brian Lee
Gwen and Eric Leichty
Mary Jo and Ed Malowney
Pat Miller
Kathy and Paul Moore
Donna and Nick Moreman
Martha and Sonny Murphy
Marjorie and Clayton Pond
Lynn Tinley
Individual Patrons
Michael Albertson
Alpharetta and Old Milton County Historical Society
Melanie Antos
Nancy Boldin
David Chatham
Hazel Gerber
Jeff Johnson
David Kahn
Laura Keck
Hub Kelsh
Carole Madan
Elizabeth Montgomery
Sheila Pennebaker
Gary Schramm
Linda Statham
Lara Wallace
Tom Wunderle
Student Patrons
Jack Miller
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We Love our Founding Members! | |
Ron Wallace
Felton and Johnny Herbert
Adam Orkin
Pat Miller
Dawn and Keith Reed
Amy Christiansen
Kathy and Philip Beck
Jessica and Warren Cheely
Heather and Joe Killingsworth
Ronnie Rondem
Seth Chandlee
Curtis Mills
Mary Ann and Clarke Otten
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Mark Amick
Joan Borzilleri
Norm Broadwell
Jeff Dufresne
James Farris
Byron Foster
Kim Gauger
Bill Lusk
Connie Mashburn
Robert Meyers
Charlie Roberts
Sarah Roberts
Kevin Spear
Karen Thurman
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The newsletter of the Milton Historical Society is produced quarterly by volunteers of the Society. Have an idea, a link, or a story to share? If you loved our newsletter and would like to become a patron, click HERE.
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Thanks for reading and supporting Milton's history!
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