Spring 2023

News & Updates from

the Milton Historical Society

Telling Milton's Story

Visit our website: www.miltonhistoricalsociety-georgia.org

The Society is honored to include generous offerings of original articles from local authors in this issue. We hope you enjoy the following:

  • Milton's Women Veterans by Rona Simmons
  • Geology of Georgia by Genevieve Brown
  • Who was Nathaniel Bagwell? by Lynn Tinley

Milton's Women Veterans:

Lives Spent in Service

by Rona Simmons

When approached to write an original article for the Milton Historical Society newsletter, local author Rona Simmons selected the subject of women with Milton connections who have served our country in the military.

We hope you enjoy this as-yet unexplored topic and are grateful to Ms. Simmons for her dedicated research and generous contribution.

Across the country each Memorial Day, stars and stripes-topped white crosses grace the streets of American communities. They stand hundreds-strong from Lake City, Florida, to Mason City, Iowa, from Dallas, Oregon, to Winchester, Tennessee. While many flag and cross emplacements adorn cemeteries, increasingly today they are displayed along our thoroughfares—closer to the general public. Their presence helps remind us of those who served in uniform and those who paid the ultimate price to protect our freedoms.

Since 2006, the City of Milton has joined in this American celebration, displaying crosses and flags for two weeks each Memorial Day and Veterans Day. And, on May 31 this year, 800 flags will once again grace our downtown. If you take a minute, as you should, to walk beside them, you’ll see, as you might expect, the vast majority are World War II and Korea. But there are crosses that honor veterans from the Revolutionary War, Spanish American War, War of 1812, Civil War, World War I, Vietnam, the Cold War, Desert Storm, and Iraq as well. 

Among the markers on our streets, which include the names of fallen and deceased veterans and the war or era in which they served, are eight with the name Miller, seven with the name Smith, and seven with the name Lusk. There are also four Allen’s, Allgood’s, and Baker’s (as well as four each of a half dozen other common last names). Common given names abound. We have sixty-two crosses bearing the name John, the most popular by far. Forty-two are inscribed with William, thirty-six with Robert, and thirty-four with James. There are but a single Florian, Gaylon, Graybill, and Obanion. 

What may surprise some are the 20 markers for women veterans. We honor three Mary’s, two Ann’s, and one Annie, Arline, Billie, Debra, Edna, Jacqueline, Joan, Juel, Katherine, Matilda, Mildred, Miriam, Patsy, Sybil, and Violet.

Women have served in the Army Nurse Corps and the Navy Nurse Corps since the turn of the last century. But they were excluded from the draft and prohibited from enlisting in the armed services in 1940 when we were on the cusp of the Second World War. Two years later, over the objections from Rep. Hampton Fulman of South Carolina who stated, “[A] woman’s place is in the home,” Congress passed legislation allowing women to enlist in auxiliary units. This opened the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps and later the Women’s Naval Reserve, the Coast Guard Women’s Reserve, and the Marine Corps Women’s Reserve to women. By the time the war was over, 300,000 women could say they served in uniform. Then, in 1948, President Harry Truman signed the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act allowing women to become full members of the armed services—except on aircraft and ships in combat. That restriction was removed in 2015. 

Our own small group of women include those who served in the army, army air forces, navy, and marines. They include:

Billie Clark Roland

As Billie was only 18 when she decided to serve with the US Marine Corps, she needed her father to sign his consent. Billie became a clerk-typist for the Marines, rose to the rank of sergeant, and once confessed to her son Peter Roland “the only reason she was accepted was her ability to type more than the required words per minute.” Billie was very proud of the years she spent in the military in Washington, DC.

After leaving the military, she settled in Tennessee and was later recognized by the Williamson County, Tennessee, veterans as one of their Hometown Heroes. A flag was flown in her honor over the state capital the day she served as Grand Marshall for the local parade. Peter says she would be equally proud of the cross bearing her name—one that he helps install each year. He is a Milton resident and a volunteer for the Milton Memorial Marker installations. 

Matilda Tomaich Kunz

Matilda knew exactly what she wanted to do when she heard the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. She volunteered and became the first female to serve in the Woman’s Army Corps (WAC) in a military police unit. During her tour of duty overseas, she accomplished another first—becoming the first female to transfer from one ship to another by cable while at sea. While in Germany, she met and married George Kunz, a fellow army serviceman.

Later the two divorced, but Matilda carried on with her life, remarried, and raised her son, also named George. He grew up, played football for Notre Dame and the Atlanta Falcons. George married and had a son, Matt Kunz, our former Milton city councilman. Matt says his grandmother Mattie was “one tough woman!” He remembers Mattie’s admonishment, “If you or anyone else starts something, you better darn well finish it.” Matt says he’s always lived by that piece of advice.

In more recent times women have the opportunity and to take on the responsibility of higher ranks. For example:

Debra Conrad Rondem

Debra was another college graduate and another “go-getter” according to her husband Ronnie Rondem. Her sister Susan said when growing up, "She would tell us what to do and we followed her." Debra joined the army and became a second lieutenant with the 75th US Army Maneuver Area Command where she and Ronnie met. When he first asked if he could call her for a date, he outranked her, and she replied, “Yes, sir.”

Later, she would be promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel and finally receive the approval of the one man, beside her husband, that mattered—her father, a retired army major general. Debra became a colonel and served as the Commander of the Selective Service System, Smyrna, Georgia, finally retiring after 32 years in service to her country then becoming the civilian head of the Selective Service for the State of Georgia.

A believer in the value of education, after leaving the military, she held positions on numerous community organizations for education, and founded and presided over the Student Support Team Association for Georgia Educators and the Cumming/Forsyth Council on Youth. Her military awards are numerous and include the Legion of Merit. Julie, Ronnie’s wife since 2021, is as proud of Debra’s accomplishments as Ronnie is and says, “Debbie was impressive.” 

Joan G. Pekulik

Joan enlisted in the Women’s Army Corps in 1950 and traveled the world with the military. After a number of assignments, she served six tours in Vietnam as a master sergeant, assigned to the 34th General Support Group which was in charge of all rotary and fixed wing aircraft in Vietnam.

In that position she was the only woman among 600 men. Undeterred by those odds, and perhaps emboldened by them she was awarded a number of medals, including the Bronze Star and the Legion of Merit, making her one of the war’s most decorated WACs.

Her uniform, bearing all her medals, is on display at the Woman’s Army Corps museum in Fort Lee, Virginia. 

Juel Ann Margaret Loughney

Juel worked as a civilian nurse and nursing medical surgical instructor before joining the military in 1966. She served for 24 years in the navy in both Vietnam (aboard the hospital ship USS Sanctuary) and during the Persian Gulf Wars. In 1990, Juel was aboard the USNS Comfort, another hospital ship, where she assumed the duties of Director of Nursing Services for the ship.

Later, she achieved the rank of captain with the Chief of Naval Operations. And, in 1994, Juel was awarded the Legion of Merit Medal among other medals.

The markers for Milton’s twenty women make up less than 3% of the markers on display although 11% of the country’s 18 million living veterans are women. That percentage should grow over time as women now hold about 15% to 20% of the positions in the military. They also represent about 20% of officers and enlisted servicemen across the army, navy, air force, and coast guard, and 9% of the marines.

About the Veterans

Memorial Markers Project

The Milton Veterans Memorial Markers project exists largely because of the dedication of Bill Lusk, a Vietnam War veteran and former Milton city councilman. He initiated the project to promote patriotism and pride in the City of Milton and to recognize deceased veterans from and with connections to Milton. Now, twice each year, for 14 days around Memorial Day and Veterans Day, he and a group of volunteers place flags and markers along some of the busier thoroughfares within the city. From the initial installation of 50 markers they now exceed 800. 

You can learn more about the markers, how you can help, and how you can request a marker for a deceased veteran you know at https://miltonveterans.org, the website for the Milton Veterans Memorial Markers, Inc. or by emailing [email protected]. And, because for so many of the Milton-connected veterans, male or female, all we know are their “names, ranks, and serial numbers,” if you have more information about a veteran that you would like to share, please contact us at [email protected].

Finally, please note, this year, while the flags and markers are on display, we’ll be sharing more stories about the women remembered by the Milton Memorial Markers on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/MiltonHistoricalSocietyGA 

Photo Credits:

Matilda Kunz from Matt Kunz

Juel Ann Margaret Loughney from https://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/

Joan G. Pekulik from https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/156028579/joan-g-pekulik

Billie Roland from Peter Roland

Debra Rondem from Ronnie Rondem

Milton Markers Installation from Rona Simmons






About the Author

Rona Simmons is a freelance writer and author based in North Georgia. She writes primarily historical nonfiction centered on the Second World War and the untold stories of our veterans. Her articles and interviews have appeared in regional and national literary journals and in online and print magazines and newspapers.

You can find her through her website ronasimmons.com, on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ronasimmons.author LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/rona-simmons/ 

Geology of Georgia (not) for Dummies!

by Naturalist Genevieve Brown

Reference book suggested

by the author

Chattahoochee National Forest

Photo credit: Joan Borzilleri

Although you may not think much about it, the geology of your region has a major impact on your life. Everything from the food and water to the resources in an area and from there, the culture and even the jobs that spring up, all depend heavily on the geology - the basic structure, literally - of the world we all live in. 

Coastal Plain: Georgia has a very interesting geological makeup. We may not be made wholly of ancient reefs like Florida is, but about half of our state was entirely underwater as recently as the Cretaceous (66 million years ago). This is where the Coastal Plain that makes up the southern half of the state comes from - its layers of sedimentary rocks were laid down on the ocean floor millions of years ago, and the surface rock gets steadily younger as you follow it from the western portion of the state towards the Atlantic, tracing the retreating coastline. 

Piedmont: The other half is largely made up of the Piedmont, which includes the foothills of the Appalachian mountain range. The Appalachians are a truly ancient chain - one of the most ancient still standing, even. When they formed between 500 and 300 million years ago, the crust twisting and pushing upwards under the pressure of the North American and African tectonic plates colliding, there were peaks that likely rivaled Mount Everest today. It’s a mark of just how old our beloved Appalachians are that they’ve since eroded into the rolling hills and valleys we know today. 

Fall Line divides Georgia: The divide between these two regions is the famous Fall Line, which occurs at the meeting of the harder, less easily eroded metamorphic rock of the Piedmont and the softer sedimentary rock of the Coastal Plain. Because these dividers are often the sites of waterfalls and rapids, they defined the limit of boat travel inland before technological improvements made passage easier. Many important cities and towns were situated along the Fall Line for just this reason, such as Augusta, Macon, and Columbus, and it has historically marked a vital boundary between coast and inland. 

Do you live near the Gnat Line? Not only the geology of the state is divided by this line, either - it marks the territories of many different species of flora and fauna, divvying up whole ecosystems and bioregions. Many animal species are found only on one side or the other, such as waterfowl that live only on the Coastal Plain side, or the bat species that inhabit the caverns and overhangs of the Piedmont and Appalachian Plateau. The Appalachian region has the highest diversity of salamander species in the whole world, while only a scant few species live in the Coastal Plain. And if you’ve ever encountered the swarms of gnats that haunt southern Georgia, then congratulations - you’ve crossed the Gnat Line as well. 

This boundary extends quite far in its impact - from the environments that the Piedmont and Coastal Plain can support to the crops and exports both provide, the different histories of our state have long reaching effects into history and the present day. Georgia has a very fascinating geological base to build on, and I hope you look a little more closely at the rock under your feet now - you can learn a lot by looking down!

Editor’s note: This original article presents some foundational knowledge about the geology of Georgia. In a moment of generosity, Ms. Brown has promised more contributions on the subject, including: fossils, soil types, and Milton-specific geology.

About the Author

Gena Brown is a Georgia native who’s lived in Milton for over ten years. She has Bachelor’s in Geology and Anthropology from the University of Alabama, and a Master’s in Biological Anthropology from George Mason University. She’s been approximately five different kinds of scientist so far (including archaeologist and geologist) but is currently working for the state ensuring our water, soil, and fish are all safe for consumption. Gena has a passion for all facets of the natural world, and really wishes Naturalist was still a valid profession.

Gena took this selfie from atop Monk’s Mound at Cahokia Mounds in Illinois! 

Roswell History Museum Opens

Roswell Archivist Elaine DeNiro

Museum ribbon cutting

The new Roswell History Museum is open in the Roswell Cultural Arts Center at 950 Forrest Street, in Roswell. It is free and open to the public from Wednesday through Saturday 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Elaine DiNero, Roswell City and Roswell Historical Society archivist, spearheaded the development effort.

According to Elaine, “Through its exhibits, the Roswell Historical Society honors its commitment to the preservation and interpretation of the diverse history of the area. Using primary documents, artifacts, and original photographs, the exhibits tell the rich…stories of early inhabitants of the Roswell area, including indigenous people, colonists, mill workers, the enslaved, and farmers. The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the museum took place on January 11, 2023.”

Society supporters are invited: our Alpharetta and Old Milton County Historical Society friends have invited us for a guided tour:

Tour the New Roswell History Room

Thursday, March 16, 2023, 10:30 a.m.

AOMCHS will be one of the first groups to visit this wonderful addition.

From the Archives: Who was Nathaniel Bagwell?

by MHS Treasurer Lynn Tinley

The Milton Historical Society archives includes a letter dated June, 1868 that, on the surface, seems mundane and rather uninteresting. It was donated to the Historical Society by Mark Amick; he was interested in the letter because it was written in Milton County by Nathaniel Bennett Bagwell. The letter was written a little over three years after the end of the Civil War. 

I found the letter and the history surrounding the author, the intended recipient, and the circumstances leading up to the writing of the letter extremely interesting, and I hope you do too! The letter was written by N B Bagwell (Nathaniel Bennett) and is addressed to Gov. Ruger (Thomas Howard). The general purpose of the letter addresses Bagwell’s concerns over being required to sign the Oath of Allegiance, which was required for Georgians in order to register to vote (a requirement of the Reconstruction Act post Civil War). 

Who was Nathaniel Bagwell?
Nathaniel was born in 1842 in Little River, North Carolina to Nathaniel Bunt and Phoebe Bagwell. He moved to the area that would become Milton County with his family when he was around ten years old. He was one of either nine or ten children, the numbers (and their exact ages) vary between the 1850 NC census and the 1860 GA census. He and his two younger brothers (John Y. and William G.) enlisted in the 38th Regiment of the Georgia Volunteer Infantry, Company B, known as the “Milton Guards” on October, 6, 1861. John (who was about two years younger than Nathaniel) was killed at Newtown, VA August 11, 1864 and William (who was about four years younger than Nathaniel) was killed at Winchester, VA June 13, 1863. Nathaniel fought the bloody battle at Antietam, VA (September 17, 1862), where he was left on the field of battle with a bullet in his left leg. He was captured by the Union army, yet his life was saved by a Union doctor who amputated his left leg below the knee. While in Confederate General Hospital No. 9 in Richmond, he applied for an artificial limb, which was paid for by the Association for the Relief of Maimed Soldiers. Bagwell returned to Milton via a prisoner exchange. He married Sarah Cogburn (from Alpharetta) and returned to farming in the area. Nathaniel was a very young 26 when he wrote his letter to Governor Ruger. (Ruger, who was originally from NY, was appointed as Georgia’s Provisional Military Governor January 13, 1868 and held the position for six months.) 

Nathaniel purchased a 40 acre lot in Milton County in 1875 for $475. It was lot number 973 (1st Section, 2nd District Milton County); it was located near present-day Bethany Bend and Morris Roads. He applied for a soldier’s pension through the Confederate States of America in 1879. Georgia began granting these pensions to soldiers with artificial limbs in 1870. According to the 1880 census, Sarah and Nathaniel Bennett had seven children. His occupation was listed as farmer; their two oldest sons, Horace who was 14 and William who was 10, were listed as laborers. Two younger children, ages eight and six, were attending school. Their youngest daughter was seven months old. 


Why an Oath of Allegiance?
The Oath of Allegiance was required by President Andrew Johnson for eligible voters in previously Confederate States who wished to register to vote to elect delegates to the state’s constitutional convention following the end of the Civil War. 

As a defeated Confederate state, Georgia underwent Reconstruction from 1865 until 1871, when Republican government and military occupation in the state ended. The period between mid-June 1865 and March 1867 was, for Georgia, a time of economic difficulty and political uncertainty. The First Reconstruction Act was passed by the U.S. Congress in March, 1867; with that, Georgia became part of the Third Military District supervised by General John Pope. It was Pope who appointed General Thomas Ruger as military governor of Georgia in January, 1868. 

Bagwell's handwritten letter

What was Bagwell’s case? This is one of the most interesting aspects of Bagwell’s letter. First off, it appears to have been written by Nathaniel, as opposed to having been written by someone more educated, because of the grammatical and punctuational inconsistencies and inaccuracies in his letter. 1860 Milton County census records indicate he had attended school (as did his father because he could read and write, while his mother could not), yet the level of his education was apparently somewhat limited as indicated by the quality of his writing. Having said that, the argument of his letter is laid out very systematically and cogently. 

He was writing to Ruger because he did not feel he should be required to sign the Oath of Allegiance. He laid out his explanation for why he should not have to sign it and further specified that he would not have even considered signing it except that he would be removed from his paid position as Tax Receiver for the county if he did not sign it. And he relied on that office for the support of his family. 

The wording of the “circular” that had been sent to Bagwell is uncertain, but it apparently stated that the oath was required of those who had voluntarily fought for the Confederacy and/or had provided aid, council, or encouragement to those supporting the South’s cause. Bagwell’s overall argument is that he had never really wanted to participate in the war. He did not voluntarily supported the Confederacy and, as such, the requirement that he proclaim his post-war allegiance to the new union was not necessary. Even more strongly, he wrote that he did not willingly bear arms against the United States, he had only enlisted because he felt coerced, and he had specifically opposed the war. In fact, he declared that he did not desire the success of the South in the conflict. 

It is relevant to note that Bagwell’s sentiments surrounding the war were not unique to him. Milton County’s two delegates to the 1861 Georgia Secession Convention voted against secession (Jackson Graham and J. C. Street). Judging by the other counties in the region-12 of which also voted against secession-the people in this area had no desire to get involved in the cause. This is not surprising as the economy was not based on the institution of slavery. 

Another history mystery: Did he sign the oath?!!? Well, that we don’t know. I have not been able to find any record of a signed allegiance, nor have I uncovered a subsequent correspondence between Bagwell and Ruger. Inferior Court records indicate that he was reappointed as Tax Receiver for Milton County in 1870. So he either signed the oath or his refusal to sign it was overlooked by local and state authorities. 

Interestingly, he was repeatedly unable to attend the Executive Department in Milledgeville in order to take the Oath of Office of the Tax Receiver “without great inconvenience” and was therefor administered the oath locally in front of the Justices of the Milton County Inferior Court. We can only assume that his lack of funds and limited mobility due to his artificial leg were acceptable justifications for not requiring his appearance in the capital at Milledgeville. 

Editor's note: Ms. Tinley wishes to thanks Alpharetta and Old Milton County Historical Society Archivist Stephanie Andersson for assisting in the research for this article.

About the Author

Lynn Tinley currently serves as Milton Historical Society Treasurer. A native of Western New York, Lynn is a CPA and has degrees in Accounting from Indiana University and American Studies from Emory University. She worked for Management Science America (MSA) and Bell South in Atlanta. Lynn is a textile scholar and before moving to Milton, was active in the Dunwoody Preservation Trust, serving as ED and Site Manager for the Donaldson-Bannister House.

Podcast Chronicles Local History

by Society President Jeff Dufresne

Craig Kidd (right) interviews the presidents of the Milton and Johns Creek Historical Societies, Jeff Dufresne and Joan Compton, for podcast that aired January 2nd.

The Georgia Politics Podcast host, Craig Kidd, recently recorded two episodes featuring the history and preservation efforts of North Fulton’s more established cities like Alpharetta and Roswell, as well as newer cities such as Johns Creek and Milton.

Regarding Milton, we discussed how our heritage has shaped our built environment. We also discussed the urgency of preserving local historic treasures as well as “places in peril” such as the McConnell-Chadwick House on Arnold Mill Road.

If you would like to join or volunteer for the Milton Historical Society, please let us know at [email protected]

Special thanks goes to Appen Media (publisher of the Herald newspapers), Hans Appen, and Craig Kidd for providing this podcast platform to broaden the awareness of North Fulton history.

Listen to Preserving History - Milton & Johns Creek podcast

Remembering Hopewell Elementary School: Part 2

Editorial staff - with contributions from

Rebecca Byrd and Stephen Monroe

Steve Monroe on the Early Years...

Typical of early settlement patterns in the area, the Monroe family has roots in Scotland and originally resided in Cumberland County, North Carolina. Georgia boasts five generations of Monroes. The land for their home place on Hamby Road was purchased from Steve’s grandfather, Roy McGinnis, who lived up the road in Forsyth County. Ivan and Kathleen Monroe built their residence on 20 acres of Hamby Road in 1948. At that time Hamby was still a dirt road, not paved until the 1966-67 timeframe. Ella and Roy Hamby were long-time friends and neighbors who gathered at hog butchering season to help render lard, make sausage, and cure hams. The Monroe family had a vegetable garden and a cow. Steve remembers his mom selling butter to neighbors. Steve tells about riding his bike up Hamby to pick up Coke bottles to sell for treats at local stores. In that era, retail consisted of small general stores that sold not only groceries and meat, but also hardware and other farming staples. Among local stores were: Moore’s near the corner of Hamby and Route 9; the Pearson store farther north on Hopewell Road; and Everett Bettis’ grocery and butcher shop on Route 9 near Post Road. The current Bloom restaurant across from Bell Park was the Hardeman General Store, owned by ancestors of the Chatham family of developers. Milton recognized the building with an historical marker in 2020.

After Hopewell Elementary, Steve went to Milton High, and recalls fondly his History and Social Studies classes with local educator and historian Norm Broadwell. (Norm’s wife Martine taught Steve’s wife, Lenora Bates, at Alpharetta Elementary. She also taught their daughter, Jessica, at Haynes Bridge Middle School.) Following graduation from the University of Georgia and his teaching stints, Steve directed the Transportation Department at the Fulton County Board of Education from 1981 to 2004. 

Clearly the good start in life from these hardworking families, along with a solid education at Hopewell Elementary, served North Fulton residents well.

To learn more about Hopewell Elementary and reconnect with old friends, visit the public Facebook page at “Hopewell Elementary, Alpharetta, Georgia.”

Bell Memorial Park

We would be remiss in talking about Hopewell Elementary without recognizing the generosity of the neighboring Bell Family.

According to the Alpharetta Neighbor in December of 1976, “Bell Memorial Park (a portion of the current park) was named in honor of John Bell, a school custodian at nearby Hopewell Elementary School for 24 years before his death in 1973. Bell was honored by the Fulton County Commission for his ‘dedication to, love of, and many years of service to the children of Fulton County.’ At Bell’s request his family donated five acres of land adjoining the Hopewell School’s campus to be used for recreational purposes. The Fulton County Board of Education expanded the park site by purchasing additional acreage, which the Bell family offered at less than market price.” 

In more recent years, the city lauded the park we enjoy today: “Recently the City of Milton conducted a park expansion. The 36 acre park, which reopened in October of 2015, offers both passive and active recreation, including numerous football, soccer, lacrosse, and baseball fields.” This expansion included the school property.

The Bell house, which stood at the corner of Hopewell and Thompson roads, is also on the Georgia Historic Resources survey. “The single-family home, built circa 1920-1929, (is described as) a very stylish craftsman bungalow with exposed decorative joists and wood columns on brick piers supporting the wrap-around porch.”

Thoughts for today...

“If you have a plan, we want to hear it. Tell your community leaders, your local officials, your governor, and your team in Washington. Believe me, your ideas count. An individual can make a difference.”

George H. W. Bush on citizen empowerment

Cautionary note to those of us who stay up until midnight on genealogy websites (we know who we are), an observation by a contemporary author:

“It was funny how obsessed people believe others (were) equally obsessed, or even interested. And for archaeologists and historians, gripped by the past, it was inconceivable others weren’t.”

Louise Penny

“History is literally present in all that we do.”

Author James Baldwin, quoted in the Smithsonian Magazine

Wreaths Across America Update

by Jim Farris

Board member Jim Farris organized the Society’s participation in the wreath laying ceremony on veterans’ graves at two Milton cemeteries on December 17, 2022: Phillips Family Cemetery (two wreaths) and Providence Baptist Church Cemetery (four wreaths). The wreaths are $15 each and the six wreaths purchased last year were funded by the Milton Historical Society. 

Wreaths Across America - a 501(c)(3) - is organized locally by the Patriots of Liberty Chapter of the DAR working with historical societies in the area. Roswell Historical Society and the Alpharetta and Old Milton County Historical Society participate in this important cause. 

According to Jim Farris, we are exploring the possibility of MHS expanding our involvement in the celebration in the future. One of the difficulties is identifying where veterans are buried. Some graves have veteran status inscribed on the headstone, but often there is no such inscription. Some online databases, such as Find A Grave, are helpful; a newspaper search for individual obituaries can also be used successfully. 

Unique objects found in attics and barns:

Do you know what these are?

Submitted by Byron Foster

Scroll to the end of the newsletter for answers.

Coming Attractions...

Milton Historical Society events scheduled for Spring 2023:

  • March 14, 2023 - History of Boiling Springs Primitive Baptist Church: Pastor Randall Cagle
  • April 11, 2023 - Some history you probably never heard before! Larry Vogt
  • May 9, 2023 - Patron Appreciation Party

Watch this space for more information on program topics with confirmed dates and venues!

Quiz Answers...

According to submitter Byron Foster, these very large clippers were used to trim the horns of both cows and bulls to remove the sharp points. After Byron was gored by Bubba the Bull (pictured here), he changed breeds from Santa Gertrudis to Black Angus, which are hornless! If you are wondering, it is possible to remove the horns permanently by cutting the horn off close to the skull and using various methods to cauterize the bleeding. For years, Byron employed Dr. Puckett, a local veterinarian with a large farm north of Milton on Route 372. He was, and Byron still is, a member of the North Georgia Cattlemen’s Association.

Note: The Santa Gertrudis breed - a hybrid of Shorthorn, Hereford, and Brahman stock - was bred at the King Ranch in Texas. According to https://www.thecattlesite.com, they are considered America’s original beef breed.

Byron believes these are ice cleats but has no idea how they were used. Does anyone have any more information? Email us at [email protected].

Milton Historical Society Patrons

Many thanks for your support!

Lifetime Patrons

Amy and Mark Amick

Josephine and Jeff Dufresne

Fran Gordenker

Felton Anderson Herbert

Johnny Herbert

Bill Lusk

Linda and Robert Meyers

Adam Orkin

Charlie Roberts

Sarah Roberts

Marsha and Kevin Spear

Karen Thurman

Ron Wallace

Kim and Dana Watkins

Corporate Sponsors

Lithic Genealogy Group

The William B. Orkin Foundation

Sustaining Patrons

Kathy Beck

Philip Beck

Micaela and Paul Burke

Kevin Filer

Laura and Byron Foster

Kim and Tom Gauger

Fran Gordenker

Sheryl and Carl Jackson

Steve Krokoff

Connie Mashburn

Laurie and Brad May

Curtis Mills

Julie and Kurt Nolte

Julie and Ronnie Rondem

Jennifer and Robert Sorcabal

Jennifer Yelton

Family Patrons

Sheree and Marc Arrington

Robert Ballard

Jan Bastien

Kristi and Paul Beckler

Joan and Don Borzilleri

Luz and Daniel Cardamone

Jeanne and Bob Coates

Michael Critchet

Mary and Gregg Cronk

Charlie Dorris

Jenny Doyle

Dennis Everhart

Linda and James Farris

Kelly Finley

Carlos Garcia

Brenda and Brett Giles

Garman Gordon

Katie and Ian Griffin

Lauren and Tony Hill

Megan and Peyton Jamison

Dean Lamm

Lynna and Brian Lee

Gwen and Eric Leichty

Holt Lyda

Mary Jo and Ed Malowney

Family Patrons (cont'd)

Carol and Doug McClure

Kat and Jeff Meier

Pat Miller

Elizabeth and Andrew Montgomery

Kathy and Paul Moore

Donna and Nick Moreman

Martha and Sonny Murphy

Kirsten and Ryan Muzinich

Marjorie and Clayton Pond

Mary Sandefur

Shannon and Tony Sheppard

Jami and Jayson Teagle

Lynn Tinley

Jami Tucker

Individual Patrons

Michael Albertson

Stephanie Andersson

Melanie Antos

Nancy Boldin

Steve Cory

David Chatham

Seth Garrett

Hazel Gerber

Marlene Hitt

Jeff Johnson

Larry Johnstone

David Kahn

Laura Keck

Hub Kelsh

Matt Kunz

Donna Loudermilk

Carole Madan

Sheila Pennebaker

Gary Schramm

Mallory Staples

Lara Wallace

Jeff White

Tom Wunderle

Student Patrons

Sabrina Chotkowski

Catherine Everett

Jack Miller

Claudine Wilkins

We Love our Founding Members!
Ron Wallace
Felton and Johnny Herbert
Adam Orkin
Pat Miller
Dawn and Keith Reed
Amy Christiansen
Kathy and Philip Beck
Jessica and Warren Cheely
Heather and Joe Killingsworth
Ronnie Rondem
Seth Chandlee
Curtis Mills
Mary Ann and Clarke Otten

Mark Amick

Joan Borzilleri

Norm Broadwell

Jeff Dufresne

James Farris

Byron Foster

Kim Gauger

Bill Lusk

Connie Mashburn

Robert Meyers

Charlie Roberts

Sarah Roberts

Kevin Spear

Karen Thurman

The newsletter of the Milton Historical Society is produced quarterly by volunteers of the Society. Have an idea, a link, or a story to share?

We'd love to hear from you at [email protected].

Thanks for reading and supporting Milton's history!