On DECEMBER 1- the transiting Sun is in 10 SAGITTARIUS, a MUTABLE FIRE sign.
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and is in charge of the Hips and Thighs. These fire signs are freedom loving, optimistic, funny, and hate to be fenced in. They love to travel, explore, learn and teach. They can do many things at once.
Their affirmation is "I PERCEIVE".
We are ending another year. As always, the shortest day of the year is December 21st - the Winter Solstice. On December 21 the sun goes into Capricorn, and we prepare, like bears, to hibernate for the winter. Winter time is an inward, sensitive period. Nature is in its resting season and we are doing the same. We stay home more, dress warmly and eat warming foods. In Chinese medicine, the seasonal organs for this time are the kidneys and the bladder. Take care of them by drinking warm water, soups and teas to allow the body to eliminate its fluid waste.
At holiday time, the external light on earth has decreased. It is a perfect opportunity to enjoy inner illuminating experiences. Even with a busy schedule, take time to stop, breathe, reflect and find the inner light of your consciousness. Use this time for future renewal for the new year.