The sun enters JANUARY at 10 CAPRICORN. Capricorn is a cardinal, earth sign. It's Symbol is a mountain goat. He climbs though all obstacles to reach the mountain top. Capricorn is the teacher who is ambitious, reliable, and patient. Capricorn rules bones, teeth, knees and skin.
January 1 New Years Day
Jan 5 New Moon Solar Eclipse 15 Capricorn
Jan 20 Sun enters Aquarius, a fixed air sign
Jan 21 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse SUPERMOON
21 Martin L. King day
1. The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are. J. Campbell
2. If you have life you have purpose. Caroline Myss
3. Nothing binds you except your thoughts; Nothing limits you except your fear; nothing controls you except your beliefs. Marianne Williamson
4. As we walk into the unknown we find forgotten parts of ourselves Laura
5. It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop. Confucius
6. You will either step forward into growth, or step backward into safety. A. Maslow
7. Trying to find the answers from outside of yourself is nonsense. You need to look inward. The Dalai Lama
BODY: Excuses for not losing weight ... Julia Shiplett, comedian and writer.
I'm bored, and craving food.
I never tried this food before. Not very good, but it's here.
It is rude not to have some. Everyone around me is eating.
I still have some food left and my blood sugar feels low.
I'm depressed, I drank too much. My friend is depressed.
I'm a little drunk, stoned, very stoned, very drunk.
I don't know what else to do at this party, meeting, wedding.
I don't know when I will have time to eat, again.
I am watching a cooking show. It's afternoon snack time
My birthday is coming up. I am stressed.
Mercury is retrograde and the printer is not working.
The holidays, the excuses and overeating is over. Days are getting longer and weight loss is easier with more light.
"Chance plays no part in God's plan".
According to Alan Cohen, who believes that despite appearances of haphazardness, a brilliant and loving hand guides us to our right place at
the right time for the right purpose.
You create your reality is a half truth. Our role is not to create reality. Reality has already been created. There is nothing you can do to change it. What you create is your experience of reality. When you align with it - you thrive. Your job is to find it and ride it like a surfer rides a wave. (Wisdom magazine)
Laura believes, our lives which can be very hard at times, are perfect for us to learn the lessons of our soul. Earth is the planet of learning and Saturn is the great teacher. Saturn stays in Capricorn for two more years.
Emotional/psychic/physical healing, all connected, can occur when we stay right at the edge of the vortex of trauma, without being pulled into it. We can develop the skills to recognize, in the body, when fear, clenching, contraction or anxiety arises. Then we can pause, breathe slowly and deeply as we integrate, soothe and soften.This is a slow and deliberate process, just the way Saturn teaches.
Mary Plumb, Astrologer
Greet the new year with a new 2019 and a new self.
Turn wounds into wisdom.
Change fear into forgiveness
Change guilt into gratitude.
SOUL COACHING by Phone Available NOW! Call LAURA at 978-777-9911
Sessions are $100 per hour or $60 per half hour for phone consults.
OFFICE HOURS by Appointment Only
Thursdays, Sundays - Comeau Health; 194 North Street, Danvers, MA 01923
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