On January 1- the transiting Sun is in 10 Capricorn, a Cardinal Earth sign, ruled by Saturn - THE TASK MASTER. Capricorn natives are hard working and will do anything to get ahead. Her symbol is the Goat. She will climb any mountain or obstacle to achieve a goal. Capricorns are reliable, responsible and get better with age. She likes being boss. Capricorn and Saturn are in charge of bones, teeth, skin and knees. She has a 7 year cycle.
2023 is a 7 year which is a Slow down year. Time to let go of striving and start looking within. A time for deep healing, all about you and your inner soul. Think about a daily spiritual practice like Meditation, or in a way you can connect to your inner world, and focus on thinking things through. Spiritual practices will become more popular. Seven is an inner vibration-al number prompting one to rest, contemplate, think, reflect, and be alone. The pressures of everyday life will bring forth a desire to get away from it all.
Try spending time in nature, without your phone.