INSIGHT is today's BLESSism for Stress, Anxiety and PTSD!
The gift of insight can help you navigate through the waters of change in a much healthier way. The Blessism for Insight is a wonderful one to practice to help you view stress and anxiety in a different way. Blessing yourself for the sacred being you are, can help you shift your level of consciousness and help you start seeing things in a new light. The more you connect with the gift of insight, through a practice like repeating Blessisms, the more peace and harmony you will experience.
BLESSisms allow you to travel on the road of opposition with both appreciation and acceptance. They are a 180-degree mindset shift where you strive to find the blessings within life's pain and difficulties. Instead of complaining or feeling aggravated, irritated, or frustrated, BLESSisms allow you to give thanks for or find gratitude within the negative occurrences in life. It just might be the mindset shift you need to start moving forward, instead of feeling stuck!