This week's devotion is authored by Becky Blake, prayer co-coordinator for our ministry expansion campaign.


A revelation, an inspiration, an insight, an enlightenment of a mystery, an aha moment — an epiphany!


Some hear the word epiphany and tend to think this is when someone makes a revelation about a certain subject. For us, followers of Christ, it is a celebration that happens at the height of the Christmas season. A time for us to reflect on the nature of God as He reveals to us His physical dwelling here on Earth.

It is a time to focus on the wondrous Epiphany story in Matthew 2:1–12. To be inspired by and follow the example of the Magi. They were on the lookout, moved, motivated by God’s gracious gift of the star, searching for Him in Scripture, listening for Him in the words of the prophets, and watching for signs of His revelation on Earth. They had an epiphany — a sudden insight into the true nature of something. Directed by God’s faithful word to Bethlehem (Micah 5:2, 2 Samuel 5:2, Hosea 11:1), they were led, saw Jesus, fell down, and worshiped Him. They recognized Him as a great king, a different kind of king, appointed not by people or family name but by God: Aha!


This time of year can seem a little dreary. The Christmas tree has been taken down, gifts begin to lose their luster, the New Year has come and gone, and we may have even broken a resolution by now. Hark! The joy of Christmas is not over because God reveals His grace and mercy — the free gift of His son — to us even in the daily and ordinary stuff!


May we embrace this quieter side of Christmas. Slow down and listen to the Spirit’s urging: to be in God’s Word and seek His will for our lives daily. We will be blessed by it (Luke 11:28). Let us step out in faith as the Magi did, watching, listening, and following where God leads us. With open hearts and expectant outlooks, we can have the “aha” moments, in Christ, everyday! 


As with gladness men of old 

Did the guiding star behold;

As with joy they hailed its light,

Leading onward, beaming bright;

So, most gracious Lord,

may we evermore be led by Thee.  

LSB Hymn 397, stanza 1

About Mindful Monday Devotions

In our season of celebration with Tell the Wonders He Has Done, we continue in our prayerful focus as we look to the months and years ahead with thanksgiving. Join us as we remain in God's strong Word each Monday morning.