Faithful Focus

This week's devotion is authored by Pastor Lawton Thompson

“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh” (Galatians 5:25).

“Fruit is always the miraculous, the created; it is never the result of willing, but always a growth. The fruit of the Spirit is a gift of God, and only He can produce it. They who bear it know as little about it as the tree knows of its fruit. They know only the power of Him on whom their life depends.” • Dietrich Bonhoeffer

As I write this devotion, I am sitting in the back seat of our truck on I-70 westbound to visit Concordia University Nebraska with Jonathan and Jessica. Out my window, I see countless acres of corn on both sides. Farmers checking their crops, tractors hard at work, irrigation systems primed and flowing. All of this is aimed at the final product — an ear of corn bound for the grill, feedlot, or fuel plant. Reflecting on this, I can’t help but think about the farmer's focus. His desire is that the fruit of his labor will be a harvest of well-developed ears. His focus, though, is on the soil, the moisture, the sun, and the weather. By investing his time and energy caring for the needs of the plant, a bountiful harvest of fruit comes. The fruit is the product of focusing on the plant, not on the fruit itself.

Paul writes in Galatians 5 about the fruit of the Spirit, encouraging the Galatians to “walk by the Spirit” (Galatians 5:16). Notice that his encouragement isn’t to focus on the fruit but on the Spirit. His desire is that they would fix their eyes on the crucified and risen Christ. That just as they have been called to faith, they would now walk in faith by the Spirit. And that as the Spirit works in their hearts and minds, He is like a farmer tending to that corn crop, caring for each of the plants, nurturing them so that they will bear fruit in season. The plant’s job is to receive those good gifts of soil, water, and sun and allow them to work in and through it to bear abundant fruit.

We have been called to faith in the one true God. In the waters of Baptism, He has claimed us. In His Holy Supper, He feeds us with Himself. In His Word, we are shown His true heart for us and His desire for our salvation. As followers of Christ, when we fix our eyes on Him in His Word and sacraments, He works in and through us to produce His fruit in our lives. This fruit bears witness to His grace, mercy, and love for His creation. It is fruit that He uses to gather those who do not yet know Him into the fold.

Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest,

And make our hearts Your place of rest;

Come with Your grace and heav’nly aid,

And fill the hearts which You have made.

Teach us to know the Father, Son,

And You, from both, as Three in One

That we Your name may ever bless

And in our lives the truth confess.

Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest

LSB Hymn 499, Stanzas 1 and 6

About Mindful Monday Devotions

In our season of celebration with Tell the Wonders He Has Done, we continue in our prayerful focus as we look to the months and years ahead with thanksgiving. Join us as we remain in God's strong Word each Monday morning.