In what could be considered the Gospel of John’s version of The Great Commission, Jesus did not say go and save souls — salvation is the work of God. As the Father sent Him, He is sending us to make disciples by being disciples ourselves (John 20:21). The challenge for us all comes from the framework of our personal relationship with Jesus. "Do you believe that I am able to do this?" (Matthew 9:28). Do we believe that God is sovereign and that He cares for us? Our truthful, genuine heart answer to this question changes everything about our relationship.
Yesterday, most of us responded with great faith as childlike people who trusted God’s promise. The Holy Spirit guided us — maybe even had to nudge us a little — through the tension of making a five-year commitment. But it was remarkable to witness such faith. Going forward, our children, family, and guests worshiping in our church will “see” our service and financial gifts, but the great secret of joy is not in service but in relationship.
And the true measure of His successful plans won’t stop with the completion of a new Living Stone worship space, new classrooms, a gym, and a music suite. The measure of that success will continue with the tens of thousands who will hear His rescue story. Over the next 174 years, His Word will be spoken louder than our shame.
We as a family — future elders, future pastors, future teachers, future musicians, and many others — thank all who will be stepping out financially in faith. What started yesterday is the opportunity to live out our limitless confidence in Jesus. What began as a story about His money will be inherited in our relationships.