As we have officially launched our Tell the Wonders He Has Done ministry expansion campaign, we would like the congregation to join together by taking a moment each Monday to be centered in God's Word. This will not only be a time to consider financial commitments, but also an opportunity to stretch spiritually. Our intent is for these devotions to support that purpose. We look forward to sharing our thoughts and God's Word with you weekly.  


Giving our best to His glory,

James and Becky Blake

Campaign Prayer Coordinators

How Should We Pray?

Perhaps this is a question that comes to your mind as you read the launch materials of the Tell the Wonders He Has Done capital campaign. If you attended one of the forums, maybe the magnitude of the ask from God seemed remarkable. Rather than succumb to our human tendencies — to doubt this can be done, or become anxious, or even fear what this sort of personal sacrifice will mean for so many family budgets with competing goals — turn first to prayer. But how?

Jesus instructs us in Matthew 6. The first three petitions in The Lord’s Prayer — Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done — are full of wisdom in what we now face. Jesus has given us the framework to construct our self-examination and prayer:

  • 1) Do we want the Church to grow because more people will fear, revere, and honor His name? Does this commitment grow His Church?

  • 2) Are we eagerly waiting for the Lord to come? "Maranatha" — "Our Lord, come!" In the last words of the Bible, Jesus says, "Surely I am coming soon," followed by the response of the Church: "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!" Examine what these words really mean. None of us knows when the Lord is coming again. The fact that He hasn’t says our work is not done. Teacher John Piper says it perfectly in his book A Hunger for God: "If we really long for Christ to return and the kingdom to come, then we will pour our lives into completing the prerequisite to His coming, namely, Matthew 24:14." Does this commitment spread the Gospel?

  • 3) Are we filled with joy for His will to be done? This begins to uncover our financial sacrifice. What are our competing goals for giving more money and time to this commitment? Are we considering God Himself as our desire, or are we an adulterous people, loving the gifts and blessings more than the Giver and Creator? (Reference: James 4:4).

On Earth as it is in Heaven…

This commitment will not be easy for anyone. Therefore, we need prayer. It is a priceless weapon in our struggle to both wait for and hasten the coming of the day of God (2 Peter 3:12).

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