Caloosahatchee Mindfulness

Sometimes the problems of the world seem so overwhelming. We question how anything can change for the better. After all, doesn't the world devolve into entropy and chaos? The plasticware drawer certainly does! What's missing from this equation is the power of small actions that can initiate great changes. A tree falls and can change the course of the river. The last snowflake can trigger an avalanche when millions before had no effect. One day a woman chose not to give up her seat on a bus, then a city-wide bus boycott began. A small, wizened man went on a hunger strike, and the British empire in India crumpled. While these are not direct cause-and-effect events, they were sparks. In our own lives, we can consider that one incident, decision, or meeting that led us on a path we hadn't dreamed of before. At the time, these occurrences rarely felt momentous. 

Small acts remind us of how connected we are. As John Muir wrote: "When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe." We can perform one random act of kindness and never know of its effects. A pebble dropped into a pool of water creates ever-expanding ripples; so too can one "right action" create a cascade of benefits. We often devalue the power of our small, good actions. A smile we give may be the only one that a person receives in a day. Calling a wait staff or service provider by name, subtly says, "I see you." We often hear the term "pay it forward." The car before pays the toll for the following driver, who, surprised and grateful, pays it for the next driver. What if on a given day, everyone paid forward just one act of kindness? Think how momentously the world would change for the better.

Amelia Earhart said, "A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees." So let your small kindnesses seed and sprout until we are surrounded by a grove of grace.

Much Metta,
Meet the Caloosahatchee Mindfulness Board
Anne Louise Kracmer, LCSW, MSW serves on the Board of Directors of Caloosahatchee Mindfulness as Vice Chair. She received a B.S. in Music Education from Northern Illinois University and sang professionally in Mexico for eight years before moving to Southwest Florida. In 2007 Anne Louise completed the Master of Social Work program at Florida Gulf Coast University. She has worked with children, teens, and families as well as with incarcerated people.

Since first discovering the benefits of mindfulness through Hearts’ Path to Mindful Living in 2006, Anne Louise has been dedicated to deepening her practice of mindfulness and learning to teach mindfulness through formal education. In 2008 she began a path to become a teacher of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) by taking the preliminary course for professionals taught by Jon Kabat-Zinn, the originator of MBSR, and Saki Santorelli through Omega Institute for Holistic Studies. She has continued her MBSR teacher training through the University of Massachusetts Center for Mindfulness, the University of California San Diego Center for Mindfulness, East Coast Mindfulness, and Brown University School of Professional Studies. She is recognized as a Level 1 MBSR Teacher at Brown University Mindfulness Center. Anne Louise is one of the facilitators of Caloosahatchee Mindulness’ sangha, the Caloosahatchee Rising Tide Sangha. 
Caloosahatchee Rising Tide Sangha's
Midweek Mindfulness
Sangha is the Pali word for community.

You are invited to attend the every Wednesday Sangha that meets on Zoom for meditation and deep sharing.
This is a great opportunity to check in with yourself and the sangha during the week. So come relax and calm the mind and body, and practice meditation and deep listening together with us. 

Did you know that Caloosahatchee Rising Tide Sangha is listed in Thich Nhat Hanh's Plum Village Global Sangha Directory? Join us and see how sangha can support your practice.

You can register on our website, and the Zoom link will be sent to you. For more information, you can also email us at
Mindfulness Book Club

A small group that studies and shares books on mindfulness practices to create a happier and healthier life.
For information on joining the group by Zoom and the next book to be discussed, call or text (941) 888-0116 or email

The book club is now reading Boundless Heart: The Buddha’s Path of Kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity by Christina Feldman 

Discussion is focused on understanding how the author’s words and concepts
are relevant to our daily lives.

The book club is free to all Caloosahatchee Mindfulness members or participants can join for the pre-pandemic fee of $20 a month ($5 a week).

For more information about membership see the membership information below.
Friday Time-Out
Every Friday morning and evening at 10:00 am and 5 pm, meditation sessions include a 20-minute meditation with initial guidance and then silent sitting. After the meditation, there is a group discussion, a 5-minute silent reflection, and then thought for the week and check out. These meditations are offered at no cost and no experience is necessary.

For information on joining the group by Zoom, call or text (941) 888-0116,
or email You can also register on our website and receive the link directly.
Half Day Meditation Retreat
Join us for a Half-Day Self Care Retreat
Saturday, October 22, 2022, from 9 am - 12 pm at HeartSpace Yoga Collective

Yoga mats, chairs, and bolsters are available, however, you are welcome to bring your own mat. You may also wish to bring a blanket, pillow, or cover-up to feel extra cozy. Bring a water bottle.

Dana/Donation basis
To register, email Maggie @
Become a Caloosahatchee Mindfulness Member!
We invite you to join us in our practice of mindfulness. We welcome you to check out our new and improved website at

You can join us directly from the website,
or contact us via email at and we will be happy to mail you a membership brochure.

We look forward to practicing with you. 🙏🏼
Mindfulness on the Go!
Can't make Midweek Mindfulness?
Need a few minutes to quiet the mind?
Join us on Insight Timer!