Caloosahatchee Mindfulness
We are coming up on two months post-Ian. Time's relativity makes it feel both moments and years ago. Each of us is in our own state of cleanup and remediation. Most of us are exhausted. Our nervous systems have been running on adrenalin which is meant to support us in sprints, not marathons. We are tired and distracted. Our attention spans have shortened to nano-seconds and our emotions are all over the board. Each of us has a long To Do List. We need to make sure that self-care is near the top of this list. Self care is highly personal and looks different for everyone. For some it may be a hot bath, for others a walk in the park, and some may lose themselves in a book. Take a moment to consider what restores your batteries, what calms your body and spirit. Try adding a little of that in your day. Write it on your To Do List. Put it on your calendar. Recovery is not a quick process. Not for illness. Not for hurricanes. Take care of yourself so that you can cross the finish line, whenever and wherever that may be.

Caloosahatchee Mindfulness has a number of "Time Out" opportunities to help calm our bodies, minds, and spirits. You will find them listed in this newsletter. Additionally, remember to check out Moments of Mindfulness on our website for a quick guided meditation with an accompanying video.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! Valarie Olsen and I wish to thank you for your generous donations, support, and prayers as we work on rebuilding from Hurricane Ian. We are humbled and grateful for your support. We have felt so supported and cared for by all of you. Words cannot express our gratitude.

Much Metta,
Meet the Caloosahatchee Mindfulness Board
Meet our Treasurer, Helen G. Leddy!

Believe it or not, the Weequahic section of Newark, NJ was a wonderful place to grow up. Both my elementary and high schools were within walking distance of my home.  Public transportation was readily available for trips to NYC, and for visits to family and friends. I started school and graduated from high school with many of the same friends. It is the reason why high school reunions are a gala event for memory renewal.
After graduating from the University of Vermont, I attended Rutgers University School of Library Service where I received my MLS. I also met and married a fellow classmate with whom I subsequently parented three wonderful children. 
For the next several years, I was a school librarian (and mother) in various secondary schools in NJ and NY. In 1970, our family relocated to New Paltz, NY where I began a position as the Director of the Faculty of Education Curriculum Center. My husband was a Reference Librarian in the university library. Our children were in the Campus School. I began work on my doctorate to ensure a continuing career in academia. Life was beautiful (until it wasn’t.)
Tragically, Scott, our son who had brain cancer, died in 1974 upsetting the family equilibrium. My husband and I divorced, and in 1979 I moved to Maine to begin a new relationship. My 11-year-old son moved with me; my daughter who was a senior in high school remained in New Paltz.
Excellent work ensued though not in academia. I was the Director of the Pediatric Play Program at Maine Medical Center for 4 ½ years. One of my job responsibilities was the co-facilitation of a Grieving Parents Group. I then spent 16 years as a Human Resources professional, first in a hotel and then at a large regional health center. My final job, before retirement, was Adoption/Foster Family Educator for the University of Southern Maine. 
For the first several years of retirement, we were seasonal residents. We still had a lakeside home in Maine, which we sold in 2014, and became full-time Florida residents. Also, in 2014, I became a full-time graduate student at FGCU. I began a 5-year quest to finally complete my doctoral degree. I graduated in May 2019 with an EdD, an unfinished quest that had been on my bucket list for 45 years. 
My mindfulness meditation practice began in 2011 when I participated in an evening group with a woman who had been a long-time practitioner.  I meditated sporadically but read voraciously. I was elated to join the Caloosahatchee Mindfulness book group where I met incredibly wonderful fellow travelers. We have traveled together through many books over the years, and I have been a diligent student of mindfulness with active daily practice. Serving on the CM Board is one way for me to give to this special community which serves the greater community with kindness, love, and spiritual practice.
Mindfulness Practice Opportunities

An eight-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course will be
offered in January 2023.

The class instructor is Anne Louise Kracmer, LCSW. 

A free orientation class will be offered on January 17, 2023, 12 pm - 2 pm. The MBSR Orientation session is required before registering for the full, eight-week MBSR class. It is considered a prerequisite for the series. 

The class will be held on Zoom, from January 24-March 14, from 12 pm-2:30 pm
with one all-day session on March 4th from 8:45 am - 4 pm.

Once a participant is registered, the secure Zoom link will be sent by email.
Caloosahatchee Rising Tide Sangha's
Midweek Mindfulness
Sangha is the Pali word for community.

You are invited to attend the every Wednesday Sangha that meets on Zoom for meditation and deep sharing.
This is a great opportunity to check in with yourself and the sangha during the week. So come relax and calm the mind and body, and practice meditation and deep listening together with us. 

Did you know that Caloosahatchee Rising Tide Sangha is listed in Thich Nhat Hanh's Plum Village Global Sangha Directory? Join us and see how sangha can support your practice.

You can register on our website, and the Zoom link will be sent to you. For more information, you can also email us at
Mindfulness Book Club

A small group that studies and shares books on mindfulness practices to create a happier and healthier life.
For information on joining the group by Zoom and the next book to be discussed, call or text (941) 888-0116 or email

The book club is now reading Boundless Heart: The Buddha’s Path of Kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity by Christina Feldman 

Discussion is focused on understanding how the author’s words and concepts
are relevant to our daily lives.

The book club is free to all Caloosahatchee Mindfulness members or participants can join for the pre-pandemic fee of $20 a month ($5 a week).

For more information about membership see the membership information below.
Friday Time-Out
Every Friday morning and evening at 10:00 am and 5 pm, meditation sessions include a 20-minute meditation with initial guidance and then silent sitting. After the meditation, there is a group discussion, a 5-minute silent reflection, and then thought for the week and check out. These meditations are offered at no cost and no experience is necessary.

For information on joining the group by Zoom, call or text (941) 888-0116,
or email You can also register on our website and receive the link directly.
With Gratitude to our Community Partners
We are so grateful to our Community Partners for their support of mindfulness!
Lotus Blossom Clinic
Metta Mindfulness
Valarie Olsen Counseling & Wellness
Supporting Mindfulness
Giving Tuesday is just a few weeks away on November 29, 2022.
With your gift to Caloosahatchee Mindfulness, we are able to continue to offer free and reduced-rate mindfulness resources to our local and global communities.
Become a Caloosahatchee Mindfulness Member!
We invite you to join us in our practice of mindfulness. We welcome you to check out our new and improved website at

You can join us directly from the website,
or contact us via email at and we will be happy to mail you a membership brochure.

We look forward to practicing with you. 🙏🏼
Mindfulness on the Go!
Can't make Midweek Mindfulness?
Need a few minutes to quiet the mind?
Join us on Insight Timer!