Mingyur Rinpoche's Teaching Events in Oregon
April 21 - 26, 2022
Registration Now Open!
Mingyur Rinpoche’s Oregon Event Schedule At-A-Glance
Thursday, April 21: 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM PDT
An Open Heart in Turbulent Times – A Public Meeting
(No prerequisites, all are welcome!)
University Place Hotel at Portland State University
Portland, Oregon

Friday, April 22 at 2:00 PM – Sunday, April 24 at 6:00 PM PDT
Mind and Emptiness: Path of Liberation Level 2
(There are prerequisites for this retreat.)
University Place Hotel at Portland State University
Portland, Oregon
Tuesday, April 26 from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM PDT
Finding Equanimity in Uncertain Times – A Public Meeting
(No prerequisites, all are welcome!)
Craterian Theater at The Collier Center
Medford, Oregon
A Message from Tergar
Instructor Tim Olmsted about
The Path of Liberation Teachings in Portland
With Mingyur Rinpoche
April 22 - 24, 2022
April 15 - 18, 2022: Path of Liberation Level 1 Online Retreat

The Path of Liberation is Mingyur Rinpoche’s step-by-step approach to Buddhist meditation. In this retreat, Mingyur Rinpoche will introduce the first stage of this training, with teachings on the nature of mind and the practice liturgy that Rinpoche has composed, Nectar of the Path. There are prerequisites to attend this retreat. 
An Open Heart in Turbulent Times
A Public Meeting with Mingyur Rinpoche

Thursday, April 21: 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM PDT
Columbia Falls Ballroom
University Place Hotel at Portland State University

Hosted by Tergar Portland
This is a time of extraordinary challenges, both globally and at home. As each day passes, the world we live in seems to be growing increasingly harsh and polarized. Faced with forces that appear to be beyond our control, many of us are left feeling isolated, anxious and powerless. Join us for an evening with the renowned Buddhist teacher and meditation master, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche to explore how to navigate these turbulent times wisely and with a heart that’s open and connected to the world.

There are no prerequisites for attending this event. All are welcome!
Mind and Emptiness: Path of Liberation Level 2
With Mingyur Rinpoche

Friday, April 22 at 2:00 PM PDT
To Sunday, April 24 at 6:00 PM PDT
Columbia Falls Ballroom
University Place Hotel at Portland State University
The essence of Tergar’s Path of Liberation is cultivating insight into the nature of mind. Critically, this nature is emptiness. During this retreat, Mingyur Rinpoche will introduce the second pointing out instruction which elucidates this truth. He will also bestow the White Tara Empowerment. An embodiment of enlightened activity, White Tara serves as the principal deity of the Tergar lineage. Moreover, during this retreat you will receive instructions on the Nectar of the Path and traditional ngondro practices.

There are prerequisites for attending this event. Click below for more info!
Finding Equanimity in Uncertain Times
A Free Public Meeting with Mingyur Rinpoche

Tuesday, April 26 from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM PDT
Craterian Theater at The Collier Center
23 S Central Ave, Medford, OR

Hosted by Tergar Medford
We live in an ever-changing world, and recent events have reminded us all of our global interdependence. The experience of prolonged uncertainty can be deeply unsettling, filling us with anxiety and stress. By cultivating patience and equanimity, and trusting in our mind’s natural awareness, we can learn how to accept uncertainty and live with confidence in the midst of unpredictability and change.
Best wishes from Tergar Meditation Community of Oregon!