Over the past several months of the Corona pandemic, the state of St. Joseph's-in-the-Hills has taken a serious economic and physical blow. The general grounds that we have come to love have not been maintained as we would have liked because of staff cutbacks and weather conditions. So, we put out a call for volunteers and the response was just amazing! On Saturday, October 18th, a group of approximately twenty men and women spent the day cleaning up the grounds of the retreat house. They came with their own equipment including tools, rakes, brooms, tarps, weedwhackers, chainsaws, blowers, wheelbarrows, and hedge trimmers. Trees were trimmed, and shrines were tidied-up. We are edified by the generosity of our volunteers and proud of the commitment of the staff who helped. We are extremely grateful to Boot Road Tree Service and Earl Ebling Landscaping for their donation of time and equipment!

This was another confirmation of how good St. Joseph is interceding for Malvern Retreat House. We have a profound sense of HOPE and gratitude to God and all of our faithful supporters!

Take a moment and watch the VIDEO HERE about the spectacular day!