Mini Prosit Newsletter
October 24, 2020
Over the past several months of the Corona pandemic, the state of St. Joseph's-in-the-Hills has taken a serious economic and physical blow. The general grounds that we have come to love have not been maintained as we would have liked because of staff cutbacks and weather conditions. So, we put out a call for volunteers and the response was just amazing! On Saturday, October 18th, a group of approximately twenty men and women spent the day cleaning up the grounds of the retreat house. They came with their own equipment including tools, rakes, brooms, tarps, weedwhackers, chainsaws, blowers, wheelbarrows, and hedge trimmers. Trees were trimmed, and shrines were tidied-up. We are edified by the generosity of our volunteers and proud of the commitment of the staff who helped. We are extremely grateful to Boot Road Tree Service and Earl Ebling Landscaping for their donation of time and equipment!
This was another confirmation of how good St. Joseph is interceding for Malvern Retreat House. We have a profound sense of HOPE and gratitude to God and all of our faithful supporters!
Take a moment and watch the VIDEO HERE about the spectacular day!
Hooray! Halfway There!
On June 1, 2020, we launched our MALVERN FORWARD Campaign. The campaign was instituted to ensure needed funds were raised this year in light of a severe loss of retreat income. The campaign is rooted in hope, and directs our hearts and minds to the future! Our goal was to raise 1.2 million dollars. We are thrilled to report that we are past the halfway point of reaching this goal; but, we have a long way to go. With your help, we are confident that the goal can be achieved. Malvern Retreat House needs you now - please help us reach our goal! Join us in moving MALVERN FORWARD by making your gift today!
Men and Women of Malvern Retreats
Upcoming Retreats
Visit our calendar for registration information and virtual options. Please note: All Men and Women of Malvern onsite retreats are also broadcast virtually.
Malvern Retreat House has also developed a series of modified special retreats for the remainder of 2020. The theme is "In Challenging Times - Take Heart and Have Courage". You can register on our calendar for the Retreats. The cost is $75.
2-Day Virtual Only
Mon. 11/16 and Tues. 11/17
Time: 7 – 9 p.m.
Tues. 12/8 and Wed 12/9
Time: 7 – 9 p.m.
1 Day On-Site with Virtual Option
Tues. 11/10
Time: 9a.m. – 4 p.m.
Thurs. 12/3
Time: 9a.m. – 4 p.m.
An Overnight Mid Week Retreat
Tues. 12/15 at 5 p.m. to Wed. 12/16 at 4 p.m. with a closing Mass.
Theme: “In Challenging Times - Take Heart and Have Courage”
Retreat Director: Fr. Jim McGuinn
Location: Upper McShain
Wake Up America Dinner
Join In His Sign Network and Kathleen McCarthy from the comfort of your home to hear her authentic Catholic voice on All Saints Day. Kathleen McCarthy is a published author, international Catholic lay evangelist, and President of In His Sign Catholic Radio Network. Spanning more than four decades, her ministry has produced countless stories of healing through the power of the Holy Spirit. She is a renowned conference speaker, retreat master, broadcaster, and more. Through her gift of storytelling and prayer, Kathleen shares the fire of Jesus’ Eucharistic Heart and the message of God’s Merciful Love. Kathleen is a frequent guest at Malvern Retreat House and the event will be hosted here at Malvern.
Date: Sunday, November 1, 2020 |
Time: In-person Dinner 2:00-5:00 p.m. EST | Livestream 3:00-4:30 p.m. EST
Event highlights include:
Keynote address by Kathleen McCarthy
Video messages from our priests
Beautiful praise and worship music
Meet some of our broadcasters
Drawings for Wake Up America prizes
First Friday: November 6, Family Life Center. 7:30-9:30 a.m.
Women's Tea: November 8, Memorial Dining Hall, 2-4 p.m.
Click on the name of the event for additional details or call us at 610.644.0400.
Retreat for Married Couples
We are happy to announce that we will host a Marriage Retreat in November.
The Retreat theme is “Love-Marriage-Blessings.” Johnnette and Jack Williams are very involved in Catholic ministry, particularly EWTN and Women of Grace. We are so excited that they will serve as the directors of the Retreat. Guests will stay in the beautiful Family Life Center. All rooms with private baths. The cost is $395 per couple. Please feel free to call us for additional information at 610.644.0400. To register online please visit our website here.
Advent Day of Recollection
Join us for an Advent Day of Recollection on December 2nd. This day-long program begins at 9 a.m. with breakfast. Father Jim McGuinn will lead us in the day. Our theme is "Christmas is Coming 'Advent-ually' " ~ Learning to Pray Patiently in an Impatient World." There will be time for prayer, confession, and Mass at 2:30 before the 3:30 departure. This is a wonderful preparation for Christmas. The cost is $40.00 per person on-site and $25 to participate virtually.
Join us for Spirit Power on Tuesday, December 8th. The program begins at 9 a.m. and Mass will be at 3:00 p.m. This retreat features Marty Rotella, Singer/Songwriter and Evangelist and, special guest speakers Fr. Stephen DeLacy and Anna Iatesta. There will be uplifting music and powerful teaching. Mass will be offered for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. The cost is $45.00 per person on-site and $25 to participate virtually.
Two Women of Malvern Offer Hope and Healing
Two of the speakers we have enjoyed hearing from at our Women’s Teas — Sarah Christmyer and Megan Schreiber — will be speaking at the free, online Catholic Moms Summit on November 13-15.
Sarah’s talk, Once a Mother, Always a Mother: For Better or Worse! offers hope to women who feel the pain of seeing grown children fall away: from the faith, from the family, from the path we would have chosen for them. In addition, she’ll be hosting a time of prayer for mothers.
Megan will speak on Healing in the Family, where she will explore the scriptural basis for healing, the everyday occurrences of miracles, and how healing in your family is possible.
They will be joined by many of the best-known and loved Catholic authors and
speakers, all sharing about real issues moms face every day and practical steps of how to find lasting balance, peace, and joy. Get more information and REGISTER FREE through one of the links in their talk titles.
"Rooted in the Catholic Faith, we provide retreats, programs and events that help people deepen their relationship with God and find peace!"