Toward a Broadened Perspective
By Paula Clayton Dempsey

All humans have a “field of view” from which we observe the world around us. Our fields of view are limited by our gender, race, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, religion, and geography. Sometimes disease restricts our field of view, as my mother’s vision was diminished by a stroke.

According to my software-game-developer son, a field of view for anything produced for a screen is set and doesn’t change unless there’s a reason to do so . As followers of Jesus, we have a reason to examine and adjust our field of view: the call to embody God’s justice and love in partnership.

As the Alliance adjusts our field of view in these unprecedented days, we are collecting and sharing with you Field Notes from our partners who are ministering among some of the most vulnerable communities around the world. 

Seeking to stand in solidarity with our partners, we are sharing with you the updates we are receiving from them – reporting their reality from their field of view. Enduring a shelter-in-place order and a full-blown pandemic has different implications for different contexts. 

  • The Field Notes from Zimbabwe reveal startlingly low supplies of protective equipment for medical personnel; for example, there are only 16 ventilators in the entire nation. They also reveal scarcity of food and limited access to funds in bank accounts. 

  • The Field Notes from the Republic of Georgia and Uganda reveal troubling theology which exposes people at great risk to the novel coronavirus– some of it promoted by the church. 

The Alliance family is being called to enlarge our field of view. Oh, yes, my software-game-developer son said this too: When you enlarge your field of view, it’s costly. When we do so, our lives are changed. 

Broaden your perspective during this time of crisis in which we are living. Read the Field Notes from our Active Hope partners here and around the world. Our God who loves us is calling us to join hearts and hands.

In these unprecedented times, we are giving priority to our partners who are ministering among the most vulnerable communities. Please consider making a contribution to the Alliance designated for our partners as we stand in solidarity with them in this time of crisis. All donations are tax-deductible and will support those directly in need. Make a donation online and note that your gift is designated for our Ministry Partners. They urgently need our support.
The Alliance of Baptists is a vibrant movement of people, faith communities and ministry partners who are deeply passionate about ecumenism, partnership in mission, relentless hospitality and racial and social justice.
Leadership Team
Paula Clayton Dempsey , director of partnership relations
Carole Collins , director of operations & finance
Stephanie True Cooper , acting communications specialist
Brooklyn Lovelace , social media specialist
Cathy McGaughey , operations specialist
Kristy Pullen , website specialist
Jason Smith , congregational engagement specialist