All Saints' Episcopal Church Newsletter
October 24, 2021
Our Vision: A community living and growing in unity with God and all people through Christ.

Our Mission: To seek God in reverent worship, service to neighbors, gracious hospitality, and the pursuit of wisdom.

Trouble Finding Our Services Online?

Join us online Sundays at 10:30 am for Holy Eucharist and Wednesdays at 6 pm for Evening Prayer. Each service will be streamed or uploaded to our YouTube page. A link to the Sunday morning service will also be posted to our Facebook page and website each week before the service begins.

Be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube page!

Make sure to click on "View Entire Message" at the bottom of the page to see the entire email.
A Word About Stewardship

Please gather with us at the 8am and 10:30 am service to hear from Suzanne Alford, our second speaker for our Stewardship Campaign, "Every Perfect Gift."

Stewardship envelopes will be mailed out in the coming week. Please let the office know if you don't receive one or have an address change.
Ministry Team Training this Sunday!

Ministry Teams are returning! The ministry team model is a way to organize those who serve in different ministries on Sunday mornings. Basically, a team of individuals will be assigned to "host worship" each Sunday of the month. There will be three trainings this month to cover the role of Greeters, Lectors, Oblationers, Intercessors, and Ushers. Everyone in the church is encouraged and invited to participate in one of these training sessions to both find their ministry and/or refresh their training. These sessions will take place: Sunday, October 24, at 9 am; Sunday, October 31, at 9 am. No need to sign up in advance. Contact [email protected] with questions.
Parish Photos

Loving this fall weather? Me too! I think it’s the perfect time for us to update our All Saints’ photo directory. Brandon Etzkorn and I plan on being in the memorial garden this Sunday to take portraits of people or families to update our book. Here will be the dates and times. If you can’t make it please let me know as we’d love to have everyone’s photo included. If you'd like to submit a recent family photo, please email it to Melissa at [email protected].

Sunday October 24

Sunday October 31
Immediately after the 10:30 service

November 7
10 to 10:30am
Immediately after the 10:30 service
Fellowship of the Sink - Rescheduled

We will hold a meeting after the 10:30 service on October 31, 2021. If the COVID numbers are too high, we will schedule a zoom meeting for later during that week. We need to organize for the remainder of fall and the upcoming Advent and Christmas seasons.

If you are interested in participating with the Fellowship of the sink, please plan on attending the meeting on the 31st.

Thank you.

Carol Lee

Community Yoga Class

[all levels welcomed]
This is a free class offered by Cynthia Reynolds
Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30 pm
Sutherland Hall
Bring a mat and a friend!

Vaccination cards will be checked at the door and masks are mandatory.

Yoga will be on break November 2 and 9th.
Youth and Family Events
Howl-Ween at the Zoo October 30

All Saints' Episcopal Church would like to take your family to the Little Rock Zoo for Halloween. This year we will not be handing out our Candy on Halloween, but instead treating our families to a day at the Zoo.

If your family is interested in going, we will pay for your admission, which is $6 per person over the age of 3 as a group rate.

I was thinking we could get there at 10am and go in as a group. Parking per car is $3.

So far we have 15 adults going, 13 kids, and 2 under the age of 3.

I was able to reserve our space to attend on October 30, so if you need to let me know by October 29 if you can attend that's fine too. We can have as many people attend as we want.

~Melissa Simpson
Family Director
All Saints' Episcopal Church
Kid's Chapel

Please enjoy our video from this past Sunday of Melissa.

You can find Kid's Chapel online on YouTube here every Sunday at 9am.

When Covid-19 numbers are better we will let parents know when this program will resume to in person on Sundays.
EYC to Gather November 3

Our Episcopal Youth Community will gather again in person on November 3 at 5:30 pm. We will cleanup Phoenix Ave from Main Street to Sequoyah Elementary as part of our service. Then we will have hamburgers and bratwursts in the park. Parents are welcome to join as we clean up.

Melissa Simpson
New Teen Reading Club

We are starting a new Teen Reading Group with Kaylynn Taylor and Elizabeth Franks helping to facilitate. If you have a teen age 14-18 interested in being in our monthly reading group please email Elizabeth at [email protected].

Books will be purchased for the teens. October book is "Bad" by Jean Ferris.

The group will meet on a Thursday evening once a month (probably the 4th Thursday of October and then 3rd Thursday of November and December due to the holiday.)
Christian Formation
Wednesday Bible Study

We are finally restarting Bible Study! Bible Study is at 1:30 pm (the new time for Bible Study going forward). We will be using Brian McLaren's book We Make the Road by Walking.

Each chapter begins with three short passages of scripture, then four pages of Brian McLaren's thoughts, then a few questions for conversation. The "lessons" are short enough to be read together, and so no advance preparation is needed. This book does not dive into the particulars of biblical history as much as it aims to change the way we see faith and the world. McLaren writes in the Preface:

We will meet in-person in Shoemaker Hall, and we can also provide a Zoom option for those who would find that preferable.
Young Adult Prayer Meeting

Please join us Monday October 25 at 6pm in our parlor for our young adult gathering. Young adult is 18 to 35, but no one will be turned away.

Our discussion will center around the section of Confession in Rachel Held Evans "Searching for Sunday" book on Holy Orders. It's not too late to join in the discussion. Reading is not required.

Faith & Reason Sundays at 9 am

We will be returning to in-person classes on October 17th. We will still be using Zoom to facilitate remote attendance and participation, but vaccinated and masked parishioners are encouraged to attend in person in the seminar/library room at 9:00am.
Faith and Scripture

Faith and Scripture will return to in person meeting this Sunday at 9 am.
Please see the video above for Evening Prayer with Charles Tyrone from October 20.
Join us next Wednesday October 27 at 6pm for Evening Prayer.
Neighbors Table Update

Please remember Neighbors Table in your prayers. We give grateful thanks for the
abundant support of our church and our community that makes this ministry possible.

Our Thanksgiving celebration this year is on November 13. We are joined by our
partner churches: Central Presbyterian is providing 200 lbs. of turkey and the
wonderful New Prospect team is preparing the meal. If you can cook and debone a turkey or would like to help in another way, please text or call Carolyn at 479-264-5969 or Catherine, 479-264-4346.

Last week we served 160 meals: 97 to our drive-thru families and the rest to our delivery and pick up families. This week we are preparing a meal of seasoned beef patties, donated by a family that serves with Central Presbyterian, and gravy, rice, green salad, fresh fruit and dessert of assorted cookies. If you have extra salad veggies in your garden they would be welcome! We are working Friday morning this week and will be
in Sutherland if you have something to bring.

If you’d like to contribute desserts they would be greatly appreciated! Bring desserts for a few or for many; everything helps meet the need. We serve cookies or bars, store bought or homemade. You can put them in the big freezer in the Loaves and Fishes room, or bring them on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning when our teams are working. Our ministry continues in its 10th year because of the generosity of everyone who contributes time, treasure, and talent. Thank you!!

If you’d like to help for about 2 hours on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning, please text or call Charlie at 479-857-0480 or Catherine at 479-264-4346. Or take a look at the whiteboards in Sutherland and sign up for a day and job. All volunteers must be fully vaccinated and wear masks; we still follow safety precautions from start to finish.
Cereal Needed This Week for Loaves and Fishes

Loaves and Fishes, a part of the Neighbors Table ministry, needs to restock its cupboard with cereal. Boxed cereals - national or store brands – and instant oatmeal are popular with our Neighbors Table guests.

Other items that are needed are:
  • Small containers of shelf stable milk
  • Wrapped packages of peanut butter crackers, cookies, granola bars, etc.
  • Shampoo
  • Dish detergent
  • Baby wipes
  • Children’s and adult socks

You can place your donations on Sundays in the wagon that will be in the narthex. As a reminder, you can support Neighbors Table with a donation to Food Ministries in the Giving tab at the All Saints’ webpage.
First Thursday Book Talk for November 4

First Thursday Book Talks will meet on Thursday, November 4, to discuss Promises I Can Keep by Kathryn Edin and Maria Kefalas.

Promises I Can Keep offers an intimate look at what marriage and motherhood mean to these women and provides the most extensive on-the-ground study to date of why they put children before marriage despite the daunting challenges they know lie ahead.

The meeting will open at 11:30 for visiting, and discussion will be from 12-1. For more information, please contact Elizabeth Franks at 479-264-0336. All previous book readings are in our history hallway library and available for free for people to read afterward. Just look for the sticker!

Zoom Meeting ID: 868 5101 0812
Passcode: books
Enneagram on Thursdays

Enneagram and Spiritual Formation Thursdays from 7pm to 8:30pm.  All are welcome. Tonight we will finish Types 8 and 9 in Chapter 4 and begin Chapter 5.

Topic: The Enneagram for Spiritual Formation
Time: Every week on Thursday from 7pm to 8:30pm.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 886 1035 0105
Passcode: 867714
Find your local number:
Practicing Prayer

This week we’ll meet via Zoom at 5:00, begin with silent prayer as always, and then continue our discussion of Chapter 16, “Stage 6: “The Pentecostal Trinity,” in The Holy Trinity and the Law of Three, by Cynthia Bourgeault.

All are welcome! To receive a Zoom invitation, please email Catherine Crews, [email protected], with your contact information.
Centering Prayer at First United Methodist Church

Every Wednesday
4:30 PM

Enter from south parking lot

Masks and social distancing required; vaccination not required
Consider giving yourself the GIFT of a Centering Prayer Retreat

Subiaco Monastery
November 26 - November 30
Private room- $350.00; Shared room- $250.00

Facilitated by Nick Cole

The retreat will have ample periods of SILENCE, 3 PRAYER/MEDITATION periods per day, and some teaching on the TRANSFORMATION of the false self. A retreat is a wonderful way to strengthen a meditation practice. Retreatants will be best served by
having a daily practice of Centering Prayer or meditation prior to attending.

Call Subiaco Retreat Center (479) 934-1290

Contact Catherine at 479-264-4346, [email protected] or
Nick at 970-275-1170, [email protected]

We pray for those who have birthdays this week: Sheila Jacobs, Tony Lee, Stan Lombardo, and Mary Ellen Patton.

O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on
your servants as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow
in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness
all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For those celebrating an anniversary this week: Brandon Etzkorn & Eko Putro.

O gracious and everliving God, look mercifully upon your servants who come to renew the promises they have made to each other. Grant them your blessing, and assist them with your grace, that with true fidelity and steadfast love they may honor and keep their promises and vows; through Jesus Christ our Savior, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Please let the office know if your birthday or anniversary has been missed, so that we may add the date to our records.
Remembering in your Prayers
Weekly Prayers:

We pray especially for Miguel, Charlie, Kenny, the Thomas family, Pearl, Rudy, Sue, Cynthia, and Sarah, the McCorkle family, for those with Covid-19, and those who have lost loved ones in the pandemic.

Long Term Prayers:
Inette, Barbara Johnson, Barbara Stoltz, William Gillum, the Busch Family, Susan Durham Shelton, Arcelia, Carina and Bernice, Tom Munson, Arthur Hastings, Isaac, Sarah Lee, the Kellner Family, Israel Delabra, Wyatt Sherman, Jeffrey & Jennifer Whitehead, Jordan Hein & family, Ellis, John & Gerda, Yvonne, and the People of Afghanistan.

To request changes or updates to our weekly or long term prayer list, please contact our office at [email protected].
Readings for the Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost, October 24
Please click on the orange scripture to link to the readings

The First Lesson

The Response

The Epistle

The Gospel
All Saints' Staff

The Rt. Rev. Larry Benfield - Bishop of Arkansas
The Rev. Teri Daily - Rector
Tim and Kristin Smith - Music Ministers
Melissa Simpson - Family Ministry and Special Projects Coordinator 
Trevor Coats - Technical Director
KaDee McCormick - Parish Administrator
Sherrie Cotton - Administrative Assistant
Marcia Van Horn, Ron Anderson - Office Assistants
All Saints' Vestry & Officers
Mary Ellen Patton - Senior Warden
Brandon Etzkorn - Junior Warden
Ron Anderson
Diane Yarbrough
Elaine Tise
Rudy Delabra
Carol Lee
Htee Hsee
Tracy Cole

Lori Price - Treasurer
Sherrie Cotton - Secretary
Giving at All Saints'

During this time of social distancing and staying home, it is important that we are still able to support our parish and our community through our financial gifts. Contributions may be mailed to the church office or to give online, go to and click on GIVE located on the bottom of the web page. You can designate your donation toward a specific ministry or our general fund.

Text "allsaintsgift" to 73256 to give using your mobile device. This number will never send unsolicited texts to you. To cancel further messages, text STOP. If you need assistance with text giving, text HELP. Standard text message and data rates may apply.