Minneapolis/St Paul Chapter Newsletter
Tracey Baker retired from a nearly 40-year career as a librarian at the Minnesota Historical Society. She discovered the Transition Network about 5 years ago, shortly after her retirement and has enjoyed making new friends, exploring new and old interests, and learning about a variety of subjects. She is passionate about research, history, golf, hiking, art, travel, grandchildren, and learning more about a variety of subjects. As a co-leader of the Art Appreciation group, she takes joy in learning more about art and art history and now can create art in her newly remodeled basement studio/laundry room. The writing group has been a great support in writing a family history that she has spent years investigating. As an information gatherer and organizer, she has delighted in working with the MIX (member information exchange) subgroup of the Caring Collaborative planning development committee.
Kathleen Peterson enjoyed a 44-year career as a Registered Nurse and retired in 2016. Her primary roles involved engaging patients in their own health, discharge planning for patients in transition, and complex case management in both hospital and outpatient settings. She joined TTN after attending a member workshop two years ago. She has enjoyed the fellowship and friendships with other women, the opportunity to co-lead the Exploring Food SIG, and the abundant options to broaden her horizons in retirement. She feels that the participation in the formation and leadership of the MSP Caring Collaborative relates well to the work she has been doing throughout her career. Outside of TTN she spends time seeing to the needs of her family (including two grandsons), walking and biking for fitness and pleasure, and tending a new garden. She is interested in service to the community and appreciates the TTN philosophy of “stepping up when needed”.

We Need YOU–Please Complete Upcoming Survey
Submitted by Terri Evans, Jill Goski, and Debra Dorgan

Soon you will see an email from our Programs Committee seeking your thoughts via a short, but important survey. We’ll ask for your input regarding the signature TTN program titled Women in Transition (WIT) workshop. WIT is a highly interactive half-day program designed to allow participants to explore transitions, new possibilities, and to create their own “next steps”. The workshop includes a review of the concept of transition as opposed to change, and structured discussions to encourage personal reflection and interactive learning.

WIT was most recently offered by our Chapter three years ago. You can help the Programs Committee determine current membership interest in attending this program, preferred timing, whether you would prefer virtual or in-person attendance, and whether or not you participated previously. After all, new changes happen all the time, and the pandemic added an entirely new set of challenges!

Beyond asking about WIT, this survey will also ask you about other planned and potential topics for special events. As a member of our vibrant MSP chapter, your ideas, experiences, and connections can make an enormous difference.

When you receive the survey, please open and complete it right away, and thank you in advance!
Wednesday, July 7, 1:30-2:30 PM
Como Park, St. Paul 

TTN members and non-members are invited to experience a gentle yoga class that focuses on flexibility with Barbara O'Sullivan. Be refreshed physically by energetically practicing outdoors in beautiful Como Park. We will meet south of the Lakeside Pavilion in Como Park. Our session together will begin with a brief meditation. Please bring your own yoga mat. 

Barbara O’Sullivan is a TTN MSP member and certified yoga instructor.

If you have any questions, send an email to Barb at Barbara.osullivan@hotmail.com.

Minneapolis Water Taxi
Submitted by Jean Forrey

Seven women have expressed interest in this special event (the boat holds 6!). We are looking for an additional 5 women to fill the second boat, which is actually a pontoon. The cost is $15 per person which includes a modest tip for the driver. We are booked for Wednesday, July 14, at 5:00 PM. Food options have not been decided - we may eat at a nearby restaurant or plan a picnic or cheese and wine on the boat or… The launch is at Boom Island Park in northeast Minneapolis. See https://mplswatertaxi.com/ for more info.

If interested, please contact Jean Forrey at jean.4e@gmail.com ASAP.
Thursday, July 15, 5:30-7:00 PM
TTN Members and Non-Members are invited to Zoom in with us from 5:30-7:00 PM on Thursday, July 15, for our next Get Connected event. The topic will be - name one thing that you brought along on a trip that saved the day. We are eagerly anticipating hearing about some new ‘must pack’ items. Register on the TTN website and the Zoom link will be sent to you with your registration confirmation.
The purpose of our Get Connected events is that women can connect or reconnect with other women. Prior to Covid, these in-person events were held in restaurants or bars. Like so many other gatherings these became virtual. They also offer an opportunity for women to learn more about TTN, the women who participate, and the events we offer.
If you have any questions, send an email to Pat at patriciaburgraff@gmail.com or Mary at ms.mary.k.howard@gmail.com.

Thursday, July 22, 12:00-1:00 PM Central Time
Monthly new member orientations are back! If you haven’t had a chance to attend one in the past, the MSP Leadership team recommends you join this online event or one in a future month. Watch our newsletters or website for future dates.
At New Member Orientation we'll provide an overview of 
·      Who we are 
·      What we offer our members
·      How to get the most out of your TTN experience.

There will be lots of time to ask questions. And you'll have an opportunity to meet other new members during our session!

Our orientation this month will be hosted by Darla Hastings, Executive Director, with Ellen Murphy, Treasurer and member of the Board of Directors sharing in the presentation. Please join us!

Wednesday, July 28, 1:30-2:30 PM
Como Park, St. Paul 

TTN members and non-members are invited to participate in this outdoor yoga session with Barbara O'Sullivan. Yin Yoga is based in Chinese philosophy and focuses on stretching deeper connective tissue which includes ligaments, tendons and fascia. Three principles of Yin Yoga are to find your edge to feeling sensation in your body (but never pain!), stillness, and holding the poses. This class will be an introduction to the experience of Yin Yoga suitable for beginners or experienced yogis. Please bring your own yoga mat. We will meet south of the Lakeside Pavilion in Como Park.

Barbara O’Sullivan is a TTN MSP member and certified yoga instructor.

If you have any questions, send an email to Barb at Barbara.osullivan@hotmail.com.

Wednesday, August 11, 1:30-2:30 PM
Como Park, St. Paul 

TTN members and non-members are invited to join Barbara O'Sullivan for this Wellness Wednesday outdoor yoga session. The mind and body are brought together by the life force which is the energy running through us. Chakras are spinning wheels of energy located up and down the spine from the tail bone to the crown of the head. This session will explore how to re-balance our energy through either an excess or deficiency in the chakra system. We will meet outdoors south of the Lakeside Pavilion in Como Park.

Barbara O’Sullivan is a TTN MSP member and certified yoga instructor.

If you have any questions, send an email to Barb at Barbara.osullivan@hotmail.com.

Wellness Wednesday: What’s Next
Submitted by Julie Efta

Susan Temple, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Life Coach, returned June 2 to present a program on navigating life transitions. During her presentation, she provided a guided meditation and time for us to reflect and write down our thoughts. These are her 4 steps to move forward:

  1. The Sitch/situation. Take stock of your values, needs, and life balance.
  2. The Dream. Envision the life you want. Consider who you want to be, how you want to feel each day, and what you you want your life to look like. List the things you used to love. List the things you always wanted to do.
  3. The Dragons. What stops you from moving forward? List 5 things thoughts, feelings, or situations that stop or deter your dreams.
  4. The Road Ahead - Tame the dragons and step into the dream
TTN MSP Chapter Second Anniversary Celebration
Submitted by Mary Howard and Pat Burgraff
Seventeen women gathered on June 10 to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of our TTN chapter during the June Get Connected event. Although many women have been meeting for longer than two years, rising membership numbers allowed us to ‘make it official’ two years ago. What a milestone! Memories, gratitude for TTN, and a lot of laughter were shared by all attendees.
Women Weaving Words Garden Party
Submitted by Julie Efta

Thirty women met at a member’s delightful home and garden on Saturday, June 26, for the Women Weaving Words event. We enjoyed visiting in person, playing some games and considering how stories get made. Two local artists were also invited to share their personal insights.

Sue Scott, the host of "The Island of Discarded Women" show and podcast (new season begins in October) talked about her parents and the legacy they left. Her mother, an extrovert, often would say that she just didn’t get shy people. Sue learned that by asking questions and being genuinely curious, even the most reticent people will share their amazing stories. Curiosity makes life and other people much more interesting.

Her father had a tradition of always asking a birthday question: Can you share with us a very significant event in the past year? What one day jumped out as special?. A follow up question was: How did you feel? It’s valuable to take a deep dive occasionally to reflect on one’s life and tell a story.

Author and actor Lorna Landvik recalled memories of her father telling bedtime stories. When story time was over he would “zipper" their eyelids shut for sleep. She also learned the power of humor during difficult situations. One temporary job she had years ago was as a staff person for Hugh Hefner. A perk of the job was an invite to a Halloween costume party. She dressed up as Simone de Beauvoir and a fellow feminist was The Invisible Man which made the party novel, fun, and thoughtful for many. 

Lorna’s next book is called “The ABC’s of Erotica” and will be full of more humorous situations. Both artists illuminate and fight sexism and ageism in our world.

Lunch was provided and more stories and laughter were shared. We all left with a new personal journal, TTN notecards, and inspiration for our own stories.

Craft supplies and cash donations were collected for the Harriet Tubman Center Summer of Peace Program.

Tremendous thanks to Terri Evans, Debra Dorgan, and Jill Goski for hosting and planning this successful summer fete!!!
Do you have something you want to share with TTN MSP members? If so, please forward to Jill and Cyndy for inclusion in future newsletter at jill.goski@gmail.com and clnelson03@gmail.com.
Submitted by Kathleen Peterson and Tracey Baker

After much planning, discussion, and research on other chapters' work on their Caring Collaboratives, the MSP Chapter Caring Collaborative has officially launched with 30 members. This has been a real team effort and we are grateful for the continuing contributions of our fellow Caring Collaborative Committee team members: Nancy Bargsten, Jean Forrey, Julie Efta, Jill Goski, Marilynne Roberts, and Janis Weller. As co-leads for this new operations phase in our Caring Collaborative, we are both anxious to receive requests for service or information and relieved that thus far our members are relatively healthy and not currently in need of direct assistance or information. We anticipate an increased need as our members re-engage with their healthcare providers and begin to schedule tests or procedures that may have been delayed by COVID 19. Whether you need support, transportation or information, please don't hesitate to make

If you are a chapter member who is interested in joining the MSP Caring Collaborative or would like to know more about it, please indicate your interest by sending an email to the CC mailbox at mspcaringcollab@thetransitionnetwork.org.
Bios for Tracey Baker and Kathleen Peterson are available at Leadership Team
Currently there are three Transition Peer Groups (TPG): two daytime groups in the east and west metro area and an evening east metro group. Each group has a unique focus. Check out each group's description in this newsletter. All groups welcome new members. Peer groups focus on mutual support and encouragement in an environment of confidentiality, compassion, and respect. We continue to explore opportunities to add new peer groups either geographically or by topic.

If you are a TTN member interested in joining an existing TPG, please let the contact person for that group know. If you have ideas or questions about convening a new TPG, please contact Barbara at Barbara.osullivan@hotmail.com.
Submitted by Barbara O’Sullivan

Women Who Work Transition Peer Group (TPG) for women is currently on pause as we continue to recruit new members. If you have an interest in joining this group, are interested in taking a leadership position with the group as a co-lead, or have questions, please contact Barbara at Barbara.osullivan@hotmail.com.

Submitted by Sylvia Mohn
We had planned to meet in person outdoors in June, but due to the heat we met via Zoom. The planned topic was summer expeditions, but we spent most of the time on check-ins and touched on the topic briefly at the end. 
We reflected on the approaching return to a more normal life and changes we've made during the pandemic we hope to keep in the future. Examples include consolidating shopping trips, enjoying a slower pace of life, changed family relationships, pushing ourselves more to reach out to people. It seems strange to walk into a store or hug someone. We discussed our ancestors and wanted to learn about their stories and the ways they navigated their lives. What motivated our ancestors to leave where they were? 
We talked about how the world of things has exploded during our lifetimes, with the influx of stuff from abroad, and how Millennials have grown up with endless quantities of stuff. They don't want new stuff to add to garbage dumps, they're interested in recycling and reusing. Stuff doesn't mean that much to them; there's no scarcity. One member talked about getting rid of 2/3 of her possessions when she moved two years ago and has no regrets.
We talked about upcoming travel plans, within the state and abroad. One person will try a new thing, a cruise with her siblings even though she's not a cruise ship type.
On Thursday, July 8, at 10:00 AM, we'll try meeting in person again, at Silverwood Park in St. Anthony. Topic: Whatever seems relevant to our lives on that day.

All Minneapolis/St. Paul TTN members are welcome. We meet the second Thursday of the month from 10:00 AM-Noon. 

Please contact Eleni Skevas at eskevs@yahoo.com if you are interested in joining this group.

TRANSITION PEER GROUP - Living with Purpose
Submitted by Barbara O’Sullivan

Our Living with Purpose Transition Peer Group (TPG) will take a summer break for July and August to enjoy the warm weather and to take advantage of the other TTN activities.

For more information or questions, please contact Barbara at Barbara.osullivan@hotmail.com.

Submitted by Jean Forrey 

The West Metro group continues to meet on the first Monday of the month, and although Monday, July 5, is officially a holiday, we will meet then. Our meetings have been scheduled for 2 hours but we decided that we will meet from 1:00-2:30 PM. As far as we know, the libraries are still not scheduling their meeting rooms, but ZOOM seems to be adequate for us at this time.

In June, we were planning to discuss 3 things that we are looking forward to pursuing now that things are opening up, but our discussion rambled as it is apt to do. We have found that during “check-in” there is a wealth of topics that we are able to discuss. For now, we have canned the idea of a distinct monthly topic but will allow the discussion to form organically. We have chosen not to have a discussion leader but all contribute fully as able.

We meet on the first Monday of every month from 1:00- 2:30 PM.

If interested in joining this group, please contact Jean Forrey at jean.4e@gmail.com to be added to the mailing list and to be notified of the ZOOM link.
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
Submitted by Erin Campbell and Julie Efta

Our Special Interest Groups continue to amaze! Some are having in-person meetings while others remain on ZOOM, but whatever the method we are coming together for friendship. Checkout all of the activities of the last month and be sure you are making the most of your TTN membership. If you have an idea for a new SIG, contact Erin at ecingb@yahoo.com or Julie at teacherjulie.efta@gmail.com with your interest. 
NEW SIG Looking for interested participants
Submitted by Barbara O’Sullivan

Do you have interest in joining a Special Interest Group to explore together Julia Cameron's book It's Never Too Late to Begin Again: Discovering Creativity and Meaning at Midlife & Beyond? Attached is a description of the book from the publisher. Here are two choices of dates to attend an informational/ planning meeting depending on which date and time works for you: Thursday, July 8, at 1:00 PM at Como Park south of the Lakeside Pavilion off the large parking lot or Monday, July 12, at 6:30 PM on Zoom.

"Julia Cameron has inspired millions with her bestseller The Artist's Way. Writing this book at the age of sixty-five, she shows her contemporaries how retirement can be the most creative and fulfilling stage of life yet. For some, retirement is a day to work toward with anticipation. Others approach retirement with greater ambivalence. While the newfound freedom is exciting and filled with possibility, the idea of retirement can also be very daunting. You are in a unique position to explore yourself and your desires from a place of experience. But the line has been drawn in the sand: The life that you have known has changed, and the life to come is yet to be defined. This book is a twelve-week course aimed at defining--and creating--the life you want to have as you redefine--and re-create--yourself. Filled with essays, tools, and exercises to be done alone or in groups, this toolkit will guide and inspire retirees wishing to expand their creativity. This fun, gentle, step-by-step process will help you explore your creative dreams, wishes, and desires--and quickly find that it's never too late to begin anything"

We will meet periodically over a 12-week period to share our insights from the book's process. On-line and in-person options will be available to accommodate busy schedules and varying locations. Also, there will be opportunities for those who want to meet in person for some of the exercises together which include nature walks, exploring new places and making discoveries. If you are interested, please contact Barbara at Barbara.osullivan@hotmail.com.
Submitted by JeNell Jacobson

On June 9 we had planned to have our first in-person meeting having lunch and a visit to the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, but that was cancelled due to extreme heat. Instead, we meet on Zoom to do some drawing exercises and had a lot of fun producing some interesting sometimes crazy art.

Our plan for July is to be outside again, this time visiting the extensive murals of the Chroma Zone in the St. Paul Midway area. We will plan on meeting on Wednesday, July 14, at 1:00 PM. Details about where we will meet, and the route will be sent out shortly before our meeting.

Please RSVP to Tracey at tracey.baker@gmail.com or JeNell at jenell@jacobson.org
Submitted by Robin Getman

This SIG is taking a hiatus due to Covid19 as the in-person meetings are essential to the purpose of the group.

For more information, contact Robin at RGetman220@aol.com
Submitted by Eleni Skevas

June’s book was The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion, a novel written in the voice of a genius named Don who is on the Asperger’s Spectrum. Don is in search of the perfect wife. Instead of relying on social contacts for introductions to suitable women, this genius develops a questionnaire which inquires, with excruciating detail, into the habits, routines, preferences, skills and body types (specifically BMI’s) of the women answering his questions. His questionnaire doesn’t work. Instead, he meets Rosie, an untamed spirit with her own agenda who entrances him and manages to endure (or accept) his quirks. Rosie and Don fall in love.

Don’s limited understanding of Rosie and the other supporting characters in the book formed the basis for a good discussion about those we have known on the spectrum. We also talked about the representation of such people in literature, the visual media (movies and TV), and especially science fiction.

Join us on Thursday, July 1, at 10:00 AM via Zoom to discuss Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate. A novel based on a real-life American scandal wherein children were abducted from their parents, disappeared and adopted out to wealthy families. Contact Eleni for Zoom info.

Here are the books we are slotted to read in the future:

August 5: Ordinary Grace by Minnesota author William Kent Krueger. A murder mystery and a coming-of-age novel woven out of the stuff of small-town living.

September 2: Four Winds by Kristin Hannah. A historical novel set during the Great Depression and the “harsh realities that divided us as a nation and the enduring battle between the haves and have-nots”.

October 7: Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. A novel featuring an ambiguously gendered child who grows up in an era when ambiguity was not recognized in her culture and not tolerated by society. Along the way the author gives the child and the child’s family a very interesting back story.

November 4: Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. We previously read Circe by the same author. Song of Achilles, like Circe, takes a Greek myth and reimagines it, richly filling in the details of what more might have happened among the gods and heroes as we know them.

This book club welcomes newcomers who just want to join for a single discussion or for ongoing participation. We invite you to join us every first Thursday of the month at 10:00 AM. 

Contact Eleni Skevas at eskevs@yahoo.com if you’d like to be added to the email list.
Submitted by Kathleen Peterson and Chris DiPietro

On Monday, June 14, twelve members of the group met in person in a lovely shady backyard in St. Paul, hosted by Chris DiPietro. 

On the menu:
Appetizers- Cowboy Caviar, Cheese and Crackers, Caprese Salad plate
Main Course- Deciding meeting days and plans for the coming months. A number of delicious ideas were served up. (See below)  
Sides- Conversations and Hugs
Dessert- German Chocolate Cake (Café Latté) to celebrate a milestone birthday of one of the members
A wonderful afternoon to enjoy being present with one another again!

July Meeting Details: Friday, July 2
Time: 1:00-3:00 PM (including a late lunch)
Location: Midtown Global Market, 920 E. Lake Street, Minneapolis.
Topic: Explore Ethnic Foods/Support Minority Owned Restaurants. The restaurants at Midtown Global Market include broad mix of ethnic cuisine: Venezuelan, Moroccan, Indian, Mexican, Cambodian. Thai, East African, and Soul Food. We’ll stroll around the market and each person can purchase lunch from the cuisine of their choice. We’ll enjoy lunch together in the common dining area. We’ll also have time to enjoy shopping at the grocery, clothing, and gift shops representing the diverse heritage of our community.

August Meeting Preview: Open Arms Service Project - SAVE THE DATE: Friday, August 13, 1:30-4:00 PM
Open Arms is a community-based program located at 2500 Bloomington Ave. So. in Minneapolis. In their large kitchen they prepare and package thousands of meals for their 1400 + clients who are dealing with life threatening illness or other serious health needs. These meal packs are delivered in person or by mail (to outstate residents). Open Arms requires a commitment of 10 participants to be there at the session on August 13. Members work in groups on basic food preparation tasks in a lively and enjoyable environment. Please consider participating in this worthwhile activity. You do not need to be a regular member of the Food SIG to participate in this volunteer activity; please email Chris or Kathleen to express your interest. More information will be provided as we get closer to the date. 

If you would like to be added to the email list of Food SIG participants, please email Chris DiPietro at cmdjp2@gmail.com. If you have other questions about the Exploring Food SIG, please contact Kathleen Peterson at kathleenpeterson614@gmail.com
Submitted by Cyndy Nelson

On June 15, 13 women gathered via zoom to discuss the topic of banking. As always, we had a great discussion. 

Key Learnings:
· Many women have had their checking account at the same institution for many years. The highest was estimated at 50 years!

· The majority of women had their primary account at a credit union, rather than a traditional bank. At least 8 different credit unions were mentioned. It was noted that requirements to be in a credit union have eased in recent years. Many women like their credit union because of the small, home-town feel vs the institutional feel of large banks. They also can have good savings and loan rates.

· Services provided by banks and credit unions have changed significantly in the past 50 years with the introduction of ATM, online banking, and mobile banking. It has reduced our need to go into the physical location.

· Online banks are banks that have NO physical branches. These have become possible given the introduction of online and mobile banking. Since their costs are less, they can offer higher savings and CD rates. The disadvantage of an online bank is that there is never an opportunity to meet a banker in person.

Our July meeting will be on Tuesday, July 20, 6:30-8:00 PM, via Zoom. Our topic will be "Keeping our financial lives secure". This is a broad topic that can include scams, online security, physical mail, etc. Bring your ideas to share with the group.

The purpose of this group is to increase our personal financial literacy. The knowledge of members about financial topics varies from beginner to more experienced. Our topics will be selected based on what individual members are interested in. We meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM. New members are welcome. Come and give it a try.

 Please email Cyndy at clnelson03@gmail.com if you are interested in joining us, have ideas for topics, or have questions.
Submitted by Jane Harens
The French SIG is taking a relaxed approach to summer learning by reviewing topics already covered in the app, with members listening and/or discussing, or even sitting out for the season. Weekly Zooms continue at 10:00 AM on Monday. 
If you'd like to join us, please email Ginny at ginnyjacobson3@gmail.com or Jane at jane.harens@gmail.com for information.
Submitted by Julie Efta

The purpose of this SIG is to help our TTN members who are garden lovers share their garden beauty with others and encourage new garden projects. The SIG only meets together if some decide to visit a public garden together. Instead of meetings, this SIG allows you to make connections with other TTN members who are interested in gardens and would like to tour and be inspired by the gardens of other group members as individuals or small groups.
If you are interested in participating in this SIG, email Jean Forrey at jean.4e@gmail.com to request access to a Google doc so you can add your name, city, garden description, and email address. Other TTN members who have been granted access can email you to set up a time to get together and receive your address. Email addresses could also be used to share other ideas for appreciating flowers, gardens and the great outdoors for future summer month get togethers.

If you have questions contact Julie at teacherjulie.efta@gmail.com
Submitted by Karen West

On June 3, the Legacy Writing SIG met on Zoom, and we shared what came up for us as we remembered the August (50-56) cycle of our lives. As the facilitator of this group, I am really happy with the way the group is progressing. Each person is approaching their legacy work a little differently, and we are all learning from each other.

Next month, we will meet on the first Thursday, July 1, from 1:30-3:00 PM. If you’re interested in learning more about how you can intentionally create your legacy, email Karen.
We meet on the first Thursday of the month from 1:30-3:00.

If you are interested, have questions, or would like more information please email Karen at  karenw0214@gmail.com.  
Submitted by Jean Forrey

5 of us attended the premiere showing of In the Heights and we all agreed it was excellent! Personally, my face hurt from all the smiling- although there were definitely tears mixed in with the smiles. Afterwards, we ate at a nearby restaurant and discussed the film. Aside from the fun music and lyrics, phenomenal choreography, talented singers and actors and great costuming - we all noticed the age and size diversity among the cast of predominantly Latino actors and dancers. One of the criticisms has been the lack of dark skinned, Black Latinos in leading roles, but for this white girl, it was refreshing and exciting to learn more about Latino culture. We also noticed how they paid homage to old musicals, with visual tributes to Esther Williams, Fred Astaire, and Gene Kelly.

As of this writing, the discussion on The Zoo Keeper’s Wife has not occurred but I expect it to be interesting as we all bring our different experiences to the table.

UPCOMING ATTRACTIONS! We will continue this hybrid approach of live movies and Netflix or Amazon Prime selections.

On Monday, July 5, we will attend Summer of Soul at the AMC Coon Rapids theater at the 4:15 PM showing. This movie is a 2-hour documentary of the 1969 Harlem Cultural Festival directed by Questlove of the Roots. It premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, where it won the Grand Jury Prize and Audience Award in the US Documentary Competition. I expect we will meet afterwards to discuss the movie and avoid rush hour traffic.

On Tuesday, July 13, at 1:00 PM, we will meet on ZOOM to discuss The Professor and the Madman which is available on Netflix.

We would love for you to join us for any or all movies.

Questions, suggestions, or want to be on the email list? Please contact Erin Campbell at ecingb@yahoo.com or Jean Forrey at jean.4e@gmail.com.
Submitted by Julie Efta

On Monday, July 19, at 1:00 PM on Zoom, we will meet to discuss Krista Tippett’s “It takes a Cosmos to Make a Human” with astronomer Jill Tarter. Debra Dorgan will lead the discussion. You can find the episode here. “We are all made out of Stardust. Ultimately, we actually all belong to only one tribe, to Earthlings."

Thanks to JeNell Jacobson for leading the discussion on Joy Harjo’s interview in June. We talked about the relevance of poetry, art, saxophone music, humor, time, hope for future generations, dreams, native Americans, stereotypes, story, songs and spirit.

  • “Humor makes holes where laughter can get through.”  
  • “A poem can be like a pocket, it can hold anything.”  
  • “Everything is spiritual.” 

Consider the stories behind closed doors and challenge yourself to open doors.

We meet at 1:00 PM promptly on the third Monday of each month. We welcome ideas and leadership for future months. New members welcome! You do not need to attend every month.

We meet at 1:00 PM promptly on the third Monday of each month. Members rotate selecting an interview and leading the discussion. New members welcome! You do not need to attend every month.

To join this SIG and to receive your Zoom invite, please email Julie at teacherjulie.efta@gmail.com or Ginny at Ginnyjacobson3@gmail.com.
"PAR-TEE-ON" – Mini Golf SIG
Submitted by Jean Forrey

We were lucky enough to golf twice this month! Due to some last-minute changes and the hot weather, we decided to not go to Taylors Falls and instead discovered a wonderful golf course which is part of the Three Rivers Park District. It was at Eagle Lake Regional Park in Plymouth and was well kept, very natural with some shade, but no water features. (Thank you from those of us who tend to end up in the drink.) The second place was at Veteran’s Memorial Park in Richfield called MaltTees. This was also a pleasantly lovely golf course! And we were joined by a new TTN member which was fun for all of us. 

On Friday, July 9, we will make a second attempt to go to the Taylor’s Falls mini golf and drive-in which gets rave reviews. The course opens at 11:00 AM and we would like to be the first to tee off. Carpooling is advised due to the distance.

Feeling revolutionary? On Tuesday, July 27, Par-Tee on will par.ty like it’s 1984, at the iconic Betty Danger’s Animal Farm in NE Minneapolis, where we’ll meet for drinks and snacks and perhaps the most outrageous mini golf in the Twin Cities. This interactive 9 hole course presents some, er,  novel challenges. Wacky good fun! It opens at 3:00 PM so we will meet then. Food and or drinks are required so eat a light lunch! 

If you would like to join us, please e-mail Jan Weller at janisweller@gmail.com or Jean Forrey at jean.4e@gmail.com to be added to our mailing list so you can be informed of any last-minute changes.
Submitted by Ginny Jacobson
This four-part SIG explores U.S. history most of us did not learn in school. We’ll use material researched and published by the Equal Justice Initiative on the topics of Slavery, Reconstruction, Lynching, and Segregation, along with a variety of other online sources. We’ll explore what was happening in Minnesota during these time periods and learn about positive actions people are taking in the United States and in Minnesota.

Monthly on Wednesdays from 11:30 AM-1:00 PM on June 16, July 21, August 18, and September 15       
For our June session of this SIG, we met and discussed slavery in the United States and in particular the Montgomery, Alabama slave trade. We learned that Minnesota also benefitted from slavery. 
To prepare for the Wednesday, July 21, session, we're studying the period of Reconstruction. We use materials found on the Equal Justice Initiative's website as well as other online sources. 
By learning history, we hope to better understand racial dynamics in our country, state, and neighborhoods today.
To sign up or for more information, please email Ginny at ginnyjacobson3@gmail.com
Submitted by Karen West

On June 8, nine of us met on Zoom to discuss the last third of the book From Age-ing to Sage-ing, by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. This is the book that started the conscious aging movement. In this book discussion group, we are reading books and having discussions that will help us make the most of our second half of life, this exciting new stage of life that our longevity has made possible.

On Tuesday, July 13, from 7:00-8:30 PM, we will discuss the first three chapters (to P. 89) of Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life: How to Finally Really Grow Up by James Hollis.

This SIG meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 7:00-8:30 PM.

For more information or to sign up, email Karen West at karenw0214@gmail.com.
Submitted by Julie Efta and Melissa Cathcart

Friday, July 23, is the night of the full moon.

Annual Perseid meteor showers will be active from July 17- August 26.

For ideal Milky Way galaxy gazing, enjoy the night sky near the New Moons of: July 10August 8, and September 7.

Hope everyone finds a great place and clear dark sky for viewing these celestial wonders!

Please share your ideal and wondrous places to view. Contact Julie if you would like to meet with others for any of these.

If you are interested, have questions, or would like more information please email Julie at Teacherjulie.efta@gmail.com or Melissa at m@mcathcart.com.
Submitted by Julie Efta

When we stop chasing our tails and the weather is inviting, our small group plans to meet outside to exercise our creativity, paws and minds.

Contact Julie if you would like to join, or have a plan and place to meet on short notice. Bring a project and supplies that are meaningful and enjoyable to you.

For more information or to sign up, email Melissa Cathcart at m@mcathcart.com or Julie Efta at teacherjulie.efta@gmail.com.
Submitted by Robin Getman

This SIG is taking a hiatus due to Covid19 as attending in-person theater events together was key to the purpose of the group.

Got questions? Need help? Contact Robin Getman at RGetman220@aol.com
Submitted by Marilynne Roberts
The Travel SIG will not meet in June, July and August. We hope members will be able to travel as they choose! We welcome all MSP TTN members to share pictures of their summer travels, and commentary, with us, by replying to an email from the SIG. If you are not on the list and would like the email addresses, please email Marilynne Roberts and she will forward the email addresses to you. Safe and happy travels!

Please email: Marilynne Roberts at mkrobertsmn@gmail.com, Debra Dorgan at debra.dorgan@gmail.com, or Julie Efta at teacherjulie.efta@gmail.com if you are interested in joining us, have ideas for events, or have questions. 
Submitted by Chris DiPietro

The Urban Hiking SIG explores parks, trails, and new locations in the metro area during monthly hikes. 

We took two hikes in June. During the first hike, at the Lyndale Park Rose Garden near Lake Harriet in Minneapolis, we endured the high heat and humidity as we enjoyed the sight and aroma of roses in their prime. The second hike was at Woodlake Nature Center in Richfield. We were lucky to see some ducks and ducklings, a ground hog, and some red-tailed blackbirds. The drought provided a silver lining for hikers: The trails were fully open all the way to the (usually) marshy south end of the park.

We have two hikes planned for July:

Our first hike for the month will be our “Awe” walk on Thursday, July 8, at 10:30 AM at Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden and Bird Sanctuary in Minneapolis. July is a good time to slow down and wander quietly through the garden and take note of the world around us. This will be leisurely paced walk of a mile or so over an hour or so. (Rain date is Friday, July 9.)   

Our second hike in July will be at 10:30 AM on Thursday, July 15, around Lake Nokomis in Minneapolis. We’ll go once around the lake and cover around 3 miles in about an hour. We’ll meet up and end our hike near the beach area which will offer a great opportunity for the group to share a post-hike snack or beverage from Sandcastle restaurant right on site. (Rain date is Thursday, June 22.) 

If you’d like to join either or the hikes in July or would simply like more information about the Urban Hiking SIG, contact Chris DiPietro, the SIG’s coordinator at cmdjp2@gmail.com.
Submitted by JeNell Jacobson

On Friday, July 16, our meeting will be held outdoors at a member’s home. The June meeting was not held due to unforeseen circumstances. In May, we began meeting in person and it is GREAT. This group is currently closed to additional members.

Group contact is JeNell Jacobson jenell@jacobson.org.