What drew you to LCS in the first place/how did you hear about it?
When I was at St. Kate’s working on my French degree & secondary license, I was a TA for professor named Dolores Shaffer. We became good friends and she told me about LCS because she had been Pat Schaefer’s college roommate. She told me, “If there’s ever a teaching job at LCS, you should apply because you are just like those people.” When I graduated, my first teaching job was a one year position at St. Louis Park Junior High. Towards the end of that school year, I got a call from Dolores, who had talked to Pat, and she encouraged me to apply at Lake Country. I happened to be living on 46th & Pleasant (right down the street!) and I didn’t even know it existed. Larry & Pat called me in for an interview and hired me on the spot.
Going in, I didn’t know anything about it, I only knew what I had read about Montessori. I
always felt that it was really important to start a second language at a very early age because I grew up speaking French and English, as my heritage. At that time, most schools started a second language in JH/HS so it was unusual for there to be a school that had a French program that had a language program for students as young as three-years-old. I felt really lucky to have the opportunity to work for LCS because it fit with my philosophy to teach a second language to very young children. It was through my work with LCS that I became really immersed in Montessori education."