Minnesota Montessori Network, April 2019
This is a story that may serve as a mirror to your own... if you have served in a role of founder, director, guide, parent or spouse. We jump in and follow the passion of our heart, compelled by the beauty of what is and what is possible within each child. It is a journey that if we had known the challenges to come, we may not have started at all.

Curl up with a coffee and come along with me awhile; see your reflection and your own journey in this story. Together, our stories create a magnificent tapestry revealing passion, disappointment, hope, discouragement, faithfulness, fears and strengths.
On my journey, I surrendered to what is possible and the outcome was beyond what I could have ever imagined. The process transformed me. What are you seeing as possibility within the challenge? How is your story transforming you ?  

Which MNMN Association do you belong to?

MNMN is thrilled to announce three new opportunities for engagement and connection in the Minnesota Montessori community. Pick your places at the table and make sure you share the opportunity with everyone! All are welcome!
MNMN Montessori Professional Association (MNMN MPro)
Are you one of the more than 3,000 people in MN who are current, retired or aspiring Montessori professionals? Are you a Montessori guide/teacher, assistant, support staff, administrator, leader, trainee, trainer, or consultant? 
This group is for you!
You will have dedicated social and education events and share resources valuable to the Montessori professional experience!  JOIN HERE!

MNMN Montessori Parent, Student, and Alumni Association (MNMN MPSA)

Are you a parent of a Montessori student, a Montessori student, or an alum? There are more than 15,000 Montessori families in MN , and our community is growing!

Join this group to stay informed about opportunities to network, spread the word, and support the growth of the Montessori movement in MN!
MNMN Montessori Access Advisory Council (MNMN MAC)

Do you have a passion for seeing Montessori education opportunities expand at current schools and new programs in MN? This is the place to join forces with others who share that passion and make it happen! Email AccessMontessori@mnmn.org with your statement of interest today!
Don’t assume everyone is in the Network!

This email is reaching less than 1% of Montessori
families and professionals in the state. 

With your help, we know we can change that to 50% by 2021 and 100% by 2023. Make sure everyone interested in, or connected to, Montessori in MN is part of our network! 

Who is missing from the Network? Have all the parents and teachers of Montessori students you know been invited to join the Network?

Text “MNMN” to 22828 to join!
Let's make this happen! Donate & Volunteer!
We connect with thousands of Minnesota families, educators,
and policymakers… ONLY when we all join together to

Volunteer 400 hours & Donate $4,000!

Join Children's Workshop ,
Lake Country School and Sunny Hollow
in supporting Montessori at the State Fair!

Please DONATE today!
Volunteer to help COORDINATE today!

Thursday, August 22, 2019 - Monday, September 2, 2019
Legislative Update

Last week state legislators discussed omnibus bills on the House and Senate floors. Omnibus bills are made up of many policy provisions in a topic area (such as Education, Environment, and Jobs). Members offered amendments on the floor, and some of them were adopted. Stay tuned for more information about details in each proposal.

The governor and legislative leaders have agreed to pass all omnibus finance bills off the floors by this Wednesday, May 1st. At that time conference committee members will be named. The conference committees will work to create a compromise bill on each topic from the two versions that exist in the House and Senate.  

Legislators need to complete their work by May 20.

Ann Kaner-Roth Policy Hour

Here we are at the tipping point. Minnesota is poised to lead in the area of trauma informed schools and communities. Armed with all the research we need and the political will to do the work, Katy Smith, Licensed Parent Educator & 2011 MN Teacher of the Year and Dr. Monica Potter, Director, ECFE, St. Paul Public Schools, will talk about trauma at the next Ann Kaner Roth Policy Hour on Tuesday, May 7.

Ann Kaner-Roth Policy Hour is a monthly opportunity for early childhood and afterschool professionals to connect with each other and learn about current policy issues in an informal setting.

Bring your lunch. Invite your friends. No RSVP necessary.

Attend in person or stream it right from the Minnesota's Future Facebook page .
Mark your calendars! Ann Kaner-Roth Policy Hour is held the first Tuesday of each month, October 2018-June 2019, from Noon-1:00 p.m. at Think Small (2021 East Hennepin Avenue | Suite LL20, Minneapolis, MN 55413).

Annual Nancy Latimer Convening on Children and Youth

Join our friends at Start Early for a FREE event Supporting Children’s Mental Health Through Healthy Brain Development on May 30.
Community Events
Adult-Child Collaboration in the Toddler Community

Examine the unique relationship between adult and toddler and the importance as well as essential aspects of adult-child collaboration. Engage in lively discussion surrounding the phenomenon of toddlerhood. Come away from this workshop with new insights and techniques for working with toddlers to share in the classroom, at home, and in parent education. (This workshop can be directly applied to working with toddlers in a Montessori environment but is applicable to anyone who would like to learn more
about this special time of life and how to support it.)

Audience: Infant/Toddler, Assistants, Teachers, Administrators
When: May 4 9:30 a.m.–11:30 p.m. 
Cost: $25
Instructors: Anne Estes

Respectfully Redirecting Young Children

Let's discover, and discuss, the delicate thread of "respect"! In this workshop, we will work to connect the themes of responsibility and freedom. How can we build responsibility in our I/T classroom? How do we build our students capacity for responsibility and freedom? Come, join the conversation, and work through various scenarios to build our capacity to support freedom and responsibility.

Audience: Infant/Toddler, Assistants, Teachers
Date: May 18 8:30 a.m–12:30 p.m.
Cost: $45
Instructor: Sherri Simmons

Visit the St. Kate's Montessori PD page for opportunities! There are workshops for all ages, as well as for administration.
Career Opportunities
Assistant Teacher
Kinderhaus Montessori School

We are looking for an Assistant Teacher to work at at our small, non-profit Montessori school for the 2019-20 school year. This position would start in August 2019 with salary starting in July 2019. Contact Taylor Amigon at taylor@kinderhaus-montessori.org, 612-719-2739

Children's House Guide
La Crescent Montessori &
STEM School

La Crescent Montessori & STEM School is seeking candidates for a multi-age teaching position in our Children's House beginning August 2019. Our Children's House program serves three year olds through kindergarten. Qualified candidates will hold an early childhood and K-6 Elementary Education license issued by the Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board.  In addition, candidates must be Montessori certified (or be willing to become Montessori certified if hired for the position.)
Contact Stephanie Wehman at swehman@lacrescentmontessori.com

Lead Guide
Mandala Montessori

This position is open for a Montessori trained person who can lead a classroom with the support of an assistant. We serve children 33 months to 6 years old.
Contact Wendy Sanchez at mandalamontessori@gmail.com
Montessori E2 Lead Teacher
Montessori Renaissance Academy

Montessori Renaissance Academy is looking for an experienced, hardworking E2 lead teacher. We are a private Montessori school located in Anoka, MN. Currently we offer programs beginning at 16 months, running all the way up to the E2 level.
Contact Tanya Radintz at  tanya@anokamontessori.org
More more details visit: www.anokamontessori.org Montessori E2 Lead Teacher
Montessori Renaissance Academy
Montessori Renaissance Academy is looking for an experienced, hardworking E2 lead teacher. We are a private Montessori school located in Anoka, MN. Currently we offer programs beginning at 16 months, running all the way up to the E2 level.
Contact Tanya Radintz at  tanya@anokamontessori.org
More more details visit: www.anokamontessori.org

St. John the Baptist Catholic Montessori School has lead and assistant teacher positions open at the primary, elementary, and Adolescent levels. Opening for Summer Program Specialists and Summer Program Assistant for Ages 3-6 are also available. 
Contact Nicholas Fonte at nfonte@stjohns-excelsior.org

Children's House Lead Guide
Jonathan Montessori School

The ideal candidate will have the opportunity to open a third Children's House (3-6 years) in our well-established and growing community! Please see the full job description for details outlining job responsibilities.
Contact Emily Leskee at office@jonathanmontessori.org

Assistant Toddler Guide

The ideal candidate will assist the Lead Toddler Guide in maintaining a calm, peaceful and productive Montessori environment to meet the needs of each child. The position is full-time. Please see full job description for complete list of job responsibilities. Contact Emily Leskee at office@jonathanmontessori.org
Are you looking for substituting opportunities? Join our substitute list to be featured on our website

Job Posting Tool for Minnesota Montessori Schools 
Do you have a Montessori job opportunity that you would like the Minnesota Montessori Network to include in our newsletter, or share on social media? If so, please fill out this form for consideration. Please note that it can take up to 30 days for your job opportunity to be shared since our newsletter is published monthly.