Minnesota Montessori Network Newsletter
Highlighting Growth and Change in Montessori in MN
MNMN was founded with a vision that
Montessori education options are so widely available, easily accessible, and well-understood that every Minnesota family has the opportunity to choose Montessori education from birth through high school, and has the knowledge to make an informed decision with their child
. Beginning this month, we are beginning conscious reflection and sharing of this vision being accomplished in an inspiring and enlightening new series: Growth and Change in Montessori in MN. If you have a story of Montessori expanding and changing in MN, please email us at
to offer a newsletter feature opportunity. This month, we kick off this series sharing a groundbreaking new program in our state reaching for the grandest implementation of a “Full-spectrum program” by offering Montessori to our most senior residents of the state together with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Read on to learn more about creating a unique program model with best-in-class programing, facilities, training, and partnerships.
Announcing the opening of
Nonna’s Intergenerational Christian Montessori
! True to its Montessori roots, Nonna’s will honor and value the individual and individual needs, but individuals will also belong to something of grander vision —an intergenerational community. While the warm and beautiful new facility has it’s “elder wing” and “child wing”, much of the excitement and buzz has to do with engaging these two groups with each other, in expressive and authentic community. For those who are both willing and able, opportunities to share time in music and movement will be offered each day. While most quickly recognize the sacred and sweetness of elders alongside young children, research has also confirmed how much intergenerational interactions contribute to overall health and a sense of well-being. Nonna’s works from the assumption that nothing contributes more to a sense of well-being more than the deep feeling of being loved. Thus, the stated mission of Nonna’s is to engage children and elders in meaningful community, while experiencing ordinary life with extraordinary love.
Nonna’s Day Program will offer the Montessori Method to families with infants and toddlers in the “Nido”, along with children up to age six in the “Casa” and elders with dementia in the “Vecchio” program. Nonna’s (which means “grandmother” in Italian) will be opening its first location in downtown Wayzata, Minnesota, within the Folkstone Community of Presbyterian Homes, a leader in elder care in the Twin Cities.
Nonna’s aims to serve elder adults who would benefit from a higher level of structure and social stimulation, as well as those experiencing cognitive decline. Current research cultivates the program which will use a multi-faceted approach that supports optimal brain health. In fact, dementia prevention has become the special focus of COO and Founder
Lisa TerHaar
, who serves as a Nurse Practitioner on a part-time basis at Minnesota Personalized Medicine, a Minneapolis clinic known for treating complex issues through a functional approach. Having spent 25 years in geriatric medicine, TerHaar and staff have given great attention to everything from bathroom colors, to signage, to purposeful work, to nutrient dense meals, all with this special client group’s best interest in mind. TerHaar, along with her team desires to lead the way in Montessori for Dementia and Aging. Many of Nonna’s staff members have trained with expert Jennifer Brush and Brush Development and two now hold AMI certification.
Fueled by a vibrant and sincere faith in Christ, CEO and Founder
Michelle Thompson
sees Nonna’s as a place that will be extraordinarily committed to interactions and responses to elders, that are kind, patient, and gentle as well as children. While working with human beings means accepting a process of normalization, Thompson has seen the practice of Christian love, along with the beauty, order and peacefulness of the Montessori way, come through again and again. And she speaks from experience, having founded and directed Hand In Hand, a Christian Montessori Academy, serving infants through adolescents for the last 20 years; as well as leading the Christian Montessori Training Center currently seeking MACTE approval. Her original vision for Nonna’s was inspired by the remarkable experience of spending time, when she was very young, at her own grandmother’s home, a place that was always warm, welcoming, and filled with a very special love.
Along with a commitment to loving human interactions that show respect for individuals, a passion for authentic community, and purposeful activity for all, Nonna’s is also driven by a deep value to promote cognitive health and overall well-being. High quality food will be served for breakfast and lunch with an emphasis on organics and physical activity and exercise will be promoted in the outdoor garden and indoor play space. Creative efforts to stimulate brain functioning and increase mood, mobility and memory will take place in Nonna’s unique space designed and built by CFO and Founder, Brent Thompson.
In addition to children and elders, Nonna’s will provide supportive attention to parents of young children and care-givers of aging parents and spouses. An often neglected group, whose own health is often cruelly and ironically compromised by being a care-giver, spouses and children of those suffering from cognitive decline will be an important part of the focus. Direct emotional and spiritual care, along with support groups and resources, will be offered to individuals seeking care and support designed and led by Nonna’s Chaplain and Founder,
Keith TerHaar
. Whether you are a parent of young children, an elder looking to stay engaged, or a care-giver needing support, Nonna’s is committed to loving well, and living up to its goal of being “Montessori for all ages.”
Montessori at the State Fair
Thank you to Marianna Como for sharing her family’s experience in the MNMN State Fair Booth. We love hearing about the impact our 12 day efforts have on families, practitioners and schools.
Minneapolis, particularly the Montessori community here, has always been special to me. As a child, I attended Lake Country School, and, this fall, my oldest son started at LCS. We were absolutely thrilled about it.
Thrilled, that is, about everything except having to navigate two drop-offs and pick-ups a day: my youngest to Northeast Minneapolis and my oldest to LCS. There has been a daycare center a couple of blocks from our home since we moved into the Bryn Mawr neighborhood a few years ago, but it recently closed and was undergoing some beautiful renovations. We walked by it and thought it looked like an inviting, peaceful space for children, but we were apprehensive about sending our little one to a brand-new school about which we knew nothing.
Just before our LCS school year started, we ran into Ann Luce, who was working the Minnesota Montessori Network booth at the State Fair. My family knows Ann from our (and her) LCS days. We got to chatting, and Ann mentioned that she was opening up a new Montessori school for toddlers. I asked where it was going to be located. She said, “Bryn Mawr,” and I knew right then and there that Sweet Pea was going to be my kiddo’s new toddler community. I got him enrolled the following week, and I love not only being able to stay in my neighborhood and support as wonderful an educator as Ann, but also having the comfort of knowing that, when it is my younger child’s time to move to Lake Country, he’ll be comfortable and confident in a Montessori environment.
The connections my family and I have forged within the Montessori community continue to be gifts to me and to the next generation of Montessori learners that I’m raising. We are very grateful to know Ann, as well as the Sweet Pea and Lake Country communities, and know our children will thrive in their Montessori learning environments.
Screening of "Inside Montessori" during Montessori Ed Week!
We're thrilled to announce that MNMN has partnered with Vina Kay and Jan Selby (film producers) to offer a Minnesota Montessori Community screening of "Inside Montessori" during Montessori Ed Week!
More details to follow in early 2019.
Thank You
Thank you to everyone who voted in the 2018 election! About 2.6 million Minnesotans turned out to vote on November 6, the most in a midterm election ever!
Winners of statewide races were:
U.S. Senate: Amy Klobuchar
U.S. Senate Special Election: Tina Smith
Governor and Lieutenant Governor: Tim Walz and Peggy Flanagan
Secretary of State: Steve Simon
State Auditor: Julie Blaha
Attorney General: Keith Ellison
What's Next?
Republicans retain a one vote majority in the State Senate. The Democrats gained majority in the State House of Representatives. With the Democrats taking control of the House, they will be in charge of deciding committee chairs and membership.
As the Walz-Flanagan administration makes their transition, their choices for commissioners and staff will matter. In early care and education, the departments and committees that make most of the decisions that affect the field are Health, Human Services, and Education. Keep an eye out for information about these areas, and stay tuned as the 2019 Legislative Session takes shape.
Voting is a great start, but it's not the end. Now it's time to hold policymakers accountable for their campaign pledges.
Feeling really motivated? Reach out via mail, phone, or email to introduce yourself and share what issues are important to you and how you can be a resource on those issues.
Ann Kaner-Roth Policy Hour
Join us for Ann Kaner-Roth Policy Hour on Tuesday, December 4 where we will Mix It Up: Creating Synergy in a Diverse Delivery System. Guests will talk about a mixed delivery system for the state's youngest children. What does mixed delivery pre-k mean? What does it look like in Minnesota? What are other states doing? Presenters will tackle these questions, and then we'll have time for discussion. This special edition policy hour will be 90 minutes long (12:00-1:30), with an extended opportunity to hear your ideas and questions on the topic.
Ann Kaner-Roth Policy Hour is a monthly opportunity for early childhood and afterschool professionals to connect with each other and learn about current policy issues in an informal setting.
Bring your lunch. Invite your friends. No RSVP necessary.
Mark your calendars! Ann Kaner-Roth Policy Hour is held the first Tuesday of each month, October 2018-June 2019, from Noon-1:00 p.m. at Think Small (2021 East Hennepin Avenue | Suite LL20, Minneapolis, MN 55413).
These events are provided to the field at no cost by the Minnesota's Future Coalition
Data Resources
Take a look at some recent reports about how young children are doing in Minnesota.
Wilder Foundation released an update of their 2015 Minnesota Early Childhood Risk and Reach report. The new
Minnesota Early Childhood Risk Reach, and Resilience report describes potential risks to the healthy development of young children and the extent of coverage of publicly-funded services to meet their early learning, health, and basic needs. You can view the data by county.
Free Advocacy Training
Are you an early childhood professional? Are you interested in learning how to be an advocate for children and families? Attend a free training to build your skills and earn two in-service training hours. The next offering of this course is
December 6
in Oakdale.
Finding Balance: A mindful approach to mental health, secondary trauma and self care
The act of caring for and guiding children can be depleting to our physical and mental health. When we feel stressed, it is easy to stop doing the things that replenish our energy and keep us going through the difficult phases of life. Physical and mental health can balance your mind and body, which is essential to achieving wellness for optimal functioning. In this workshop, we will explore the importance of adult mental health, secondary trauma and self-care.
Where: Montessori Center of Minnesota
Presented by: Kevin Jewell, MS, LSP, LP and Terri Strom, MSW, LISW, Community Social Worker
Date: Saturday, January 12, 2019 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Cost: $30
Assistant Guide | Children’s House | Oakdale Location
Miniapple International Montessori Schools
Miniapple Int'l Montessori is interviewing for an experienced FT preschool assistant teacher at our Parent Aware four-star rated Oakdale school. Miniapple promotes a culturally diverse, purposeful and peaceful environment that nurtures the development of children through compassion, respect and community outreach. We are recognized as an International Peace Site. This is a Monday through Friday position.
Minnesota Montessori Network