NFFV Legislative Update

A Cause for Celebration


Giving Thanks

Have you heard the good news?

Two very important pieces of legislation both passed their perspective hurdles this past week. On Wednesday, April 12th LB626 was voted out of General File and is now in Select File! The very next day, Thursday, April 13th LB574 was voted out of Select File and is now in Final Reading!

LB626 Heartbeat Bill

LB574 Let Them Grow

This is cause for celebration! Both bills have been political hot buttons since the start of this 108th Legislature. Both bills go a long way in protecting children in Nebraska; LB626 protects the unborn while LB574 protects children from the social trends of irreversible transitional procedures. So let's celebrate for a moment with the understanding more work lies ahead before these bills become law. Said another way, celebrate like your team just scored a late, go-ahead, touchdown. You're up, but the game isn't over.

The celebration!

Let's give all the senators that voted for LB626 and LB574 a big high-five. They deserve it! There was immense pressure on them to not vote for these bills or to water these bills down to the point where they're meaningless. There are 33 senators that didn't do either of those things! They stuck together and voted for Nebraska's children. They stuck together through the attacks. They stuck together and said "no" to the liberal senators who are making a mockery of this legislative session.

NFFV strongly encourages you to reach out and thank these 33 senators. Especially the senators that were mentioned in NFFV's Minuteman Alert on Cloture Votes and LB574. Those senators are Senator Brandt, Senator Dorn, Senator Armendariz, and Senator Hughes. Also, a big thanks to Senator Jacobson whose floor speech in support of LB574 and "no" for the amendment set a strong tone for the rest of the debate.

Pictured below is the cloture voting record for each bill.

LB626 Cloture Votes

LB574 Cloture Votes

The work that remains

How far are these bills from becoming law? The diagram below shows the six steps a bill most go through before becoming law. As mentioned, LB626 is in Select File and LB574 is in Final Reading. That means LB626 has to overcome two more cloture votes while LB574 has to overcome one more cloture vote. Remember, it takes two-thirds (33) of the senators to overcome cloture so we cannot lose any senators along the way.

Another sports analogy

How many times have you heard "that team doesn't know how to win"? The team is competitive and is "in" every game but can't seems to get over the hump and actually win or win the big games. If you've tracked Nebraska football the last several years you unfortunately know what I'm talking about. In response, coaches and players celebrate "moral" victories instead of actual wins.

Our senators have the chance to get actual wins on LB626 and LB574. Nebraskans want wins not "moral" victories. We've elected senators to give us actual wins. We have the better team, we should not play to the level of their competition. The competition has made the game very ugly and hard to watch; similar to a basketball team that stalls the whole game when there is no shot clock. We must play to win which is different than playing not to loose.

We can win! We need to win! Children, born and unborn, across Nebraska are counting on our senators now. They're counting on us. It is time! Don't look to next season and say "we'll get the win then". Encourage your senators to go for the win and not watered down bills.

What can we do as the 2nd house?

Be heard! Be heard! Be heard!... Your voice is so powerful! We must engage with our senators:

  • Thank them for supporting bills LB626 and LB574.
  • Thank them for not caving to a few senators who's beliefs differ from ours.
  • Thank them for sticking together and ask they continue to do so.
  • AND ask they go for the win. Say no to amendments that would take a 6 week abortion band and change it to 12. Say no to amendments that would only prohibit gender affirming surgeries while still allowing puberty blocks and hormone therapies.

Don't wait till next session, go for the win now! For a list of all senators that voted yes for LB626 and LB574 click here. All 108 Legislature Senators can be found in this link. Please remember to be respectful in your communication but be clear in your request.

Matthew 10:16 "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."

Board of Directors Team