NFFV Legislative Update

Action Request

Help Needed / Let Senators hear from you!

Good news!!! Your help has gotten a number of NFFV's top bills out of committee and to General File (floor debate). Unfortunately there are Senators who don't agree with our ideology and are willing to do anything to make sure these good bills don't become law. One such Senator was quoted in part "...Every debate needs to be bad. Every day at work needs to be bad. They have to dread coming here every day because they know it's going to be bad..." Read the full article here.

Your help is needed now! NFFV would like everyone to email all Nebraska Senators letting them know NFFV bills are import to you and you want them to become law. Bills that are currently getting the most pushback from our liberal Senators are LB574, LB575, and LB626. A list of Nebraska Senators can be found here. For a complete list of bills NFFV supports click here and oppose click here.

Where are we?

Remember the marathon analogy that was given at the being of this legislative session. Continuing with that, we're roughly 1/3 of the way through this session. Friday, February 24th marked day 34 of this 90 day session. If we were actually running a marathon we'd be approaching mile 10! Right now we have settled into our flow, knowing we've come a long way while also realizing we have a long way to go. In addition, we're about to hit one of the larger hills.

Committee Hearings

NFFV volunteers and Board Members picked 27 bills to report on and watch closely. Thirteen of those bills have had Committee Hearings. You should have received Minuteman Alerts on all of them. If you miss one you can always check them out below or on NFFV's website by clicking here.

Next week, February 28th - March 3rd is a busy week for NFFV. There are 5 more of NFFV's top picks scheduled for hearings. Minuteman Alerts have gone out on some of them. More will be coming out in the next couple days. NFFV knows the numbers of alerts can be overwhelming at times, we ask for your fortitude as we help guide these important pieces of Legislations.

Our conservative Senators are fighting hard for you and this state. They need our support - in person testimony, submitting written testimony, and sending emails. All three of these items are powerful tools showing the voice of the Nebraska.




Committee Hearing Date


LB71 & LB374 - School Transparency Bills


Jan 31, 2023

In committee

LB77 - Constitutional Carry


Jan 26, 2023

Voted out of committee /

In General file

LB115 - Home Invasion


Feb 2, 2023

In committee

LB341 - Shine the Light on Crime (removes immunity for sex abuse in public spaces)


Feb 24, 2023

In committee

LB422 - Common Sense Medicine


Feb 16, 2023

In committee

LB487 - New Gender / Sex Class Protections


Feb 14, 2023

In committee

LB574 - Let them Grow


Feb 8, 2023

In committee

LB575 - Sports & Spaces Act


Feb 13, 2023

Out of Committee / Priority Bill

LB606 - Nebraska Pregnancy Help Act


Feb 24, 2023

In committee

LB626 - Heartbeat Bill


Feb 1, 2023

Voted out of committee /

In General file

LB637 - Hear Me Out (Allowed to speak at public meetings)


Feb 24, 2023

In committee

LB670 - Protected Classes 2.0


Feb 13, 2023

In committee

LB810 - Health Choice (healthcare workers for conscience decision)


Feb 10, 2023

In committee

NFFV Bills Scheduled for Committee Hearings - February 27th through March 3rd

LB169 - Creation of New Gender / Sex Classes - oppose

LB179 - Prohibit Conversion Therapy - oppose

LB776 - Non-partisan Ballots - oppose

LB316 & LR26CA - Marriage - oppose

LR6CA - EPIC Tax Option - support

Board of Directors Team