There are many myths about human trafficking that can lead people astray. They can help hide the issues and make potential victims more susceptible. Here are 4 myths as listed by "Disrupting Traffic". Their goal is to "Disrupt the cycle of sexual exploitation in Nebraska".
Myth 1: Trafficking has to include moving a person from one location to another, or crossing borders or sate lines.
Fact: Human trafficking does not have to involve a person’s movement at all. Often individuals are recruited and trafficked in their own homes.
Myth 2: Trafficking always includes kidnapping. Parking lots and grocery stores are common places for traffickers to snatch children for trafficking purposes.
Fact: While trafficking can include kidnapping, it is actually very rare.
Myth 3: All commercial sex is sex trafficking.
Fact: Commercial sex with an adult is only human trafficking if there is force, fraud, or coercion involved.
Myth 4: People being trafficked cannot physically leave, or are chained/jailed in a basement.
Fact: It is very rare that trafficked individuals are physically forced to stay with their trafficker. The forms of coercion, fraud, deception, and abuse of power are generally a lot more complicated.
You can read their full article here.