Missed Period Pills in the News
Gynuity is at the forefront of efforts to develop the concept of missed period pills in the United States. Missed period pills involve use of uterine evacuation medications for treatment of delayed menses without prior pregnancy confirmation. In September, Gynuity published findings from a study of potential interest in such a product in two US states. We enrolled 678 people seeking pregnancy tests across nine health centers. In all, 42% of participants expressed interest in missed period pills, and interest was greatest (70%) among those who would be unhappy if pregnant. Our findings suggest that if missed period pills were an option in the United States, demand might be substantial. 
A number of recent articles have highlighted the findings from our study on potential interest in missed period pills:
Earlier this month, Ms. Magazine published an op-ed written by Gynuity staff Wendy Sheldon and Beverly Winikoff. The article summarized what we found about potential interest in missed period pills, including reasons why some people might want such an option; and identified key barriers to provision in the US, including the need for additional information about acceptability and use of uterine evacuation medicines when used for treatment of early missed menses; as well as development of clinical guidance for provision of this service. 
In December, Lily News published an article by Chelsea Cirruzzo on Gynuity’s study.
Also, in December, the New York Times published an article by Patrick Adams that highlighted Gynuity’s study on missed period pills: "Why Some Women Might Want ‘Missed-Period Pills"
Current and Future work
As a next step, Gynuity is partnering with Carafem to study the acceptability and use of mifepristone plus misoprostol for menses induction in the US. We’re also collaborating with other colleagues in the field as part of a newly formed National Working Group on Missed Period Pills.
We are actively seeking additional funding so that Gynuity can continue its research, organizing and outreach efforts aimed at making this idea a reality.

We thank our donors who have generously supported this work.