Missed our Breakfast Fundraiser?
No problem! You can still help us reach our goal!

Thank you to those of you who joined us Saturday for our virtual “Breakfast at 9” and gave so generously!  We are still working toward our goal of $50,000 to fund our Drop-in Center for the coming year. 
SYM’s Drop-in Center is typically where we meet young people for the first time. 
It is a safe space to relax, spend time with SYM volunteers and staff and get very basic needs met. Here we learn youth names, their stories and give them opportunities to engage with more in-depth services like case management. The dollars you give will help provide staff, food, supplies and any needed upgrades or repairs. 

Check out any (or all) of the videos below to learn a bit more about SYM and please consider a gift!

We heard about SYM programs and the past year at SYM from Kate Phillips!

We introduced you to
our wonderful new
Direct Service team!

We showed you why relationships are so transformative & important to our mission at SYM.
Hobson's Choice - VinFormation

Read more

We played a game and
learned from one another in breakout rooms!

Hear about our fundraising goal from beloved volunteer,
Ed Sterner!

Micailah told us how to get involved! Make sure to fill out this survey so we know how you'd like to be part of
our mission!