Hello Ted,

WHAT’S MISSING in our churches and in our own lives?

A good church is deeply committed to the Word of God and proclaiming Jesus as Savior and Lord.


Is it enough to hear a Bible based message from the pulpit, attend a class for teaching and application, participate in a prayer group, attend a men/woman’s fellowship and Bible study for added spiritual strength, wisdom and insight???

We also MUST have-

DAILY APPLICATION: “Where we live move and have our being” Acts 17:28

We are a witness every minute of every day whether we like it or not. So, why not be a good witness?

GOOD NEWS: Here is a model church


Dr. J. of Church of the Apostles Atlanta Ga sent me two vibrant examples of testimonies being REPORTED BACK at his church.

It inspired me to question why WITNESSING combined with DISCIPLESHIP isn't happening on a widespread basis? Why is this happening in so few churches!

Below is my response to Dr. J. followed up by two "fresh" testimonies he shared at his church. I close with a very recent witness experience on the GOLF COURSE.

My email back to Dr. J. :

"Dr. J. these two testimonies are outstanding!! You have inspired me with their testimonies to encourage churches to become more like Church of the Apostles (COTA). As I have told you on numerous occasions most churches don’t have anything close to the Imprint Dinners and follow through that COTA has!

When I was head of the Convention & Visitors Bureau we would showcase through CBMC an Annual Leadership Outreach Breakfast (of 800-1400). We often featured well known guest speakers but my preference was to have 2-3 testimonies from local citizens such as a Police Officer, Educator, Corporate Leader, Government leader etc.

After the banquet Christian Business Men's Committee (CBMC) members and wives then followed up with a discipleship process with the people who turned in response cards.

CBMC always strongly promoted outreach events that included follow through. As a member of the National Board of CBMC it was a priority of mine and the organization too. I often wondered why good, Jesus-focused Bible based churches lacked the vision of reaching people for Christ with actions not just words especially at the local level where they live daily?

Following one of the community outreaches Tudi and her friend Lynn called upon Marjorie who filled out a response card...when Tudi and Lynn met with her in her office she claimed Jesus as her Savior....for 2 years Tudi and Lynn met with Marjorie weekly for discipleship....Marjorie saw a number of family members members come to Christ at COTA!!!


BUT JAMES- YOU/COTA are the “ONLY” church that continues to have OUTREACH EVENTS and FOLLOW THROUGH (that I know of!)

WHY is that the case? The two testimonies you sent me this morning should be what all strong, Bible believing churches should often be "REPORTING BACK". Acts 4:13,23

My friend and role model Ted DeMoss former President of CBMC (now deceased) often asked, “Are you just involved in church work and not the work of the church?”

Praise God that you and COTA are the positive exception! Work of the church not just CHURCH WORK!

Katrina's Witness as told by Dr. J.:

"How do you tell a 77 year old woman who is a professionally accomplished, socially polished, dignified, gracious, sweet spirited, churched, southern belle that she is lost without offending her?

I found myself in that situation last week. As our conversation progressed, I felt the tension building within me that this encounter was on a collision course. I have learned that the Lord leads in situations like these. I need to stay cool headed and let things unfold naturally. I simply want to be honest with this person and trust the Lord with her reaction, whatever it may be.

I eventually informed her that I have as my ambition to take as many people to heaven that I possible can. I told her I had a small little booklet that I wanted to share with her. This little booklet is called “Steps to Peace With God.” It’s a little tract first given to me by Ted Sprague, a proven soul-winner and well-known lay evangelism trainer. When I showed her the booklet, she said, “Oh my, that is a nice little booklet you have there.” Her remark relaxed me a bit and I walked her through the gospel according to the specific layout in this tract.

When I got to the fourth step in gaining peace with the Lord, we read together John 1:12, “But as many as received him, to those who believe in His name, to them he gave the right to become children of God.” I called her attention to the three word progression in this verse – ‘believe, receive, and become.’ I clarified that not everyone who believes receives, and even if you believe, until you receive, you cannot become a true child of God. She replied, “Well, you know I have always believed but maybe I haven’t received. I don’t have the joy and excitement that you people seem to have in your relationship with the Lord. When I get around people at your church, I feel like I am missing something.

I gently suggested that she might be right. The path forward for her involved taking the step of receiving Jesus into her life, then claiming the promise of this verse. She has believed but also must receive this promise and she will become a true child of God.

She agreed. A few minutes later she invited the Lord Jesus into her heart. I encouraged her to sign and date the back page of the little booklet and to let this serve as a keep-sake of her spiritual birthday. She clutched the booklet tightly in her hand and said with a beautiful smile, “I like this.”

I was reminded to take a more winsome approach when I share my faith. Instead of just telling a person that they are lost, alternatively, place before them the gospel in all of its purity and simplicity and let the gospel serve as a mirror reflecting back to them the condition of their soul. In other words, let the gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation, do the work it is intended by God to do.

Thanks, Ted for introducing me to this wonderful tool, ‘Steps to Peace with God.'"


Cliff's Witness as told by Dr. J.:

"Early on a beautiful Friday morning, I found myself sitting across the table from a 36 year old successful businessman having breakfast at a favorite local hangout for Atlanta’s shakers and movers. Business people gather here all hours of the day to catch up, share best practices, ponder the latest developments in the city, share ‘confidentially’ the latest ‘insider’ information

on potential investments, and last but not least, to cut deals.

The guy I was with was originally from northern California. He had been raised by a successful father and mother who were too busy to teach he and his brother anything about faith, morals, ethics, or religion, much less about what it meant to have a personal relationship with the Lord. He made it through high school and left home moving to southern California where he developed the nasty habit of drinking a little too much; he became a full blown alcoholic. When the consequences of addiction came home to roost, his grandfather invited him to move to Atlanta for a fresh start.

Watching a movie that featured a slick single guy who worked 6 months out of the year and made enough money to do whatever he wanted for the other 6 months of the year, he decided to take up the movie stars’ profession. Along the way he met a sweet young lady who was a woman of faith. She wanted to marry a man who was a likeminded Christian and then build a family on that spiritual foundation. This was new and different to him. He had been going to AA

and had become comfortable with the idea of a ‘higher power’ but not much beyond that.

To win her hand, he started attending church with her. He eventually attended an event where he heard the dramatic story of a former atheist who had become a Christian after engaging in a two year investigation hoping to debunk the Christian faith. This testimony intrigued this guy to step up his pursuit of the idea of a relationship with God instead of settling for a generic belief in a generic supreme being that was taught in AA.

He then attended a 4 hour workshop called 'Christianity Examined'. It filled in several gaps in his understanding of the Christian faith. There we were at breakfast doing a follow up conversation.

As the breakfast progressed, I asked him if I could walk him through a small booklet called 'Steps to Peace with God' that Ted had introduced me to years ago during one of Ted’s trainings called Witness Breakthrough. This tract put it all together in this businessman’s mind. At the end of the booklet it invites the listener to receive Christ. He said he was open to doing that and wanted to do it there on the spot in the middle of a busy restaurant filled with patrons who were busy cutting business deals.

He became a believer. I gave him a Bible with the page marker set at the first chapter of the gospel of John, the introductory gospel to the person and work of Jesus.

It was the culmination of a long quest for this young man who was now positioned in an authentic personal relationship with the one true God. This young man is a natural leader; I have the clear sense that the Lord is going to use him to influence many others to consider the claims of Jesus Christ and what it means to have ‘peace with God’ before his life is done."

Thank you Dr. J. for your ongoing outreach through the Imprint Dinners and follow through.

Also, thanks to Trinda for her creative newsletter layout and design weekly for the past 10 years.

Ted Sprague

Acts 17:28

P.S. Part of the process..

Today (Monday) I had the privilege of joining two successful young men in their early/mid 30's for 9 holes of golf at Bobby Jones golf course in Atlanta.

They could both hit their drives 300+/- while my drives were 220-240 (past tense I used to hit my drives 60-80 yds farther- but woe is me! Time flies!)

Most important, the three of us had great dialogue- sports, dating and yes, church too. I encouraged them to attend Church of the Apostles (COTA) since they live nearby. Jokingly, they quickly said, “Would they allow 2 Jewish young men to attend?

I countered immediately, "YES!" and I explained just before I came to the golf course I talked to Irwin the Vice Chair of WB who is Jewish.

They both said they would give COTA a try as they took my wristbands. I asked the young men to not throw them away, but keep the bands available when they want to be reminded of God’s love for them.

I was, by God’s grace fully able to share my testimony (atheist- broken home 4x- living the good life- drafted into the Army- Chaplain gave a Bible to read- for the very first time I knew I was a sinner and needed a Savior- claimed Jesus as my Savior.)

I shared my complete testimony. I also shared my recommendations about how we can successfully approach life. I also pulled up the weekly promo COTA does regarding Michael Youssef’s upcoming Sunday message.


Often, I am asked after "golfing for men", "What did you shoot? How was your score?" 99% of the time I honestly tell people I don't have the slightest idea because I'm so focused on the people God had put in my path! I'm focused on asking the Holy Spirit to guide my words and thoughts as I boldly proclaim Jesus.

MORE THAN EVER- I LOVE GOLF because it affords me the opportunity to proclaim my SAVIOR and my LORD!

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