California Region

Mission Advancement Egram

December 22, 2020 
MESSAGE FROM MISSION ADVANCEMENT is in giving that we receive
Dear Friends,

"It is in giving that we receive." These powerful words from the Prayer of St. Francis are seen all about us during this Christmas season. Please relish this story of a modern St. Nick, an instrument of peace in our midst.

Mr. P is 80 years old and suffers medical disabilities, but he also wanted to help "a good cause." He collected bottles and cans and gave $100 to the principal of a Catholic elementary school associated with the Sisters of Notre Dame--who recently sent the contribution to us.

We are touched by their simplicity, ingenuity and desire to partner with the SNDs. As our world cries out for healing and peace, be assured that the Sisters of Notre Dame are deeply grateful to all of the St. Nicks who regularly and generously collaborate with us in sharing the peace of Jesus, both locally and around the world. We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a 2021 filled with abundant blessings of health, hope and peace!

Blessings always,
Director of Mission Advancement Services | 805-917-3714
Artwork by Sr. M. Leanne Hubbard, S.N.D.
...P7 students cheer for water from the borehole!
These P7 (seventh grade) students from St. Julie's Primary Boarding School in Buseesa, Uganda provide a grateful cheer! Thanks to the generosity of many donors, the pump water system is slowly becoming a reality. Instead of relying on rainwater (which can be very scarce), this borehole will provide clean water for everyone at the mission as well as for thousands of villagers.

Next steps include the construction of the distribution tower and piping system. More updates to follow!
...sharing God's goodness in the spirit of Christmas
The annual Notre Dame Learning Center Preschool Christmas performances were held in the playground this year. Families watched via video and the SNDs cheered for the cast from the inside hallways overlooking the playground. Can you hear the king singing, "do you hear what I hear?"
The community of La Reina High School & Middle School provided a drive-through Christmas event on December 6. Families were invited to bring a decorated candle and small children visited the nativity scene...

In addition, students collected goodies for Operation Christmas Child, providing shoebox gifts of basic necessities for children in countries such as Peru, the Philippines and Rwanda.
The Christmas Show from Notre Dame Academy Elementary is now available on You Tube. Enjoy!

Other NDAE Christmas festivities can be found on their Facebook page:
Notre Dame Academy celebrated the Immaculate Conception with a beautiful liturgy. As he led the students in honoring Mary as the Mother of the Church, Bishop Marc Trudeau wore a vestment made by his own mother. He noted that by saying "yes" to God, Mary brought about the greatest peace and grace that God had to give.
NUN RUN 2021 IS HERE! the words of St. Julie Billiart, "to heaven on foot" 
We are walking from California to Rome in our virtual Nun Run from January 30 through February 6, 2021. Run, walk, donate, and support the Sisters of Notre Dame. Our local and international outreach impacts thousands through your support!
Special thanks to the teams already "in training"...

Hanson Family - Michael Hanson, Captain
Horan Sisters & Friends - Jen Coito, Captain
Los Angeles Star Steppers - Sr. Judeen Julier, Captain
Megaffin's Marathoners - Sr. Lisa Megaffin, Captain
Running Robbins - Sr. Regina Robbins, Captain 
SND Associates & Friends - Anne Interrante & Kevin McNamara, Co-Captains
Sr. Cristina Marie’s Sunflowers - Sr. Cristina Marie Buczkowski, Captain 
St. Catherine of Siena, Reseda - Alyssa Ignacio, Captain
St. John Seminary, Camarillo - St. John's Seminarians, Captains

Find out more at Thank you for your involvement!
Sr. Jolisa Lazaro, in ministry at St. Lucy's Parish in Long Beach, provided this photo of the celebration of St. Lucy's feastday on Dec. 13. St. Lucy was an early 4th-century martyr. According to legend, she brought food and aid to Christians hiding in the Roman catacombs, wearing a candle lit wreath on her head to light her way and leave her hands free to carry as much food as possible. St. Lucy is also known as the patron saint of those with vision problems.
Since the pandemic started, La Reina has hosted 19 blood drives, bringing healing to hundreds of lives. Donated plasma helps patients battling COVID 19, and donors receive complimentary antibody testing.

La Reina High School & Middle School will be sponsoring blood drives on Saturday, Jan. 16 and 30 between 9:00 am. and 1:00 p.m.
An additional blood drive will be held from 8:00 a.m. until noon on Saturday, Feb. 6 as part of the Nun Run. Appointments are recommended. Click on this link or call 805.543.4290 to make an appointment today!
Sr. Cristina Marie Buczkowski, currently a staff member at Our Lady of Victory School in Compton, shared this story of networking SND style. "I have come to know Carlos Garcia, who coordinates parish outreach. At the end of October the parish received a very large shipment of newborn diapers. Carlos asked if I knew anyone who needed some. I thought of the moms at LAMP since I previously served on the board. I contacted Diana Pinto (LAMP's executive director) and they were thrilled....On Sunday, Carlos again approached me...they were having a toy giveaway and he felt they would have extras...he wanted to know if LAMP could use some! So today I played Santa’s elf and my car was the sleigh!"

Through inter-generational literacy activities, parenting and ESL courses, family advocacy, health education services, and access to a variety of community resources, LAMP empowers women to become agents of change for their children, their families, themselves, and the community around them. Visit South Central LAMP to learn more about the organization and the many FREE programs offered to families in need.
The Sisters of Notre Dame are deeply grateful to our many donors who include us in their charitable planning and giving, especially in these difficult economic times. Please note that some advantageous provisions through the 2020 CARES Act will expire on December 31.

  • This legislation allows for all donors to take up to a $300 charitable tax deduction even if not itemizing deductions. For donors who do itemize their deductions, the provisions allow for cash contributions to charitable organizations such as the SNDs to be deducted up to 100% of the adjusted gross income for the year.
  • Appreciated securities are another cost-effective way to make a charitable gift, especially for investors with substantial gains which may trigger greater taxes. When you transfer ownership of long-term holdings to the Sisters of Notre Dame, you receive a charitable deduction for their full market value, and you incur no capital gains tax (subject to IRS deduction limits).
  • While the minimum required distribution from retirement plans such as IRAs can be delayed until 2021, donors age 70 1/2 can still donate up to $100,000 directly to a charitable organization from an IRA without realizing it as taxable income.

For further information, please contact Sr. Lisa Megaffin at 805-402-8623 or lmegaffin@sndca.orgThank you for including the Sisters of Notre Dame in your charitable planning, partnering with us to transform lives with the experience of God's love.

This information is not intended as legal or tax advice; please consult an attorney or tax professional.