California Region

Mission Advancement Egram

February 25, 2021
...two weeks becomes a year +
Dear Friends,

"This will only be about 2 weeks..." So I naively thought on March 16, 2020, when I packed up my office to begin working from our residence, Villa Regina. We were following the "safer at home" guidelines due to COVID. How little did we all realize that nearly 52 weeks later, we would still be in this mode. We have learned to "smile with our eyes," as shown in the photos below, since masks are the order of the day.

How far we have come! Long lines for essential supplies, masks for every occasion, celebrating Eucharist outdoors or via live stream, Zoom (not the hot cereal I remember from childhood days), feelings of isolation and uncertainty, and now, thanks be to God, life-saving vaccinations. As we have just started the season of Lent, some have said that it seems like we have had a year-long Lent. To the extent that the pandemic has been a time of profound grace, that is true. We continue to offer our heartfelt prayer for all who have been afflicted with COVID or who have surrendered loved ones into God's eternal embrace. Now, we pray that each of you, our cherished friends, will discover the new life of spring, Lent, and the beginnings of a post-pandemic world.

Blessings always,
Director of Mission Advancement Services | 805-402-8623
Sr. Judeen Julier and Sr. Joan Schlotfeldt welcome individuals who came to the drive-through Nun Run event on Feb. 6.
Sr. Lisa Megaffin presents the Nun Run's largest team participation award to Mr. Tony Guevara, President of La Reina High School & Middle School.
...please join us for a LIVE update on March 28!
You are invited to join the Sisters of Notre Dame in Uganda/East Africa for a LIVE Zoom webinar. Hear their stories, learn about recent and upcoming developments, and feel their gratitude for the impact you are making in many lives!

This event will be an inspiring morning of prayer, fellowship, and education. It will also be archived for those unable to attend.

Sunday, March 28,
11 a.m. - Noon, Pacific time

Zoom webinar
(Link to be provided upon registration)

Free-will offerings are welcome at any time through benefitting Uganda and all SND Global Missions

Looking forward to seeing you!
NUN RUN 2021 FINAL REPORT! the words of St. Julie Billiart, "to heaven on foot" 
Thanks again to the hundreds of friends around the world who made our 2021 Nun Run a great success. We also can report that with additional donations, we have realized more than $40,000 in profit--thank you! And in case you missed it, here is a link to the Nun Run Special Edition Egram with the results, a variety of videos and much more.

Special congratulations to the winner of the People's Choice Award for the best video--by the students at St. John's Seminary in Camarillo with Honorable Mention to St. Julie's Primary in Buseesa, Uganda.
See you next year on February 5!
Sr. Regina Robbins, Dean of Mission at La Reina High School & Middle School, was recently featured in an article by The Thousand Oaks Acorn. Since the sixth graders were the first to experience on-campus learning this school year, she was able to forge a special bond with them. Read more here about Sr. Regina's gift of presence to the students and staff at La Reina.
To mark Catholic Sisters Week, March 8 through 14, SND USA is joining collaborative efforts to feed the hungry. Our goal is awareness of food insecurity and its underlying causes, such as the pandemic, inconsistent access to healthy food, and unemployment/ underemployment. Locally, we will also be sending donations to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank and Food Share of Ventura County. Please join us in responding to God's call to action.
This month, the Notre Dame Academy Black Student Union released a series of videos on Instagram and Facebook called “Black History NOW Minutes”. Each video features a current student sharing information about an inspiring figure in contemporary culture or in African American history.