California Region

Mission Advancement Egram

January 30, 2025

One Heart. One Hope. One Mission. 


...finding the divine light, even in the darkness

Dear Friends,

January, 2025 will long remain in the memories of those of us who live in Southern California! The raging wildfires, ready evacuations, loss of life, news of displaced relatives and friends, disruptive power outages, smoke-filled skies, destroyed or damaged homes, churches and businesses--each of these realities has been an opportunity to take stock of what really matters in life. We want you to know of our continuous prayer for all who have been impacted in any way, and especially for our first-responders who risk everything for the common good. As illustrated in the photo, we have been praying that the light of divine grace will shine forth, even in the darkness...

On Friday, January 10, 15 Sisters of Social Service were in danger and so they evacuated from their home in Encino to Notre Dame Center in Thousand Oaks. Indeed, it was our privilege to offer them safety and hospitality for a week. There were many opportunities for community prayer, meals, laughter, and storytelling as well as making new friends. The story of various religious orders and their situations during this catastrophe has been recounted in Global Sisters Report. A special celebration during their stay was the 101st birthday of Sr. Suzanne... The photos which accompany this article are just a glimpse of the spirit of sisterhood we experienced.

This year, 2025, marks the 175th anniversary of our congregation. During this time, there have been natural disasters, diseases and political turmoil. In each of these situations, we have drawn on our confidence and hope that God's provident care will see us through. Confidence is something that a person or a group possesses, a feeling of readiness. Hope is in the expectation of the "not yet." So when our confidence is weak or shaken, we go deeper and rely on our hope in God "who will not disappoint" (Rom. 5:5). Thank you for being part of our journey--our appreciation and prayers are with you and your loved ones. And as thousands of Angelenos re-build their lives, please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers everyday.


Sr. Lisa Megaffin, S.N.D.

Director of Mission Advancement Services


NDA welcomes alumna, California's Surgeon General

On January 27, Notre Dame Academy proudly welcomed Dr. Diana Ramos, California Surgeon General and NDA Alumna ’84, as a guest speaker for the Exploratory Approach series. Dr. Ramos shared her journey from NDA to becoming California’s "Doctor," championing mental health initiatives and advocating for women to lead boldly: "Women are the future. We make 80% of health decisions and have the power to create solutions and challenge the status quo." Highlights from her inspiring talk and CA Surgeon General initiatives include:

  • Reducing maternal mortality by 50% by 2026
  • Taking charge of health before pregnancy
  • Journaling to focus on the good
  • Empowering women to lead with courage and purpose

Dr. Ramos’s story is a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and the impact of an NDA education. 

SND internationality goes local

Two SNDs visited this month as the conclusion of their study of English. Sr. Lidwina Gasmi from Indonesia (on the left) and Sr. JaHun Kim from South Korea (on the right) sang their gratitude, accompanied by Sr. Kharita Kuil in the center.

They have been in the United States since August, learning about American culture while also developing their linguistic proficiency. During their stay in Southern California, they had the chance to tour Santa Barbara, Ventura, Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral, and the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, among other places of interest. Follow this link for a summary of their stay in the United States as posted on the congregational website. They wrote: "In addition to learning English, we now have a deeper understanding of SND’s mission and ministry worldwide. We are grateful to the congregation for this opportunity and to the American sisters for their welcome and friendship. How good God is!"

Becoming rich

through human sacrifice

Since January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, we wish to highlight this previously-published article about SND efforts in Tanzania.

Paulina Masawe, 38, told how the SNDs helped her when her husband left his religion and joined Satanism. He wanted to become rich by trafficking their five children for human sacrifice. When she refused, he beat her and did not want them to go to church. The sisters rescued Paulina and her children, offering them refuge at the Zinduka Women's Center in Arusha where they received care and free education.  

Paulina Masawe is shown here with other trafficking victims, Sr. Kellen Muthoni and Sr. Rashmi Mattappally.

Ministries such as this are supported through the SND Global Missions Fund. Thank you to all of our donors who embrace our brothers and sisters in their profound need.

Care for Creation Corner

Better care of one's health is often a new year's resolution and February isn't too far into the year! A great place to begin is with nutrition... Nutrition and care for creation means making conscious dietary choices that not only support your own health but also minimize environmental impact. Here are some easy first steps:

  • Eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains reduces the environmental footprint of food production compared to animal products which generally require more land and water.
  • Buying food produced nearby reduces transportation emissions and supports local farmers.
  • Planning meals, storing food properly, and composting food scraps can significantly decrease food waste which contributes to greenhouse gases.

CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS with one heart, one hope, one mission

Saturday, Feb. 1 - 1:30 p.m.

Notre Dame Center Thousand Oaks

Mass of Christian Burial

for Sr. Mary Paulynne Tubick

The SNDs are grateful for many condolence messages. As one friend posted on Facebook, "I cannot begin to describe the impact that this amazing woman had on me. She was more than just a co-worker, she was a friend. She was always there when I needed her. I enjoyed her stories and her sense of humor...." We send our dear sister onward with the Eucharist, followed by a reception. The liturgy will be live-streamed and archived at this link, and the story of her life and ministries can be found here. Burial will be at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 3 at Assumption Cemetery in Simi Valley. May she rest in peace...

Sunday, Mar. 23 - 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Notre Dame Center

Many Mansions Bowl Painting Party

Join SNDs and Associates, painting bowls to benefit Many Mansions fundraiser, Bowls of Hope. It is a great opportunity for fellowship, creativity and concern for those in need of affordable housing. Follow this link for complete details and please note that the RSVP deadline is Mar. 19.

SNDUSA Website

SND USA Magazine, Fall, 2024

featuring Sr. Joan Schlotfeldt and the California Centennial!

SND 2023 Impact Report, California Region

The Living Legacy of the Sisters of Notre Dame in California

Archives of the California Mission Advancement Egrams

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