Dear Friends,
January, 2025 will long remain in the memories of those of us who live in Southern California! The raging wildfires, ready evacuations, loss of life, news of displaced relatives and friends, disruptive power outages, smoke-filled skies, destroyed or damaged homes, churches and businesses--each of these realities has been an opportunity to take stock of what really matters in life. We want you to know of our continuous prayer for all who have been impacted in any way, and especially for our first-responders who risk everything for the common good. As illustrated in the photo, we have been praying that the light of divine grace will shine forth, even in the darkness...
On Friday, January 10, 15 Sisters of Social Service were in danger and so they evacuated from their home in Encino to Notre Dame Center in Thousand Oaks. Indeed, it was our privilege to offer them safety and hospitality for a week. There were many opportunities for community prayer, meals, laughter, and storytelling as well as making new friends. The story of various religious orders and their situations during this catastrophe has been recounted in Global Sisters Report. A special celebration during their stay was the 101st birthday of Sr. Suzanne... The photos which accompany this article are just a glimpse of the spirit of sisterhood we experienced.
This year, 2025, marks the 175th anniversary of our congregation. During this time, there have been natural disasters, diseases and political turmoil. In each of these situations, we have drawn on our confidence and hope that God's provident care will see us through. Confidence is something that a person or a group possesses, a feeling of readiness. Hope is in the expectation of the "not yet." So when our confidence is weak or shaken, we go deeper and rely on our hope in God "who will not disappoint" (Rom. 5:5). Thank you for being part of our journey--our appreciation and prayers are with you and your loved ones. And as thousands of Angelenos re-build their lives, please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers everyday.
Sr. Lisa Megaffin, S.N.D.
Director of Mission Advancement Services