California Region
Mission Advancement Egram
November 30, 2020
...Advent 2020, ready for something new
Dear Friends,
With the beginning of Advent, we embrace a new liturgical year. Although 2020 has given us many opportunities to grow in wisdom, we are certainly ready for something new. Wisdom includes that gift of perspective to see beyond the fray and the challenges to discover God's providence within a new, larger worldview. It seems that wisdom, perspective and peace are intertwined.
It reminds me of 1980, when I miserably "failed" a comprehensive exam with a whopping 40%. Probably the lowest grade of my entire life. (Note: we had a weak teacher, but a stellar teacher created the test. In the end, my classmate and I passed.) When I was bemoaning the situation to my mother, her simple words became a treasure, "It's not the end of the world." Her encouragement guided me into a conversation with my adviser, resolution and peace. God's providence at work, a larger worldview, and peace.
Pandemic challenges may seem like the end of the world--as we have known it and expect it to be. But the gifts of perspective and wisdom fuel our resilience and our trust that God will provide something new. During these Advent days, the Sisters of Notre Dame pray that you may discover God’s providence within this new pandemic worldview, as well as the wisdom and peace that each of us earnestly desires.
Blessings always,
Director of Mission Advancement Services | 805-917-3714
...digging equipment arrives, reading program on hold
Did someone say challenges?
Sr. Colette Theobald reports that some equipment for the pump water system has arrived in Buseea, but the digging is yet to begin. Shovels anyone? The SNDs are deeply grateful to all of the donors who are helping to make this dream a reality.
This morning's email brought news from a foundation that a grant for literacy education will not be funded. This project was designed specifically for the needs of the candidates preparing to become Sisters of Notre Dame. Acquisition of SRA Reading Laboratory kits will be essential to the success of this project. As one of the earliest personalized learning programs (baby-boomers, remember???), SRA Reading Labs have improved the reading and independent learning skills of more than 100 million students in 63 countries. With a box of self-guided and leveled materials for a class, SRA helps to develop confident readers through supplemental and personalized reading. In addition to the SRA kits, a library of books, of interest to African women, will be acquired for each formation house. Some books will be in sets, so that the group can read and discuss them together.
The total cost for this reading program is $4,000. Donors wishing to invest in these candidates' academic skills can make contributions at www.sndca.org/donate and indicate Uganda reading program in the notes. Thank you!
...celebrating 90 years of God's goodness
Congratulations to Sr. Mary Antonine Manning who celebrated her 90th birthday on Nov. 23! As a founding faculty member and the second principal of La Reina High School, Sr. Antonine enjoyed special recognition from the La Reina community in a special ceremony.
In expressing her gratitude, Sr. Antonine gave some well-seasoned advice...always be grateful and kind. Follow this link for a video tribute to Sr. Antonine! It includes a rendition of "Happy Birthday," Ugandan style, sung by a number of the SNDs in Buseesa.
...fostering the empowerment of women through education
Since the mission of Notre Dame Academy is to educate young women to make a difference, students will have the opportunity, as "business owners," to do just that. Entrepreneur Day at NDA is held during the study and review days before first semester finals. Students sell homemade items such as jewelry, succulents, hair scrunchies, original photography, artwork and much more. To participate in Entrepreneur Day a student is required to donate 10% of her profit to charity. This year's donations will go to Women Helping Women, supporting girls' education and the empowerment of women. The recipient organizations are South Central LAMP, Notre Dame Academy High School in Buseesa, Uganda, and Reyes Irene School for Girls in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Congratulations to NDA's staff and students for their creativity, hard work and generosity!
In English as a Second Language classes at South Central LAMP, these women are gaining many skills to benefit themselves and their families. Programs for mothers and their pre-school children are free and life-changing!
...in the words of St. Julie Billiart, "to heaven on foot"
Wondering what special things we have in store for our first ever HYBRID Nun Run? Find out the details with our new infomercial. Register, Donate, Start a Team today on www.nun.run. The event will benefit the SND Life & Ministry Fund, underwriting our spiritual and pastoral outreach. Thank you!
Mark your calendars for Saturday, December 5 from 10:00 a.m. until noon. The Ignatian Spirituality Ministry of Holy Family Parish in South Pasadena is hosting an Advent Retreat, to be led by Sr. Leanne Hubbard, Associate Professor of Pastoral Studies at St. John's Seminary. RSVP to Mary Schimmoller at mschimoller@holyfamily.org. A zoom link will be sent upon registration.
Have a journal and pen ready, a willing heart and an open mind!
For a number of years, donors have made a significant impact on SND ministries through a qualified charitable distribution from an IRA. Individuals who are 70½ years old or older can contribute any amount up to $100,000, satisfying the "required minimum donation" (RMD), without having to pay income taxes on the funds. Please note that the RMD requirement has been waived for 2020, per the CARES Act of March, 2020.
Our legal title is The Sisters of Notre Dame of Los Angeles with federal tax ID number 95-2005867. For further information, please contact Sr. Lisa Megaffin at 805-402-8623 or lmegaffin@sndca.org. Thank you for considering this option in your charitable planning, partnering with us to transform lives.
This information is not intended as legal or tax advice; please consult an attorney or tax professional.