Global Great Commission Network -  Network Update

Global Great Commission Network Update
May 2020  Newsletter # 28

Participants at Tokyo 2010
The Tokyo 2010 Global Mission Consultation was intended to be the beginning of a movement to see all peoples discipled in this generation.  For the past nine years GGCN has served mission associations, agencies, churches, individuals, networks, and other ministries globally who share this same vision. Our core purpose is to provide a place for like-minded Great Commission individuals and ministries to connect, communicate and collaborate. 

In celebration of 10 years since Tokyo 2010 (May 11-15), the Global Great Commission Network has partnered with Mission Frontiers to produce a special issue Tokyo 2010: Why It Still Matters in the May-June issue of Mission Frontiers.  For a look back at the significance and genesis of Tokyo 2010, a review of the last 10 years, and a look forward, we recommend the entire issue to you.  It includes updates from three plenary speakers, three delegates who work with GGCN in various leadership roles, one Task Force leader (Tokyo 2010 Unreached Peoples Intercession Task Force: Ten Years later), and four "Looking Forward" articles.  

As communicated in the lead article written by the GGCN Global Steering Team :   
After Tokyo 2010, a demanding goal before the Tokyo committee was the fulfillment of Dr. Ralph Winter's vision for a functioning, effective, and lasting global network. As a response to that challenge, the Global Great Commission Network (GGCN) emerged in August 2011.  Since then GGCN has been working to put reality to the expectations of Tokyo 2010, with the Tokyo Declaration as the foundation for global cooperation.

We recommend this issue of Mission Frontiers to you as well as many other contributions and updates from Tokyo 2010 presenters that are available at

Mission Frontiers Article - Beyond Tokyo: an African Perspective  
by Dr. Ferdinand Nweke
(Exerpts from an article published in Mission Frontiers May-June, 2020)
After Tokyo 2010 I came on board as the Africa Coordinator. We developed this vision of the tangible expression of the GGCN ethos in Africa:

A continent of connected, resourced and ignited individuals, agencies, churches, and networks making disciples of every people, and mobilizing, equipping and releasing every believer to make disciples locally and globally--every believer, making reproducing disciples of every people from every platform, and planting self-multiplying New Testament churches, leading to multiplication of disciples and Disciple Making Movements in Africa and beyond--until "this gospel of the kingdom is preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations."  (Matt. 24:14)

GGCN Event Freetown, Sierra Leone
The grassroots vision of GGCN means that attention must be given to mobilizing the Christian "proletariat"-the masses in our churches-who do not see themselves as a part of God's mission force.  At GGCN Africa, we are working to establish regional and national leadership structures that will bring the vision closer to each country/region, as well as galvanize the grassroots with a missional vision and training in disciple-making. ( Read the full article)


Thank you for your interest in the Global Great Commission Network.  GGCN will accomplish the vision of Tokyo 2010 and the Tokyo Declaration only with your participation and help.  We need participants and volunteers at all levels.  See our volunteer list at .  We need individuals and groups/networks to  make use of Connect, our secure, free online platform.  Check it out and let us know how we can serve you.

Many Blessings!

David Hupp, for the GGCN Global Steering Team
Global Great Commission Network | [email protected] |