Mission Impact
Welcome to the new Mission Impact!   This tool will incorporate the best of the old ‘Mission Highlights’ with insights on how to encourage healthy congregational mission and advocacy work in the local congregation. Our hope is to give you a few tools, a bit of inspiration and some examples of the church in action!

Whether your congregation collects food for distribution to those in need, supports a local tutoring program, encourages a Mission Co-Worker in Central America or provides a worship service to a nearby Nursing Home you are involved in mission. The churches of National Capital Presbytery develop their own programs as well as partner with agencies and other congregations to live out the mandate of Matthew 25.  Mission could be defined as getting involved in God’s work around the world . Churches also participate in advocacy . Many of our congregations are active in engaging in civic life as a means of changing public policies and acting as a voice for those who have no voice

The Book of Order reminds us that the work of the Presbytery is different than that of the congregation. The Presbytery is charged with ‘assisting and supporting the witness of congregations to the sovereign activity of God in the world, so that all congregations become communities of faith, hope, love, and witness (G-3.03)’. Although there are times when the Presbytery might come together in mission work… it is congregations (and networks of congregations!) where the real work of mission occurs.

The Presbytery Mission Statement states that we are a relational network. Our first emphasis is to “challenge, equip, and support our congregations and their leaders in their discernment of God’s invitation to discipleship and stewardship as we:…” followed by six bullet points that emphasize both mission and advocacy.

The Mission Impact will seek to “challenge, equip and support” you as you continue to be involved in God’s work around the world, and as you provide a voice for those who have no voice.  Together, we are making a difference.  Join us, as we endeavor to join you in this important work.

Mission In Action

Grants, Networks and Resource Staff are all funded by Churches who
give to Unified Mission Giving

11300 Rockville Pike  Ste 1009 Rockville, MD 20852   [email protected]