Mission Matters
News from the
Episcopal Diocese 
of Western Massachusetts  


January 21, 2025

Letter from Episcopal Church leaders on Trump administration immigration executive orders

from the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies

"Even as we gave thanks for a peaceful transfer of power, we learned from news reports that the new presidential administration has issued a series of executive orders that are a harbinger of President Trump’s pledge to deport undocumented immigrants at a historic scale, restrict asylum, and direct other immigration actions.

We read this news with concern and urge our new president and congressional leaders to exercise mercy and compassion, especially toward law-abiding, long-term members of our congregations and communities; parents and children who are under threat of separation in the name of immigration enforcement; and women and children who are vulnerable to abuse in detention and who fear reporting abuse to law enforcement."

Read more

Christ Church Cathedral calls next Dean

"It is a joy to announce that the people of Christ Church Cathedral have called the Reverend José Reyes to serve as the next dean.

I am grateful to the Rev. Bernie Poppe for a transformative interim ministry which prepared the way for a successful search. José will be the eighth dean of Christ Church, which became our cathedral in 1929.

His first Sunday will be March 23rd."

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Episcopal Relief & Development Provides Resources for Congregations to Host an Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday

"Episcopal congregations are invited to observe Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday on March 9, 2025.

During the first Sunday in Lent, a day designated by The Episcopal Church as Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday, congregations have an opportunity to learn more about and celebrate the impact of Episcopal Relief & Development’s work.

Participating congregations can observe the day on the first Sunday in Lent or another convenient Sunday during the year, by collecting an offering for Episcopal Relief & Development, holding a special prayer service or sharing about the organization’s work in other creative ways. "

Learn more

Indigenous People's Justice Network Book Discussion

Next meeting March 19th

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Mar 19, 7pm


The Province 1 Indigenous People's Justice Network's next book discussion will be on March 19, from 7:00-8:30 p.m.

The book to be discussed is Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko. Register for the discussion using the link:

Register for 3/19 Book Group 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

FORMA Conference on-site with Province 1 colleagues

Last chance to register

Jan 27-30, 2025

Greenfield, NH

Save the date for this on-site FORMA Conference at the Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center.

"This year the Province I Faith Formation Network is combining its annual formation conference with FORMA to offer the best of both worlds!

Drawing on this year's conference theme, Come Away Together, we will gather with colleagues from across New England onsite at the Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center for four days, during which time we will take mornings to meet and connect with our provincial colleagues and afternoons to participate in the FORMA workshops and content, with evenings offering an informal opportunity to share inspiration and learning."

Learn more and register

Bishop's Visitations

  • 01/26/25 - Grace Church, Great Barrington
  • 02/02/25 - All Saints, South Hadley
  • 02/09/25 - Holy Spirit, Sutton
  • 02/23/25 - Atonement, Westfield
  • 03/02/25 - St. John's, Ashfield
  • 03/05/25 - All Saints, Worcester
  • 03/09/25 - Sts James and Andrew, Greenfield
  • 03/16/25 - St. Francis, Holden
  • 03/30/25 - Christ Trinity, Sheffield
  • 04/06/25 - Good Shepherd, Clinton

From Our Congregations

Open Positions

Province 1

Conversations with Noted Speakers

The Province 1 Christian Formation Network is hosting a series of online monthly

Conversations with Noted Speakers on Zoom. While hosted by the Episcopal churches of New England everyone is welcome to join these sessions.

On the third Thursday of most months’ participants will have the opportunity to hear from people at the forefront of Christian Formation. Each session includes time for questions and conversation as we learn from each other new ways of sharing our faith. Below is the information for our speakers for Winter/Spring 2025. To sign up click the links for each session.

Feb 20, 7pm ET

The Big Way of Love for Kids - Emily Kenniston, Kristin LeMay, and Tina Clark

Mar 20, 7pm ET

Becoming Intentionally Intergenerational - Wendy Claire Barrie

May 15, 7pm ET

The Gifts and Possibilities of a Parish [Lending] Library - The Rev. Angela Compton-Nelson

June 19, 7pm ET

Season of Creation as Congregational Development - The Rev. Amy Slaughter

Read program descriptions here

From The Episcopal Church

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Nominations to fill Executive Council vacancy accepted till Jan. 28

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400+ Episcopalians join church webinar to learn how to protect transgender, nonbinary people in uncertain times

Workshops, Conferences, Opportunities

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Sacred Ground / Office of Government Relations Webinar Collaboration

Jan 28, Feb 11, 1:15pm ET


"The Sacred Ground team is excited to announce a two-part webinar series featuring Alan Yarborough, the associate director of the Office of Government Relations of The Episcopal Church.

Session 1: Building Capacity for Engaging on Tough Topics

Session 2: Leading in the Public Square" 

Learn more and register

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Family Systems Theory, the Church & You: A Course for Local Church Pastors

Jan 29, Feb 12, & Feb 25, 10am

Rocky Hill, CT

"This course will consist of six modules shared over three on-site retreat days (10am-3pm) and focuses on the basics of Family Systems Theory (FST), how the dynamics in systems impacts the life of the church, and the pastor's unique role within the system. It is created to be informative, interactive, and relevant to each participant's setting, while providing new insights into their ministry and local church setting. In addition to informative content, there will be ample opportunity to explore several personal case studies brought forward by participants. Lunch will be provided between the morning and afternoon sessions."

Learn more and register


Project Resource, Spring 2025

Mar 9, Mar 16, Mar 23, Mar 30, Apr 6, 5pm ET


"Project Resource teaches culture and systems change around financial development in the worldwide Episcopal Church. Project Resource provides teaching, focus, and adaptable resources to equip clergy and lay leaders to develop their year-round annual stewardship campaigns and to plan, ask for, and receive major gifts."

Learn more and register

Ministerio Hispano | Latino Ministries

Ministerio Hispano San Pablo en Holyoke

  • Misa Dominical - 5:00pm en persona

La Catedral en Springfield

  • Misa Dominical - 12:15pm en persona
  • Estudio Bíblico - (en persona) Miércoles 6:00pm
  • Sabatina - (Segundo, tercer y cuarto sábado del mes) de 10am a 12pm

Ministerio Hispano San Marcos en Worcester

  • Misa Dominical - 12:00pm en persona
  • Marie’s Mission - (diaper distribution program) first Saturday of every month from 10:00am-12:00pm
  •  Thrift Shop - open the first Saturday of every month from 10:00am-12:00pm
  •  Karate Classes - every Wednesday and Friday from 5:30pm-7:00pm
  •  Prayer group - every Friday at 7pm on WhatsApp 
  •  AA meetings - every Tuesday and Saturday from 7:00pm-8:00pm

Para conectar con las actividades de la Catedral mande un email a ap735@earthlink.net.

Para conectar con las actividades del Ministerio Hispano en Worcester visite el sitio web ministeriohispanoworcester.org o mande un email a jreyes@diocesewma.org.

Mission Matters Publishing Schedule

Upcoming 2025 Mission Matters publish dates:

  • Feb 4th and 18th
  • Mar 4th and 18th
  • Apr 1st, 15th, and 29th
  • May 13th and 27th
  • Jun 10th and 24th
  • Jul 8th and 22nd

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