Because Presbyterians will pray with you in the drive-thru:
Covenant Presbyterian Church offers Drive-Thru Prayer the first week of the school year, Aug. 19-23, Monday-Friday from 7 to 9 a.m. We're wondering if we can get prayer delivered like Uber Eats...
The Board of Pensions is Waltzing Across Texas
The Board of Pensions will be in Mission Presbytery at various location from August 19-22 to talk about benefits and to offer
Healthy Pastor, Healthy Congregation
To learn more about the dates/locations of these events, including what is being offered, click on the link below.
Mediation Skills Training Offered
Mediation Skills Training Institute for Church Leaders
will be offered this fall
(November 18-22, 2019)
at the
Epworth United Methodist Church in Arlington, TX
(new location as of 7/31/2019). Acquire 32 contact hours that you can apply towards Continuing Education credits; enjoy fellowship with like-minded church leaders; and rejuvenate your ministry, all at the same time!
To register for this outstanding interdenominational training event, fill out and submit the registration form on this
or register online at
Brown Paper Tickets
(a small service fee will be assessed for online registration). PLEASE NOTE: The deadline by which to register for
and to receive a
$200 tuition discount
Oct. 18, 2019
Moral Monday movement draws hundreds in El Paso
An El Paso immigration center was forced to close down for a time on Monday as hundreds of clergy and social justice groups demonstrated against the treatment of asylum seekers along the U.S./Mexico border. The multifaith gathering was organized...
Read more
Mission Presbytery attendees included:
Sarah De la Fuente, Parish Associate, Central Presbyterian Church, Austin
Charlie Becker-Hornes, Member-at-large
Chad Lawson, Canyon Lake Presbyterian Church
Do you know a recent high school graduate or young adult living in the San Antonio area who is struggling to connect with a faith community? Forest Hills Presbyterian Church is launching a new initiative this fall to explore spirituality through various thematic weekend camping trips. All costs have been paid for through the 787 Collective, an effort of Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary to connect with the growing number of religious “none’s” across in the Austin/San Antonio area. If you or someone you know is interested in joining the project, or if you have any other questions, please contact Rev. Reuben Lashley at
Buy tickets and learn more about the artists at
Tickets are $15
George Kluber
It is with somber joy that we share the Rev. George Kluber (HR) died on July 20th at his home in Fredericksburg. Rev. Kluber joined Mission Presbytery as a Honorably Retired pastor in 1995 and served for a while as a parish associate at First, Kerrville. A private family service is being planned for a later date. Our prayers are with the family and friends of Rev. Kluber.
David Moore
We give thanks for the life of Rev. David Moore (HR), who died on July 11th. David dedicated most of his 92 years to Christian ministry and counseling as a Presbyterian minister and a mental health chaplain. A memorial service is scheduled for September 7th in Davis, CA
Seminars, Workshops, Programs
- Stewardship Kaleidoscope (Sept. 30-Oct. 2)
- Fall Educators' Retreat at JKR (Oct 3-4)
- Just Worship Retreat for Musicians/Worship Leaders at APTS (Sept. 30- Oct. 2)
- Mo Ranch Retreat for Pastors (Oct. 1-3)
- Back to School BBQ & Groundbreaking for San Antonio PCHAS Campus (August 10)
- REFOCUS: A Learning Community of Care for People Who Work with Youth (Oct. 21-23)
- Playology Workshop in Corpus Christi (August 10)
- Adaptive Leadership Seminar -including simulcast option for RGV (August 24)
Join us for fellowship and fun at our annual Back-to-School BBQ event that includes a special groundbreaking celebration for our San Antonio campus expansion.
Saturday, August 10 from 10:30 am - 1:30 pm
PCHAS' San Antonio Campus
6355 Whitby Road, San Antonio, TX 78240
Registration for Pastors Retreat Extended to August 31
For all you Jeopardy players, and those who aren’t.
he answer is
The question: Is it not too late to sign up for the Pastors Retreat, Oct. 1-3 at Mo Ranch?
Deadline extended until August 31!
Whit Brodman is our guest speaker, with some surprises as well. Time to relax, learn, have fun, make some noise, and find blessed silence surrounded by the beauty of Mo Ranch. But time will go by quickly, so e-mail
for more information.
Because Presbyterians love group poses (in Cuba):
UFPC Youth safely returned home after a wonderful time in Cuba! The trip was described as "Beautiful and meaningful beyond words."
Schreiner University
seeks a Church Relations Specialist.
We are Mission Presbytery, serving Christ in the World. In the Reformed Tradition, together we,
- Establish and equip congregations and session to carry out their missions;
- Recruit, receive, ordain, develop, and care for those called to service in the church;
- Enable mission and witness to the Gospel that congregations cannot accomplish alone; and
- Steward our resources faithfully and generously.
We are better together.