Because Presbyterians love to ring and sing!

The youth of New Braunfels Presbyterian Church rang while the elementary children sang for a Sunday service.




February 9, 2023

Stated Meeting of Mission Presbytery

March 3-4, 2023 | Covenant Presbyterian Church, San Antonio

The Stated Meeting of Mission Presbytery will be held at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 211 Roleto Dr., San Antonio, TX 78213


We are delighted to be meeting in person for this meeting, and ask that you please take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and others against COVID.  Masks are encouraged. 


Snacks and beverages will be provided by Covenant Presbyterian and San Antonio region churches.  Meals are on your own.

There will be a Proposed Amendments Informational Meeting in the Sanctuary from 1:30-3:00 for those that wish to discuss the amendments we'll be voting on during the meeting.


If you are a new, first-time commissioner, there will be a New Commissioner Training at 3:00 in the Emmaus room on Friday. The business portion will begin with the Commission on Ministry at 4:00 pm. Saturday business will be from 9:00am-noon.

Click here to register for meeting


Childcare will be provided at Covenant, but you MUST register by Thursday, February 16th.  

Click here to register for child care


Visitors are welcome!

There will be no Zoom option for this meeting. Live streaming will be available via our Facebook channel.


We look forward to seeing you all in person.

News From the Presbytery Staff

From Accounting: 2022 Contribution Statements have all been sent out, a few via regular mail but largely this year by email. Please check your email inbox for your contribution statement. If by some chance you haven't received it, please contact the office and we will follow up. 

From the Stated Clerk: You Clerks of Session know this, but it's Statistical Report Season. Remember, please, not to wait until the last minute to file yours. If you do, you'll be joining hundreds of other last-minute filers from across the denomination and will be part of a computer logjam! Sooner is always better. 

From the San Antonio-based staff: after some conversation with the Human Resource Team, Mondays and Fridays will now be "work-from-home" days. Office hours will NOT change. We will still be at our desks Monday through Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. But the Broadway office will be closed on Mondays and Fridays.

From Synod of the Sun Partnership for Disaster Recovery

Disaster Preparedness Calendar

Click HERE for a printable version

The Souper Bowl of Caring’s vision is to use the energy of the NFL’s Super Bowl to mobilize youth in a united, national effort to care for people in their local  

communities who are hungry and in need.  

In the same light, the Mission Presbytery Souper Bowl Smackdown aims to use the energy of the NFL’s Super Bowl to mobilize our local churches in a united regional effort and a friendly competition to care for people in our local communities who are hungry and those in need.  

This year, we’re going even bigger, and the congregations of Mission Presbytery will be teaming up to compete against two other Texas Presbyteries, Grace and New Covenant. We will still award the belt to the congregation with the most cans per capita in Mission Presbytery, but our focus will be on banding together to collect the most cans we can. 

Collecting begins Sunday, January 1, 2023. 

Collecting ends Sunday, February 12, 2023, at 1: p.m. 

Count totals are due Tuesday, February 14, 2023, at 12:00 noon 

The champion will be the church with the highest total number of food items and monetary donations per capita by Sunday, February 12, 2023.  

Churches can sign up to participate in the competition here:

Click HERE for more information and registration

Stated Clerk's Notes

Ice storms and tree limbs. Statistical reports and Presbytery Meetings. People who offer help in the storm and forgiveness when we need it.

May we feel with God's heart. In this weeks edition of Notes.

Click HERE for the Stated Clerk's Notes

In the News

Ice Storm Volunteer Clean Up at JKR

Saturday Feb 11. 9:30am to 4pm. Free Lunch provided. Come for all or part. Sign up here:

Bring: work clothes, chain saws, loppers, safety glasses, work gloves. (we will have tools to share)

Like much of the Texas hill country, John Knox Ranch was hit hard by the recent ice storm. It will take a massive effort to get camp cleaned up but together we can do hard things! The work involves chainsaws, loppers, and lots of hauling big piles of brush. Please only bring kids that are capable of working productively in a safe manner. You are welcome to take some firewood home with you!

Contact the office if you would like to stay the night

Summer Camp 2023 at John Knox Ranch

Registration is OPEN at Sign up Today!

At John Knox Ranch, we foster experiences of Christian community in the beauty of God’s creation. JKR is a place where love, acceptance, grace, and FUN flow freely.

JKR offers resident camp for students entering grades 2 – 12 and day camp for kids ages 4 – 8.

Campers enjoy swimming, archery, rappelling, rock climbing, arts and crafts, nature discovery, ropes challenge course, Bible study and spiritual formation, canoeing, sharing homemade family-style meals, overnight campouts, and more.

Attending camp at JKR helps children and youth develop social and interpersonal skills, a sense of self, and an understanding of our place in and responsibility for this pretty planet. JKR is a place where all are welcome; where identity is formed through self-awareness and service, where differences are celebrated; where children grow into counselors, counselors become leaders, and leaders bring patience, inclusion, and excellent servant leadership to their own professions and communities.

We don’t know how Covid cases will look in our nation or local area this summer. We are planning an amazing summer of outdoor adventures, fresh air, and friendships. We will develop a safety plan that is appropriate for whatever the reality is when we get to summer, and we will keep you posted throughout the spring. 

Register today.  Scholarship applications are available during the registration process. Last summer, most of our sessions filled up and we created long waiting lists. Sign up early to secure your child's spot!

Click HERE for more information

Womanist Scholar at Trinity University

Dr. Gafney is a womanist biblical scholar and the Right Rev. Sam B. Hulsey Professor of Hebrew Bible at Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth, Texas. She is the author of A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church and also of Womanist Midrash. She is an Episcopal priest, a former Army chaplain and congregational pastor in the AME Zion Church. A former member of the Dorshei Derekh Reconstructionist Minyan of the Germantown Jewish Center in Philadelphia, she has also co-taught courses with and for the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Seminary.

This lecture is free and open to the public, and no tickets are needed. If you have any questions, contact Trinity University Chaplain Rev. Alex Serna-Wallender at

Mo Ranch Minute for Mission

We See You!

Because Presbyterian love to decorate for occasions!

The fellowship hall of First Presbyterian Church of Mission was lovingly decorated for their Winter Texas appreciation luncheon.

Leadership Openings

Read more information about all of the following postings on the "Leadership Openings" page of our website at:

Part-Time Pastor | First/Beeville

Development Officer, Austin-Central TX |

Presbyterian Children's Homes and Services

Part-Time Children and Youth Ministry Coordinator |

Central Presbyterian Church/Austin

Part-Time Director of Worship Technology and IT |

First Presbyterian Church/Georgetown

Halftime Director of Music | Covenant Presbyterian Church

Director of Congregational Innovation |

Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Part-time Nursery Attendant | Northminster/San Antonio

Stated Supply Pastor | First/Mission

Pastor/Head of Staff |First/Kerrville

Part-time Church Life Administrator. | Emmanuel/San Antonio

PRN-on-call chaplain position. | Hospice Austin

Resources and Links

As Mission Presbytery, we connect diverse leaders and congregations by

providing opportunities for worship, learning, and service so that all can flourish

through God’s grace.

Facebook  Twitter  Instagram  Youtube