Because Presbyterians love to learn new skills for ministry

Austin Seminary students and faculty travel to APCE for a Jan Term course.




February 1, 2024

In Memoriam

We are sad to report that Rev. Tom Heger died in San Antonio on Wednesday morning, January 31, 2024. He was 81. We do not have any details at this time but will send an email when we do. 

"Precious in Your sight, O God, is the death of Your faithful ones."

Psalm 116:15

Adventure Camp at JKR

NEW Summer Program: Adventure Camp. Campers will camp out each night at JKR, sleeping in hammocks (that you get to keep!) and simple covered shelters. Our classic resident camp program will be the foundation of the experience while adding camping experiences like outdoor cooking, hiking, fire building, etc. For rising 9th - 11th.

Making History Today:

Purveyors of Presbyterian History

by Presbyterian Historical Society of the Southwest

James S. Currie, Executive Secretary

On the frontispiece of his Making History: The Storytellers Who Shaped the Past Richard Cohen includes two quotes, one from E. H. Carr and one from Hilary Mantel. Carr is quoted as having said, “Before you study the history, study the historian” (in What Is History?). In The Reith Lectures Mantel writes, “Beneath every history, there is another history – there is, at least, the life of the historian.” 

While it is important to remember that whoever writes history has his or her own perspective, it is also important to be grateful for the time, effort, research, and joy that is taken by these persons to put in writing that perspective of what happened, who was involved, and why it is important. Presbyterians have been fortunate in having persons who have not only seen the importance of their own heritage, but have labored to write about it. 

How Are You Flourishing?

Mission Presbytery’s theme for 2024 is “Flourishing,” and we want to know how our congregations are flourishing. What’s happening at your church that has you bursting with pride? What service project has blossomed recently and taken on a life of its own within your congregation? How are your members learning and growing in their faith in unexpected ways?  How have your members come together to form deep and meaningful relationships with one another?

Please tell us all about it! In fact, we want you to SHOW us all about it. At the March meeting, we will feature video stories from congregations throughout the Presbytery during the time between Presbytery business and reports. Please record a short video highlighting something that is going well in your church right now. Tell us why it matters to your congregation and how it is helping you to flourish. 

Submit videos and questions to Caitlin at by February 12th. We can’t wait to see what you have been up to!

Souper Bowl Smackdown Collections Have Begun!

Have you signed up for the Souper Bowl Smackdown yet? Sign up your church today and start collecting. Bragging rights and the super awesome championship belt are on the line! Some churches are already collecting food for their neighbors. Do you want to be a part of the Smackdown? Sign up at the link below so we can Tackle Hunger together.

In the News


Dodgeball is fast approaching!!  The Youth Groups of the San Antonio and Hill Country Regions will gather at First Presbyterian Kerrville on Sunday, February 18th, for a Dodgeball Tournament! Any youth group who can get there is invited! Registration and lunch will be available starting at 1 pm then dodgeball games and rotations from 2-5 pm.

Every youth and adult participant must complete a waiver from the FPC Kerrville website:

Contact Emily McAllister ( with any questions. See you there!

Click HERE for more information and registration

Free Movie Screening

University Presbyterian Church

and The SoL Center

Invite You to a Free Movie Screening

Sunday, February 18, 2024 -

3 p.m. - 5 p.m.

UPC Sanctuary

300 Bushnell Ave, San Antonio, TX 78212

Click HERE for more information and to make a reservation

We See You!

Because Presbyterians love food drives

First Presbyterian Church of Austin filled the pantry of Manos de Cristo with part of their Souperbowl of Caring campaign.

Leadership Openings

Read more information about all of the following postings on the "Leadership Openings" page of our website at:

Long Term Substitute Math Teacher | Presbyterian Pan American School

Chief Financial Officer | Presbyterian Pan American School

University Minister | Schreiner University

Part-Time Piano/Organ Musician | First/Port Lavaca

Stated Supply Pastor | First/Uvalde

Part-Time Piano Player | Pipe Creek/Pipe Creek

IT Director | First/Kingsville and Pan American School

Job Opportunities with Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

in English, Español, 한국인

Part-Time Scouting Coordinator | Covenant/San Antonio

Part-Time Pastor | First/Beeville

Part-time Church Life Administrator. | Emmanuel/San Antonio

PRN-on-call chaplain position. | Hospice Austin

Resources and Links

Matthew 25 Website

Campus Ministries in Mission Presbytery

PC(USA) Mental Health Ministry

Shared Mission Support (2024 remittance forms)

Resources from Presbyterian Publishing Corporation

Austin Theological Seminary

Trinity University

Schreiner University

UKirk Collegiate Ministries

Mission Presbytery Presbyterian Women

Austin College

John Knox Ranch

Presbyterian Children's Homes and Services


Presbyterian Foundation

Texas Impact

Texas Presbyterian Foundation

Presbyterian Outlook

Presbyterian Pan American School

Synod of the Sun

SoL Center Classes

As Mission Presbytery, we connect diverse leaders and congregations by

providing opportunities for worship, learning, and service so that all can flourish

through God’s grace.

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