January 23, 2024

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Rev. Maho, our leader in Ivory Coast, asks us to join them in praying for continued opportunities for evangelism in Ivory Coast.

Praise the Lord for using Wesley Missionary Institute (WMI) graduates. Churches are being planted in new areas of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. Pray God will continue to lead these men and women in reaching new areas with the gospel. Pray for the third class of students at WMI as they arrive in early February to begin their studies.


Praise the Lord for what He is doing in the Ilocos region of the Philippines. In September 2023, Alan and Ammabelle Bacus and three student missionaries began work with university students in the area. This month they held a retreat where they welcomed 15 young people as new believers and baptized eight of them. Pray for these new believers and the continued movement of the Holy Spirit in this university campus and the surrounding community.

Pray for missionary David Clemente as he travels to Creative Access-MY this week to strengthen partnerships with two local churches and a children's literacy program.


Praise the Lord! This past weekend the Free Methodist Church in São Tomé and Príncipe celebrated their 5th anniversary. Pray for international missionaries from Portugal, Moisés and Jacione Souza, as they continue to lead this young and growing work.

January 28 is the next "Brunch Church" at the ministry center in Budapest, Hungary. Pray those who come will continue to witness God's abundant love and grace and have hearts open to hear and receive from Jesus.


Despite the recent unrest and violence in Ecuador, the annual meeting of this mission district will take place January 26-28. Continue to pray for God's peace in Ecuador. Also, pray the Holy Spirit will anoint the Free Methodist leaders gathered this weekend to be agents of peace and light in their communities.

The Harbor Emerging Student Leaders Project in Buenos Aires, Argentina, has welcomed three new students: Camilla (Argentina), Ariel (Ecuador), and Andres (Venezuela). Please pray for these young leaders as they navigate all the transitions of leaving home to study. Ariel and Andres are far from their home country and families. Pray all three will be able to make good connections and build strong relationships in Buenos Aires.


Pray for a house church in Egypt that is located in a drug-infested area of a city. Ask the Father to help these faithful believers as they make a difference for Jesus in their neighborhood. Pray light will overcome the great darkness in this community.


Free Methodist World Missions gives thanks for the life and faithful service of Paul Dyer who passed away on Saturday, January 20. He and his first wife, Jean, served in Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo) for 20 years. Jean preceded him in death in 2010. Visitation will be held from 2-4 pm Sunday, January 28, at Linnemann Family Funeral Home in Burlington, Kentucky. The funeral service will follow at 4 pm. Please join us in prayer for the Dyer family.


This week, join us in giving thanks for the Doctor Buconyori Free Methodist Boys High School in Soy, Kenya. Please pray the young men in this school will diligently study and continue to seek Christ.

Learn more about ICCM


Pray for the many U.S. churches participating in Freedom Sunday on January 28. As they worship, pray and learn together, ask the Father to unite congregations and give a clear vision of how they can be involved in the fight to end human trafficking.


It is not too late to register your church. Register here

Learn more about the Set Free Movement


Pray for these serving in the next two weeks:

  • Jeff Yerger leads a team of 23 to Mexico from January 26 to February 6. They will stay at Rancho Betania, work on a building project in Santana, and hold a vision clinic.
  • Trevor Owen leaves on January 28 to do ICCM work in Togo, Guinea Bissau and Liberia.

Learn more about VISA Ministries


Please read these current newsletters to inform you of prayer needs from our missionary team:

Kevin Austin (Set Free Movement)

Guy & Betsy Crawford

Thad & Nikki Roller

Andrea Tinsley


PDF versions of the January 2024 Heartbeat and Prayer Guide are available here:

January Heartbeat (PDF)

January Prayer Guide (PDF)

Global Adventures

Check out this new resource for children grades 1-6. It is free and downloadable here.


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In Better Hands (newsletter)

Men's Ministries International

The Free Methodist Church has ministry in more than 100 world areas.

Free Methodist World Missions makes disciples by mobilizing the global church and empowering international leaders to establish transformational churches.
Free Methodist World Missions, P.O. Box 51710, Indianapolis, IN 46251
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