June 7, 2022
Please pray for the FM churches in Ethiopia. They recently set aside ten days for fasting, prayer and evangelism programs. On the first day of outreach, 11 people were arrested by the police and placed in jail for two days. They are experiencing strong opposition, and some have been beaten. Even with this resistance, they are continuing to share the good news. Pray God will give them boldness, strength and encouragement and that many will come to faith in Christ.
Please pray for Asia Area Director Eric and Virginia as they leave June 13 to make their first trip to Thailand and Creative Access Asia-VN since the beginning of the pandemic. Pray for them as they navigate new travel requirements. Ask the Father to give them good health and effectiveness in ministry.

A Campus Missionary Training Course will be conducted in the Philippines from June 10-12. Ask the Father to give wisdom, provision and strength to all the participants. Pray the presence of the Holy Spirit will inhabit the lives of those preparing for campus ministries in universities across the Philippines.

Thank the Lord and pray for new connections in a country bordering Creative Access Asia-NP.
Pray for international missionaries Michael and Tanya Mendakoff and their children as they travel to the U.S. and begin sharing with U.S. churches, raising awareness of the conflict and crisis in eastern Europe. Continue to pray for God to bring peace to this region.

Praise the Lord for spiritual growth in Hungary. There is now ministry in Budapest, Győr, Pécs, Szigetvár and Veszprém. People in these fellowships are pursuing a closer relationship with God. Please pray more people will come to faith, and more doors for ministry will open across Hungary.
More than 100 pastors, superintendents and leaders across Latin America will gather Saturday, June 11, for an online seminar focusing on Wesleyan Theology. Please pray for these leaders as they learn and grow together.

The Gómez family returns to Colombia this week following the Latin America missionary retreat. They continue to deal with details related to the break-in at their home just before the retreat. Particularly pray the Lord will provide resources to replace essentials like the four computers taken from their home.
Families from the majority religious background who have come to faith in Christ are often persecuted by relatives and others in their community. Pray for God's protection over them. Pray they will be a blessing to others, and many will come to Christ through the testimony of their lives.
Please continue to join us in praying for the needs of Ukrainian children in countries across Europe. Click here to watch a video about the needs of Ukrainian refugees.

Praise the Lord for the Set Free team in Decatur, Illinois! They are raising funds to bless the staff of Eden's Glory with their third annual staff retreat. Pray this retreat will be a time of encouragement and refreshment.

Retired missionaries Tim and Connie Kratzer will travel to the Democratic Republic of Congo on June 11. Pray for them as they prepare for the trip, especially for negative COVID tests before travel.
Please read these current newsletters to inform you of prayer needs from our missionary team:
PDF versions of the June 2022 Heartbeat and Prayer Guide are available here:

The new FMWM Ministry Prayer Directory has been mailed. If you wish to receive additional copies please email janet.coates@fmcusa.org.
The Free Methodist Church has ministry in more than 100 world areas.

Free Methodist World Missions makes disciples by mobilizing the global church and empowering international leaders to establish transformational churches.