May 23, 2023
Area Director Mike Reynen will travel to Guinea and Cameroon in the next two weeks. He will be accompanied by Daryl and David Diddle. They will visit church planting work and participate in baptismal services in Guinea. Time in Cameroon will include baptisms, reception of new members, and the mission district meeting with ordinations. Pray for God's presence in these events.
Praise the Lord! Seventeen were ordained as elders, and 20 conference ministerial candidates were accepted during the annual meeting in Creative Access Asia-NP last week. Pray for these leaders.

Last week Cyclone Mocha hit Creative Access-MR and Creative Access-BG. It was the strongest storm ever to make landfall in Creative Access-MR and tied for the strongest storm recorded in the North Indian Ocean. Nearly 500 deaths have been reported, and more than 500,000 people have been displaced. Pray for a large refugee area where we have FM work. Many shelters and homes were destroyed there. Pray for communication to be restored and aid to reach those most needy.

Around 30 Asian leaders are in Siem Reap, Cambodia, for training time this week. Pray the investment of time, resources and knowledge will help exponentially expand the Kingdom in Asia.
This week participants from Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the U.K., will gather in Madrid, Spain, for training, sharing, and fellowship. The FMC in Europe is partnering with the International Leadership Institute (ILI). ILI training helps leaders discover Eight Core Values uniquely designed to effectively spread the gospel, change history, and make an impact in this world. Pray for the participants and facilitators.
Area Director Ricardo Gómez travels to Mexico May 25-29 to assist with the meeting of the Pacific Annual Conference. Pray for his travel and God’s presence and direction in this annual meeting.

The current political situation in Ecuador is one of tension and instability. Please pray for God's peace to reign.
Praise the Lord for the couple who will be the new directors of the Noor Center. Ask the Father to help them as they find housing and a vehicle and transition to a new culture. Pray they will discern all God has for them to do in this role.
Asia missionary Jill will undergo urgent eye surgery for a detached retina today (Tuesday, May 23). She had emergency laser eye surgery in Thailand in November, but the problem has escalated. Darin and Jill returned to Washington State yesterday after learning of the emergency. Pray for a successful surgery and a smooth recovery.

FMWM celebrates these high school graduates:
  • Jacob Clemente, son of missionaries David and Sarah Clemente, graduated from Macomb High School in Macomb, Illinois, on May 20. He plans to attend Missouri State University and major in Electronic Arts-Animation.
  • Alena Crouse, daughter of missionaries J.R. and Becky Crouse, will graduate on June 10 from Alliance Academy International in Quito, Ecuador. She plans to attend Azusa Pacific University.
  • Elias Leon, son of missionaries Dennis and Kyle Leon, graduated in Costa Rica and will attend Westmont College.
  • Elisha Takpale, daughter of international missionary Dosseh Takpale, graduated from Oakdale Christian Academy in Jackson, Kentucky, on May 13. She will attend Heartland School of Leadership Development in Fishers, Indiana.
Pray for these young people as they make significant life transitions in the coming months.
The Good Shepherd School in Managua, Nicaragua, serves more than 100 children through ministry in the nation’s capital. Pray for the ICCM staff, students at the school, and those children who still need sponsors.

Thu is the new regional Set Free Leader on the mainland of Southeast Asia. Pray for her as she works to understand the predominant trafficking vulnerabilities in the region and connects with organizations already at work to address these issues. Ask God to give her wisdom and strong connections as she leads others in tackling the immense trafficking problem.

Join the next Set Free prayer call at noon on May 31. Click here for the link.

Pray for these serving in Asia:
  • Bishop Emeritus Matt and Marlene Thomas - ministering in Thailand, Creative Access-NP and Cambodia - May 14 to 29
  • Chris and Kaydi Hemberry from Foothill Church in the Sierra Pacific Conference - ministering in Cambodia and Thailand - May 19 to June 2

Please read these current newsletters to inform you of prayer needs from our missionary team:
PDF versions of the May 2023 Heartbeat and Prayer Guide are available here:
The Free Methodist Church has ministry in more than 100 world areas.

Free Methodist World Missions makes disciples by mobilizing the global church and empowering international leaders to establish transformational churches.