June 2022
American Red Cross Blood Drive: July 17
Sardis Presbyterian Church is proud to sponsor our next blood drive with the American Red Cross on July 17, 2022. If you are eligible, please come out to donate. Most donations take about an hour, so please book your appointment, roll up your sleeve and become a part of the lifesaving mission of the Red Cross and Sardis. Click here to schedule your appointment time.
Coming Up...
Kenya Mission Partnership
A Sardis Kenya Mission Partnership Team is planned for July 25 – August 5, ‘22. Upon their return home, the group will share about their experience during worship and Sunday School on August 21. Let us pray for these team members as they build relationships with the Baraka Congregation in Kenya and the Presbyterian Church of East Africa. Our group will spend time learning about and sharing in God’s love with our Kenyan companions and learning about God’s work in Kenya through our new church partners.
SMASH - Change for Change
The mission emphasis for this year's Sardis Music & Arts Summer Hoopla will be to collect change for “change.” The students and staff will be choosing one of Sardis’ mission partners to support with the change donations they collect at their presentation in worship on Sunday, August 14.  

Rising 2nd – rising 6th grade children are invited to bring a friend or a few to join the fun at SMASH and participate in mission efforts, August 8 - 12! Our days will be filled with theater, art, music, and games. Register online by July 24.
Save the Date: CROP Walk
Sunday, October 16, ’22, Sardis will join a larger community walk at Memorial Stadium. Remember to mark your calendars now; walk with friends or as a family.
Planting Seeds of Hope - Rama Rd. Elementary School Partnership
Pool For School Tools
Planting Seeds of Hope will hold the annual “pool for School Tools” drive July 24 - August 14. Place your school tools in the plastic pools provided in the Gathering Place. New this year: you can use our Amazon Wishlist to order items needed and have them delivered directly to Rama Road Elementary! 
Sardis Homework Helpers Make a Difference
Two Rama Road students, tutored by Sardis homework helpers, received year-end awards in their respective classes; one, receiving the “Grow Mindset Award” from her teacher; another, receiving the “Most Improved Award.” Congratulations to those students and their Sardis tutors. What a life changing experience for both student and tutor!
Changing Lives
Here at Sardis we have many opportunities to serve others and to spread our faith and the good news of Jesus’ love. We can:
  • Participate with others (mustard seed groups or circles) with monetary support of specific drive for local organizations.
  •  Influence our young families, parents and children by staffing the church hour nursery on Sunday mornings or helping at VBS.
  • Bring designated foods for pick up by Loaves and Fishes/Friendship Trays
  • Volunteer to deliver Friendship Trays
  • Donate blood

Whether you have a couple of hours to give your time or some extra cash, you are welcome to support Sardis activities within our community to show God’s love for all. Contact a member of our missions ministry with any interest in getting involved.

“…And now may the peace…”