Biden’s 30x30 land grab update!

It was only a matter of time before local land trusts were no longer in control of conservation easements and they became an asset of value. Landowners with their property encumbered with a conservation easement will begin seeing their development rights traded on the NY Stock exchange where national and international interests can invest in these resources and become the owner of these rights. The subservient landowner will now become the tenant under the control of the “Natural Asset Companies.

On October 4th, 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued a proposed rule to approve listing Natural Asset Companies (NACs) on the New York Stock Exchange. NACs are how elite investors would profit from the lands created by Biden’s 30x30 agenda as the permanent “protection” plan of at least 30 percent of the land and oceans by 2030.

If this rule is approved, it will allow investors such as Blackrock, Bill Gates, and possibly China to hold the rights to the land, water, air, and natural processes of the properties enrolled in the NACs. Small land trusts have accumulated enough development rights over the years to make this transfer of property rights attractive to investors. NGO land trusts will simply enroll their development and resource rights into the NACs and obtain huge financial gain without the landowner even being aware.

This land rights grab is alive and well in Montana where the USFWS is proposing a 5.8-million-acre Missouri Headwaters Conservation Area (MHCA) in SW Montana. Under the guise of obtaining Land and Water Conservation Funds for the purchase of additional Conservation Easements in the MHCA, the USFWS is really hoodwinking the public into believing there is no alternative agenda. Nothing could be further from the truth. The director of the USFWS is Martha Williams who has a long history of proposals removing people from the land. Her boss, Tracy Stone-Manning director of the BLM, was involved in a tree spiking incident to shut down the timber industry when she was with the Clark Fork Coalition. Her actions are well documented but she was never held accountable.

David Allen with the USFWS claimed at a meeting I attended that this MHCA designation “will have NO effect on the allowed uses of public lands within the 5.8 million acres” but in his next statement he admits “the plan for this area has not been written.” So, which is it David? You claim NO effect but there is NO plan. We expect there will be additional restrictions placed on the use of these public lands and any surface disturbance activity will surely be challenged in court by environmental organizations based on the location being within this new Missouri Headwaters Conservation Area. And with millions of dollars coming from the LWCF to purchase conservation easements in the MHCA, more property owners will find themselves at the mercy of foreign investors gaining control of their property.

There was overwhelming opposition to the MHCA at the 4 public meetings held by the USFWS but CBU knows this proposal is on track to be approved. This land grab plan has been in the works for years and only under the current Biden administration have the proponents found the support to move forward. The final plan is scheduled to be finalized in late 2024. How convenient!

It is important for people to comment and take action!


Comments can be submitted in multiple ways: 

Email: [email protected]

Mailing Address: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Attn: Ben Gilles, 922 Bootlegger Trail Great Falls, MT 59404

Call our Congressional delegation and urge them to defund Conservation Areas! Rescind the Land and Water Conservation Funds for this purpose! Defund every action the Biden Administration is using to implement 30x30.

Representative Ryan Zinke (202) 225-5628

Representative Matt Rosendale (202) 225-3211

Senator Steve Daines (202) 224-2651

Senator Jon Tester (202) 224-2644

As of this morning:

The House Pulled the Financial Services Appropriations Bill from Floor Debate

The bill that was to include consideration of Representative Harriet Hageman's (R-WY) amendment to defund the "Natural Asset Companies (NAC)" proposed rule has been pulled from further debate on the House floor yesterday. 

This is likely because the House Majority did not have the votes to pass the appropriations bill. 


This means the bill will likely be renegotiated and at some point, brought up for a floor vote again.

If you were following the proceedings yesterday, you would have seen that the floor skipped considering Amendment #62, which would have defunded the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) NAC proposed rule. 

What insiders tell us happened is the group of amendments before #62 were not offered as scheduled, reducing the Representative's 40-minute window to get to the floor down to one minute - an impossible task.

But now that the bill has been pulled, we are hopeful that the NAC proposed rule amendment #62 can be added back for consideration in the coming days. 


The time is now to call Representatives Rosendale and Zinke to express how critical it is that this amendment #62 be passed to defund the Securities and Exchange Commission NAC proposed rule!