If you regret signing the extreme abortion petition to enshrine the horrendous act of abortion in our Missouri Constitution, ACT NOW to have your name removed. You can only have your name removed BEFORE signatures are turned in, so you must ACT NOW!
This initiative petition will allow abortion for the full nine months of pregnancy – even painful late-term abortions. It will obliterate all of Missouri’s more than 52 pro-life laws protecting unborn children and their mothers, including parental consent for minors, health inspections for clinics, medical licensing for abortionists and even open the door to taxpayer-funded
Any voter who has signed an initiative petition may withdraw his/her signature from that petition by submitting to the Missouri Secretary of State (SOS), before the petition is filed with the SOS, a sworn statement requesting that his/her signature be withdrawn and affirming the name of the petition signed, the name the voter used when signing the petition, the address of the voter and the county of residence. It is a class A misdemeanor to knowingly file a false withdrawal statement with the SOS. (RSMo 116.110)
The Process to Withdraw Your Signature
1. Create a Sworn Statement: Draft a written statement that includes the following information:
• The name of the petition you signed
• The name you used when signing the petition
• Your address
• Your county of residence
Sample Statement:
Name Used When Signing Petition
Dear Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft,
Please remove my name immediately from the Constitutional Amendment to Article I, Relating to Reproductive Health Care, version 10 (2024-086), also known as “The Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative.” I reside in __________ County. I regret signing my name to this petition.
2. Swear Under Oath: The statement must be sworn under oath. You can do this by visiting a notary public.
3. Submit to the Secretary of State: Send the sworn statement to the Missouri Secretary of State. You can mail it or deliver it in person. Include your contact information so they can verify your identity.
Send/Deliver to:
Missouri Secretary of State
600 West Main Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101
4. Timing: You must submit the withdrawal before the petition is filed with the SOS. Once the petition is filed, your signature cannot be removed.
Please let us know if you request your signature be removed: 573-635-5110 or righttolife@missourilife.org. If you have questions or need further assistance, reach out to the Secretary of State’s office directly: 573-751-4936 or info@sos.mo.gov.