Guest Speaker
Greg Andersen
Iowa MUFON State Director
The Herb Shirmer Abduction and Iowa/Nebraska UFO Highlights
Greg is a retired Systems Analyst/Programmer with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Math. He has been the Iowa State Director for MUFON for 11 years. Greg was a member of APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization) in the mid 1970's. He has done multiple UFO related presentations at the University of Nebraska for over 10 years.
This is a webinar format rather than a meeting format so the speaker will not be able to see the attendees, nor will they be able to see each other. You may ask questions in the Q&A.
$2.99 pp fee
Your attendance helps cover ongoing costs for the operation of Missouri MUFON. Thank you!
Stay home, stay safe, and attend a Meeting! Mark your Calendar!
Due to limited space official MUFON members have first access to the waiting room at 6:15 pm-at 6:25 pm we will open the room to others, space permitting.
Pay $2.99 by clicking below. Do not share this link with anyone else or you won't be able to join.